National RTAP Releases 2 the Point Training
National RTAP's newest training product, 2 the Point Training, is a series of refresher training cards that can be given to drivers to review in the break room, at a safety meeting, and while waiting for a passenger to finish an appointment. Designed to be completed quickly, this product gives drivers the opportunity to use brief periods of down time on the job to review important training concepts.
Cards cover various topic areas, and each card has training content on the front and includes a quiz and sign-off area for both the trainee and supervisor on the back. The product also includes resources, such as a spreadsheet and answer key, that the training manager can use to track each drivers' training progress. The training manager can also use the blank MS Publisher template to create training cards specific to his/her agency's policies.
Directory of Trainers Coming to National RTAP
National RTAP staff is working on putting together a directory of trainers that serve our customers at the local, state, and national level. We need your help to put the directory together! We are currently compiling a list of trainers, including all contact information.
Please send us your suggestions for the directory with the following information:
-Trainer's name, email, phone number, address
-Where the trainer will travel, if applicable, and if known
-If you submit a trainer's name, please include your name, email, and phone number so we can reach you with any questions
If you are a transit trainer and would like to be included in the directory, please send us the above information.
What's New in the National RTAP Resource Library...
And other resources/information of interest...
Federal Transit Administration Updates
National RTAP Updates Technical Briefs
Did you know that National RTAP has technical briefs on all of the following subjects?
*Boards of Directors
*Customer Service
*Policies and Procedures
*Safety and Emergencies
*Federal Regulations
*Risk Management
*Performance Evaluations
We have recently updated the format of our technical briefs to align them with our current branding guidelines. To view the descriptions of all of our tech briefs, take a look at our Resource Catalog. You can find all of them in our Resource Library by typing the title into the search box near the top of our homepage, For assistance finding any of our resources, email Jess at