National RTAP New Free Web Application, Contact Builder, to be Released June 3rd
National RTAP in the Cloud's free Contact Builder is a web-based application that allows organizations to create, manage, and send messages to contact lists. For organizations that might be using cumbersome spreadsheets and listservs for their electronic communications, the Contact Builder web app allows administrators to easily and efficiently manage both their contacts and their electronic message campaigns in the same tool. We are pleased to announce that it will be released early next week, on June 3rd.
Product Features:
* User-friendly administrative interface * Featured message function that allows website visitors to view previously sent messages * Statistics for each message campaign including the open rate and bounce back information * Basic templates to visually enhance your emails * Ability to allow visitors to your website to self-subscribe to various types of notifications * Ability to send messages with images, hyperlinks and attachments * Tweet a highlight from your email without leaving the Contact Builder platform
Patti Monahan, Executive Director of National RTAP, says: "Contact Builder is the perfect tool for managing email communications with a customer group. If you maintain a contact list of riders, transit association members, or Section 5311 transit providers, consider using this latest National RTAP in the Cloud web app to make emailing newsletters, updates, and other messages simpler and more effective." This electronic messaging tool will be available June 3rd, and is free of charge. To access the Contact Builder web app at that time, as well as the full suite of National RTAP web apps, go to and create a National RTAP Cloud account for your organization.
Visit National RTAP at CTAA!
National RTAP is looking forward to seeing attendees of the Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) EXPO in Albuquerque next week! We will be at the Tribal Transit Summit prior to the main conference, and at Booth #733 during the EXPO. Come by the booth and drop off your business card for a chance to win an Amazon Kindle Fire! We will have copies of tech briefs, popular modules, and will be available to help answer your rural and tribal transit questions.
Federal Transit Administration/Department of Transportation Updates
What's New in the National RTAP Resource Library...
TCRP's Research Results Digest 107: Developing Partnerships between Transportation Agencies and the Disability and Underrepresented Communities describes the benefits to transit agencies and consumers of developing advisory committees and other partnerships with underrepresented communities.
Join National RTAP for a Three-Part GTFS Builder/ Online Trip Planner Workshop!
National RTAP is pleased to present the first workshop series intended to guide transit agencies through putting their trip data into Google Transit or other applications with National RTAP's GTFS Builder.
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Builder is a free tool designed to allow transit agencies to easily integrate their schedules into Google Transit or other online trip planners. The three-part series is cumulative, and will focus on three areas:
June 13, 2013 1:30 EDT - Introduction to GTFS Builder and Gathering Bus Stop Location Data
June 20, 2013 1:30 EDT - Building Schedules with Bus Stop Data
June 27, 2013 1:30 EDT - Completing a Basic Bus Route, Validating and Posting on Google