Thank You for Submitting Training Needs
Thanks to all who submitted their top 3 training needs! We will take those suggestions under consideration in talking about future training modules. Some of the topics suggested are already covered by National RTAP training modules. Below is a list of the training modules corresponding to the most common suggestions, which you can download from the National RTAP Resource Library, or order at no cost.
Boards That Perform addresses the roles, issues and responsibilities involved in being a transit board member.
Transportation Coordination (bottom of list) discusses benefits of coordination and provides examples of various approaches to partnerships.
Federal Transit Administration Updates
What's New in the National RTAP Resource Library...
TRB Accepting Proposals for Transit IDEA Program Funding
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) has issued an RFP for the Transit Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) Program. Awards are made up to $100,000 for early development and testing of cutting-edge and unproven concepts and ideas that will advance the transit industry. The due date for submitting Transit IDEA proposals has been extended to May 10, 2013.
2013 National Tribal Transportation Summit Recap
March's National Tribal Transportation Summit in Norman, OK, hosted by Southern Plains TTAP at Oklahoma State University, has been recapped. View photos from the event, presentations, and a summary.
NTD Reporting Deadline Rapidly Approaching
Announcement from the FTA: The regular reporting deadline for the National Transit Database for the 2012 Report Year is April 30, 2013. The 2012 Report Year is the data that will be used for the FY 2014 apportionments, including the Tribal Transit Formula apportionment for next year.