FTA Opens Online Dialogue On Transit Provider Representation in MPOs
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has begun a National Online Dialogue on Transit Provider Representation in Metropolitan Planning Organizations. The MAP-21 regulations introduce new requirements for the representation of transit providers in MPOs, and FTA invites the public to provide comments prior to forthcoming guidance on the issue. For more information, visit http://transitmpo.ideascale.com/.
New Federal Register Notices from U.S. DOT
The United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) has published the following Federal Register Notices of interest:
Notice of Retrospective Review of the Americans With Disabilities Act: Regulations for Over-the-Road Bus Operators; Request for Comments. Comments due April 29.
What's New in the National RTAP Resource Library...
Making the Most of MAP-21, a Transportation for America (t4a) publication, gives practical guidance about what MAP-21 means in terms of funding projects, performance measures, public transportation, and other affected areas.
And other reports of interest...
Clean Cities: Alternative Fuel Price Report is the latest edition of the U.S. Department of Energy's quarterly report about the prices of alternative and conventional fuels.
Crashworthiness Evaluation of Mass Transit Buses is an FTA Research report that evaluates the safety of current bus designs involved in crashes, and proposes guidelines for future bus designs.
Environmental Justice, Social Factors, and Gender-Related Issues in Transportation 2012, a Transportation Research Board (TRB) Transportation Research Record journal, contains several articles of relevance, including two on the impact and efficacy on Environmental Justice regulations.
Don't Wait Until the Last Minute...Submit Your Photos Now!
Submit your photos today for National RTAP's 2013 Photo Contest, "Putting Training to Work!" Submissions are due by March 29th at midnight, Eastern Time. To read the contest rules and download the consent forms needed with every photo submission, please view the press release on our home page. Questions can be directed to Jess Wallis at info@nationalrtap.org, or 888-589-6821.
Funding Reminder: Inclusive Planning Projects Program
The Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA), along with several other federal and national partners, is currently seeking applicants for one of 20 grants of up to $20,000 in its inclusive planning projects program.
All grant applications must be submitted by email to transitplanning4all@ctaa.org by 11:59PM ET on March 20, 2013. A teleconference for interested applicants will be held on March 5, 2013 at 2PM ET. Call in number: 800-245-1683. Pass code: 267438.
National Rural Transportation Conference Accepting Presentation Abstracts
The 2013 National Rural Transportation Conference in Greenville, SC is still accepting presentation abstracts. The April 24-26 conference draws the transportation planning community, and organizers are seeking proposals especially from "individuals affiliated with regional planning or economic development organizations or regional transportation planning organizations (RTPOs)" and other related professionals.
NCST, Aging Network's Volunteer Collaborative
Volunteer Driver Programs: What's the Risk?
March 7, 2-3:30
Transit Call Centers: A Front Line in Customer Service
March 27, 2-3:30PM
ESPA Frequently Asked Questions on the ADA: Fixed Route and Paratransit
April 10, 2-3:30PM
ESPA Introduction to Travel Training April 22-24 Nashville, TN
CTAA EXPO June 2-7 Albuquerque, NM For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our new EventShare Calendar!
All event times listed as Eastern Time |
How to Find Training and Information at nationalrtap.org
National RTAP has several excellent resources to help you find training materials and information about many aspects of rural and Tribal transit.
To find training materials, including training books, presentations, self-paced learning, and videos, download the National RTAP Resource Catalog.
The Catalog also lists our technical briefs, which are short how-to's, best practices, and information pieces on a variety of topics. Our complete selection of Web Apps can be found near the end.
Once you have chosen a training module or technical brief of interest, search for it on our homepage, www.nationalrtap.org, in the Resource Library search bar. You can download all print materials directly from our Resource Library, and can order copies of complete training modules. For more information about searching, downloading and ordering, view our how-to guide.
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.
Contact us:
Main: 5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.: 1050 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20036, 202-772-2039