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National RTAP Announces 2013 Photo Contest, 
"Putting Training to Work"

National RTAP is pleased to announce the fourth annual Photos Across Rural and Tribal America photo contest, with the theme, "Putting Training to Work." Photo submissions should depict an aspect of training within your rural or Tribal transit system. Whether it is an image demonstrating an activity covered in training, or a photograph of training taking place, we want to see your interpretation of "Putting Training to Work!" Prizes for this year's winners are an Olympus TG-1iHS 12 MP Waterproof Digital Camera with 4x Optical Zoom for the winner, and a $250 American Express Gift Cheque for the runner-up. 

To read the contest rules and download the consent forms needed with every photo submission, please view the press release on our home page. Questions can be directed to Pam DiGiovanni at pdigiovanni@nationalrtap.org, or 888-589-6821. 
The Federal Transit Administration has published a Federal Register Notice for the FY2012 Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program project selections. A total of $15.5 million was appropriated to Tribal projects, including planning activities, capital investment, and operating costs. For a list of amounts appropriated to Tribes, view the Federal Register Notice here
New Journal of Public Transportation Released

The Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the University of South Florida released Volume 15, Number 4 of the Journal of Public Transportation. This issue includes an article about planning public transportation networks, a cost examination of a fare-free ADA complementary transit service in Illinois, and an evaluation of three wheelchair securement systems by transit operators. To view the articles, visit CUTR's Journal of Public Transportation page
ESPA Presents Online Course for New ADA Complementary Paratransit Managers
Easter Seals Project Action (ESPA) will be running a free online course for new ADA Complementary Paratransit Managers, "Excellence in Service for Paratransit Managers." The 10-week course includes five learning modules presented in a variety of media. Topics covered include history of the disability movement, engaging the disability community in your area, and fostering a greater understanding of ADA and sensitivity towards people with disabilities. Easter Seals expects the course to take approximately 15 hours per participant, including homework, online discussions, and course activities. The starting date of the first class is January 14th, and the course runs until March 29th. To find out more information or to sign up, visit ESPA's Training Page. 
Changes to New Starts/Small Starts Program
The Federal Transit Administration has announced significant changes to the New Starts/Small Starts funding program. The program updates include a streamlined approach to measuring the cost-effectiveness of a proposed project, an expansion of the environmental benefits used to evaluate projects, new economic development factors that will be included in the rating process, and generally reducing red tape. In FY2012, the New Starts/Small Starts program funded approximately $2 billion of transit projects, including bus rapid transit. For more information about this program, view the FTA's News Release.
Transit Asset Management Dialogue Extended

The Federal Transit Administration online dialogue on Transit Asset Management has been extended until January 18th. A Transit Asset Management plan is a new requirement under MAP-21, and the dialogue aims to allow transit agencies to give feedback on key aspects of the new legislation, including how the FTA will handle the new rule. To participate, go to http://tam.ideascale.com/
Jobs-Related Paratransit Reports from Rutgers

The Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers University published two reports in December. As part of the Meeting the Transportation Needs of Persons with Disabilities in New Jersey five-year plan, A Strategy for Getting People With Disabilities to Work provides insights on funding sources and best practices to address transportation barriers for persons with disabilities who work. The report focuses on work-related paratransit in New Jersey. Also centered in New Jersey, Connecting to Jobs by Connecting to Transit evaluates a pilot project in place at eight New Jersey transportation agencies to connect persons with disabilities to jobs using public transportation. 
January 10, 2013
January 10, 2-3:30

January 24-25
Austin, TX

National RTAP Webinar: Introduction to the National RTAP EventShare Web App
January 30, 2-3:00
Online--Registration information to come

February 3-June 9
Online Certificate Program
February 19-21
Cincinnati, OH
Feburary 19-21 
Durham, NC
April 22-24 
St. Louis Park, MN

April 9-11
Phoenix, AZ

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Hot Topic: Drug and Alcohol Resources

Some highlights contained and linked to in the National RTAP Resource Library are:

To view all of the resources compiled about Drug and Alcohol Compliance and Testing, visit the National RTAP Resource Library, check "Drug and Alcohol" under Subjects, and click "Search."
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.