FTA Publishes the FY13 Tribal Transit Program Federal Register Notice
The Federal Transit Administration is seeking comment on several aspects of the Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program (Tribal Transit Program), including the methodology for the formula allocation and assumptions made about who is eligible, terms and conditions for the formula and discretionary components of the program, and how the discretionary program resources should be allocated. Comments must be submitted by January 8, 2013. To view the Federal Register notice and find out where to send comments, click here for the PDF or here for the FTA's Federal Register Notices page.
NCHRP Seeks Survey Responses for Pandemic Planning and Response Guide
The National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) is seeking survey responses from the National RTAP community to identify best practices in pandemic planning and response. The report will target small and rural transit agencies, and the authors invite input from agencies, state DOTs, and emergency managers. The survey will take less than 15 minutes, and will also help identify potential follow-up interview candidates.
For more information and to participate in the survey, please visit the Planning Transportation for Pandemic Flu blog, and please forward to colleagues.
ESPA Releases Reports on Connecting CIL, Human Services and Transit Professionals
Easter Seals Project ACTION (ESPA) has released three reports aimed at transportation professionals and mobility managers who wish to work with human service organizations in providing coordinated transportation. The project is a product of the Mobility Management Independent Living Coaches (MMILC) program, a partnership between ESPA, the Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living, and the National Council on Independent Living. The three reports are, "Scaling-Up Models that Connect Centers for Independent Living and Mobility Managers," "Building Relationships Between Mobility Managers and Centers for Independent Living," and "Lessons Learned from the Mobility Management Independent Living Coaches Program and Mobility Management Outreach Activities." All of the reports can be downloaded here.
New Journal of Public Transportation and Resource for State DOT
The Fall 2012 volume of the Journal of Public Transportation has been released by the National Center for Transit Research (NCTR). It includes articles about the sustainability and funding of intercity buses, bus driver distraction, hybrid and alternative fuel use, and demand models. To view the journal, visit NCTR's webpage. Smart Growth America and State Smart Transportation Initiative have partnered to produce The Innovative DOT, a handbook with best practices aimed at helping State DOT be more effective and efficient in the new economy. To view a copy of this resource, |
ESPA Releases Fall Newsletter Focusing on Students and Transportation
Easter Seals Project ACTION (ESPA) has released their fall newsletter, which focuses on "the transition of students with disabilities to postsecondary settings, with an emphasis on how accessible transportation can support positive transition outcomes." To view the newsletter in PDF or plain text format, click here.