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In partnership with the Florida Department of Transportation, the University of South Florida's (USF) Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) has released Disability Etiquette for Transit Operators, an online training course that will help transit operators better understand and work with persons with disabilities. 

The course, funded by Florida DOT, is divided into five modules (Overview, General Tips, Disability Etiquette, Emergency Situations and Conclusion) with a short quiz at the end of each. Participants will be able to print a certificate upon completion of the course. 

FDOT and CUTR are able to make this available for free to National RTAP customers for the time being. They can accommodate approximately 300 non-Florida participants at this point, so we ask that if you are only curious about the module and don't plan to finish the training, that you contact Amber Reep, Reep@cutr.usf.edu. For instructions on using the system, download this document in our Resource Library
TRB Research on Fatigue in Transit Operations
The Transportation Research Board has released Conference Proceedings on the Web 7: Research on Fatigue in Transit Operations is the summary of what occurred at an October 2011 conference that explored highlighted experiences addressing fatigue in other transportation modes, health effects of fatigue, safety impacts of fatigue, and fatigue issues and initiatives in transit.

To view the document on TRB's site, as well as National RTAP's Technical Brief, "Healthy Habits," which addresses steps to take to minimize fatigue, click here.
News From the Federal Transit Administration
MAP-21 Federal Register Notice
This notice announces changes in the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) programs in accordance with the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). The notice includes implementation instructions and guidance for new and revised programs. To view the register, visit 

For more information about MAP-21's impact on 5311 programs, view our recent news release.
Title VI Guidelines and Requirements for Federal Transit Administration Recipients 
The Federal Transit Administration has updated the Title VI Circular to 4702.1B. The revised circular gives grantees guidance on complying with Title VI regulations, and ensures that meaningful language access requirements are met for those who are limited English proficient. For more information, visit
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Proposed Rule Changes and Request for Comments
The Office of the Secretary (DOT) has issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) (77 FR 54952, September 6, 2012). Three categories of changes are proposed to improve implementation of the DBE rule. Revision include changes to personal net worth, application and reporting forms, certification-related provisions of the rule, and modifications to several other provisions, including good faith efforts and transit vehicle manufacturers.

Opening DOORS Program
This pilot program is designed to level the playing field for business owners looking to sharpen their skills. It will allow them to compete effectively on federally funded transportation contracts and to meet a variety of potential contractors who can open doors to new opportunities. 
For information on DBE and Opening DOORS, visit  http://fta.dot.gov/civilrights/12326.html
November 1, 2012

TRB Current Transportation Issues in Indian Country
October 11
Watch Presentation Online Now
October 22-December 3

November 6, 2-3:30

November 7, 2-3:30

November 14, 2-3:30 

November 15, 2-3:30

November 15-16
St. Augustine, FL

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
GTFS Builder--An Easier Way to Get Your System onto Google Transit

Google Transit is becoming an essential tool for riders, and National RTAP makes it easy for you to provide your riders with this data! Our FREE web-based tool allows you to plug in your data, validates the data for you, and creates an easy link to Google Transit. For more information or to download GTFS Builder, visit our website.

National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.