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New Technical Briefs on Copyright and Training Adult Learners Released


The new Training Adult Learners technical brief discusses the characteristics of adult learners, describes the process of learning, and provides agencies with tips on planning and delivering their training programs. It also discusses learning technologies and will recommend strategies for hosting a successful webinar. 


The Copyright brief informs transit professionals about the importance of adhering to copyright laws, give practical and easy-to-follow advice for following copyright law online and in the workplace, and help transit agencies protect their own rights by developing a straightforward copyright policy.


To download the new briefs from the National RTAP Resource Library, click the title links above.

Deadline to Nominate National RTAP Review Board Members September 30th
The National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP) is soliciting nominations for National Review Board members until September 30th. National RTAP has several upcoming vacancies on the National RTAP Review Board. The term of office is for three years beginning in the spring of 2013. 
National RTAP is soliciting nominations for several state transit officials only; positions for rural or tribal transit providers are not available. Section 5311 or RTAP managers are eligible to be nominated. Any group or individual involved in rural transit is encouraged to nominate a representative to the Board. An individual may also nominate him/herself for consideration. The deadline for submitting nomination forms is September 30, 2012For more information about the responsibilities of Review Board members and the selection process, and to download the nomination form (scroll to the bottom of the following link), please click here.
DOT Announces National Online Dialogue on MAP-21 Transportation Performance Measures
Set to run from September 13th through September 23rd, this dialogue will focus on gathering ideas for transportation performance measures and standards for the use of states, metropolitan planning organizations, and transit grantees to assess the following items:
  • Conditions of the Nation's roads and bridges, minimum levels for the condition of pavement on the Interstate System, and performance of the Nation's highway system;
  • Progress towards achieving a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads;
  • Progress towards achieving traffic congestion reductions and emission reductions;
  • National freight movement;
  • Needs to prioritize investments in the Nation's public transit systems; and
  • Transit safety.
To comment on this dialogue, view or vote on the ongoing discussion, visit http://map21performance.ideascale.com/.
Register for the Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation Conference

Register at www.ribtc.org/ now for pre-conference sessions at the 20th National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation, October 14-17, 2012 at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, UT. 


Just added to the agenda: On Wednesday, October 17 from
10:30am-12:00pm, the conference will close with an FTA outreach session on MAP-21 and the important changes affecting state DOTs and grantees nationwide. You won't want to miss this opportunity to ask questions about what these changes mean to your programs!
Pre-conference sessions of interest, all on Sunday from 1:00-5:00 (to read longer descriptions, go to http://ribtc.org, click on "Conference Program" on the left sidebar, and "Pre-Conference Workshops" under the Sunday schedule):

Cost Allocation for Rural Transit Agencies
Rich Garrity, RLS & Associates
This course is designed to teach transit managers and planners a service-based methodology for allocation transit costs to various services provided by the organization. 

2012 Rural National Transit Database (NTD) Training
Lauren Tuzikow, U.S. Department of Transportation
This session will benefit anyone involved with Rural NTD reporting, including representatives from State Departments of Transportation, individual rural transit subrecipients, and Tribal Transit grant recipients reporting directly to the NTD.      

State Management Review Roundtable Discussion
Facilitator: Peter Schauer, Peter Schauer Associates
The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the history of the SMP program and the experiences of States as it relates to the review process.

Title VI and Environmental Justice

Cecilia Comito, Regional Counsel, FTA Region V
This training session will explain the basics of the FTA guidance, and what actions and policies need to be taken by States and grantees to ensure that they comply with the guidance. 

New FTA Circulars on Envirionmental Justice and Title VI

The Environmental Justice Circular focuses on incorporating environmental justice principles into plans, projects, and activities that receive funding from FTA. 
The Title VI Circular provides guidance to grantees on how to comply with Title VI regulations, as well as to ensure grantees provide meaningful language access to persons who are limited English proficient. 
September 14, 2012

FTA MAP-21 Public Webcast

August 24th



CTAA MAP-21 for Mobility Management

September 5th


NTI Social Media Use by Transit Agencies Webinar 

September 13th

APTA Annual Meeting
September 30-
October 3 

Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation Conference
October 14-17
Salt Lake City

ESPA Introduction to Travel Training
October 24-26

NTI Transit Trainers' Workshop
October 28-30 

If you have a relevant event you would like us to feature, email info@nationalrtap.org. 

Product Spotlight
New Resources Added to the National RTAP Resource Library 

by National RTAP
by National RTAP
by Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute
by Transit Cooperative Research Program

by Transit Research Board
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.