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Yesterday we reported on Oklahoma's free Scheduling and Dispatching software (see below), and have since learned that the Scheduling and Dispatching software is not for use outside of Oklahoma's rural transit systems. The link to the demo is still available (below), but please disregard the "system requirements" page that was included in the original eNews. States, universities, and other entities that are interested in providing a similar program to their constituents are encouraged to contact info@nationalrtap.org, or 888-589-6821, and we will be happy to forward your information to the project lead at Oklahoma DOT. 
Oklahoma Partnership Produces Free Scheduling and Dispatching Software (revised)

Oklahoma DOT and the University of Oklahoma have developed software for scheduling and dispatching. This program is available free of charge to rural transit providers in Oklahoma, and is hosted on the University's server. The software provides demand-response scheduling and dispatching, as well as data collection consistent with NTD requirements, and can be used for Medicaid non-emergency medical transportation. To view a demo video, go to www.transitassistant.com/tademo.mp4.


You can also order or download National RTAP's Scheduling and Dispatching training module. Be sure to send us an email at info@nationalrtap.org specifying whether you'd like the version compatible with Internet Explorer 9, or if you are using 8 or below.

August 24, 2012

National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.