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National RTAP Review Board Members Sought
The National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP) is continuing to solicit nominations for National Review Board members. National RTAP has several upcoming vacancies on the National RTAP Review Board. The term of office is for three years beginning in the spring of 2013. 
At this time, National RTAP is soliciting nominations for several state transit officials only; positions for rural or tribal transit providers are not available. Section 5311 or RTAP managers are eligible to be nominated. Any group or individual involved in rural transit is encouraged to nominate a representative to the Board. An individual may also nominate him/herself for consideration. The deadline for submitting nomination forms is September 31, 2012For more information about the responsibilities of Review Board members and the selection process, and to download the nomination form (scroll to the bottom of the following link), please click here.
Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation Conference Early Registration Ends Soon
Register before September 5th for the 20th National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation, and take advantage of the special early bird rate. Visit http://ribtc.org/ for more information

The 20th National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation (October 14-17, 2012 @ the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, UT) is shaping up to be one of the best in years, and early registration fees of $395 per person are still available(www.ribtc.org). But, you must act quickly to secure that rate! The agenda promises the most up-to-date information on comprehensive topics relevant to your career. With the (unexpected and) last-minute passage of MAP-21, conference planners are making sure you get the facts on funding and important changes in the FTA  5310, 5311, 5311(f), 5317, JARC & New Freedom programs.


On Tuesday, October 16, join this lively dialogue with leaders of our national associations: Dale Marsico, Executive Director of the Community Transportation Association; Michael Melaniphy, President and CEO of the American Public Transportation Association; and Peter Pantuso, President and CEO of the American Bus Association will discuss the meaning of MAP-21 and the next reauthorization in 2014.


On Wednesday, October 17, participate in the traditional Town Hall Session --- The Future of Rural America: And What Are We Going To Do About It? --- an actively-facilitated program focusing on concerning demographic and economic trends for the future of rural America. And, contribute to an action research and political agenda for our industry and our industry partners.

Oklahoma Partnership Produces Free Scheduling and Dispatching Software

Oklahoma DOT and the University of Oklahoma have developed software for scheduling and dispatching. This program is available free of charge to providers in any state, and is hosted on the University's server. The software provides demand-response scheduling and dispatching, as well as data collection consistent with NTD requirements, and can be used for Medicaid non-emergency medical transportation. To view the system requirements, click hereand to view a demo video, go to www.transitassistant.com/tademo.mp4.


You can also order or download National RTAP's Scheduling and Dispatching training module. Be sure to send us an email at info@nationalrtap.org specifying whether you'd like the version compatible with Internet Explorer 9, or if you are using 8 or below.

TCRP Report Focuses on Fuel Purchasing


A new TCRP Report, 156, Guidebook for Evaluating Fuel Purchasing Strategies for Public Transit Agencies, focuses on managing risks involved with purchasing fuel. It identifies strategies for cost-effective fuel purchase, and provides transit agencies with an overview of fuel purchasing. Rural and Tribal transit agencies will be interested in the cost-saving and risk management tools presented in this guide. Download the report through TRB.

NADO Resources for MAP-21 and New Urbanized Areas
The National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) has compiled comprehensive lists of resources for understanding MAP-21, and for transit providers operating in New Urbanized Areas.
FTA's Bus and Bus Facilities Discretionary
Program Funds Awarded

The Federal Transit Administration has announced $125 million in awards for the State of Good Repair and Bus Livability Initiatives through the Bus and Bus Facilities Program FY2012. To read more about this program funded through 5309 and 5318, and to view a map and list of the funded projects, visit FTA's website (second item down). The awards were made for capital investments in buses, bus facilities, and bus-related equipment.
August 23, 2012

FTA MAP-21 Public Webcast

August 24th

1-2:30 PM EST



CTAA MAP-21 for Mobility Management

September 5th

(Please note: registration closed, but recording will be posted) 



NTI Social Media Use by Transit Agencies Webinar 

September 13th

APTA Annual Meeting
September 30-
October 3 

Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation Conference
October 14-17
Salt Lake City

ESPA Introduction to Travel Training
October 24-26

NTI Transit Trainers' Workshop
October 28-30 

If you have a relevant event you would like us to feature, email info@nationalrtap.org. 

Product Spotlight
National RTAP Resource Library 
At National RTAP, we aim to provide the most up-to-date training and technical assistance materials to rural and Tribal transit providers, and state program managers. These materials can be viewed and ordered (for FREE!) through our Resource Library. You can also view our Resource Catalog, which lists and describes our most popular modules so that you can quickly see which training modules and technical briefs can be of use to your transit company or agency. If you are having trouble finding what you are looking for, please look at the "How to Search, Download and Order from National RTAP" below.

How to Search, Download and Order from National RTAP
Unsure about how to find our products? View this handy guide.
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.