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National RTAP Solicits National Review Board Members 
The National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP) is soliciting nominations for National Review Board members. National RTAP has several upcoming vacancies on the National RTAP Review Board.  The term of office is for three years beginning in the spring of 2013. 
At this time, National RTAP is soliciting nominations for several state transit officials only; positions for rural or tribal transit providers are not available. Section 5311 or RTAP managers are eligible to be nominated. Any group or individual involved in rural transit is encouraged to nominate a representative to the Board. An individual may also nominate him/herself for consideration. The deadline for submitting nomination forms is September 31, 2012For more information about the responsibilities of Review Board members and the selection process, and to download the nomination form (scroll to the bottom), please click here.

What's Up With the New eNews Look?


National RTAP is undergoing an exciting branding initiative. You may have noticed this if you've seen our new logo, visited us at conferences and read our new brochure, or have ordered new Scheduling and Dispatching, Problem Passengers and START modules. The latest update is in the presentation of our eNews. We hope that the new look will make it easier for you to quickly get the most relevant news in rural and Tribal transit, and that you'll want to pass it on to your colleagues.


We went through a lengthy process when we decided to streamline our look, products, and mission, engaging rural and Tribal transit operators, state DOTs, state associations, and other stakeholders. We worked with kor group, a brand strategy/design/new media firm, to conduct interviews that focused on what you want from us, how you perceive us, and what we can do to create lasting and engaging relationships with you. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions at info@nationalrtap.org or 888-589-6821. Be on the lookout for some exciting product releases in the next few months, and keep in touch.

Joblinks Job Access Mobility Institute Seeks Applicants
The Community Transportation Association of America's Joblinks Employment Transportation Center is seeking five communities to participate in its Job Access Mobility Institute. Over the months of this project, each team will research, design, and implement a transportation service that responds to a challenge facing job seekers, trainees, and employees in the community. The deadline to apply to be one of the five communities is Friday, August 24th. For more information and to apply to the Institute, visit this page.
FTA's National Fuel Cell Bus Program Information
The Federal Transit Administration has created a page detailing all aspects of the National Fuel Cell Bus Program. The section includes reports, current projects and general information aimed at transit agencies looking to plan for the future and learn more about alternative energy buses. Click here for more information.
August 9, 2012
August 14-16

ESPA People on the Move: The ADA and Beyond Course,
August 20-
September 28
September 13th

APTA Annual Meeting,
September 30-
October 3 

Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation Conference
October 14-17
Salt Lake City

NTI Transit Trainers' Workshop,
October 28-30 

If you have a relevant event you would like us to feature, email info@nationalrtap.org. 

Product Spotlight
Scheduling and Dispatching 
Disc errors relating to the training not working after a certain point have been resolved. Please contact info@nationalrtap.org, or 888-589-6821 to order new copies of the disc that will run on Internet Explorer 9 (newer computers). Click here for more information.

How to Search, Download and Order from National RTAP
Unsure about how to find our products? View this handy guide.
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.