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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
National RTAP Announces the Appointment of Seven New Review Board Members
We are pleased to announce three new state DOT and four new rural and tribal transit representatives will be joining our Review Board! The National RTAP Review Board provides in-depth expertise and local perspectives to ensure that National RTAP products and services are of the highest quality, easily accessible, and usable by local transit operators and state RTAP managers. The seven new members will join six sitting members, both state DOT representatives and transit operators, from Arizona, Idaho, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania and New York.
Submit a Photo to our 2012 Photo Contest!
The theme of National RTAP's third annual Rural and Tribal Transit Photo Contest is Creating Partnerships and Coordination for Rural Transit Solutions in Rural and Tribal Transit in America. Photos should reflect and celebrate partnerships and coordination in rural transit. For more information on the contest and the great prizes, click here. |
Implementing Rural Transit Technology Courses Offered by the National Transit Institute
Are you interested in learning more about technology-based applications to improve safety and increase efficiency? Geared toward transit officials, state DOT staff, and regional planners, this National Transit Institute course is being offered in two locations: Bloomington, MN in late April and Frisco, CO at the end of May. After completing this course, attendees will be able to develop and assess a technology implementation project in their rural transit systems. Click here for further information and to register for the courses.
Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program
The FTA recently announced approximately $15 million in grant money for the Tribal Transit Program in FY2012. There will be a webinar to discuss this new funding on April 10th from 2:30-4 EST. Click here for the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), and register for the webinar.
US Census Bureau Releases Urban and Rural Cluster Information
The Census Bureau has identified urban and rural land areas based on the 2010 census. All relevant data, including maps, can be found here.
New TCRP Reports
The Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) has recently published two new reports of interest to the rural transit industry.
Ridesharing as a Complement to Transit
This study focuses on the link between ridesharing and public transit, and provides a strong basis for implementing such a program, doing so, and evaluating the result. Few public transit agencies support ridesharing programs, but those that do have developed innovative and successful programs that are shared within. Useful for agencies considering implementing ridesharing or carrying out a ridesharing program.
Focusing on high-capacity transportation stations, this report offers tools for planning, designing and evaluating effective stations. This will be useful to transportation providers who are looking for ways to improve customer experience through well-planned and accessible stations. Also available is an accompanying CD with planning tools.
Did you Know? National RTAP's Web App, Website Builder, Can Build Your Transit Organization's Website--Free
National RTAP's website templates have all of the features you need to build and manage a great looking website--all designed via familiar web-based tools--with no programming or HTML knowledge needed. Create pages using text, images, links, and even add video to your site. Blogs, calendars, file downloads, photo galleries and more are easy to create and maintain. Click here to learn more and sign up for a free website.
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Contact Information
phone: 888-589-6821
email: info@NationalRTAP.org
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