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January 20, 2014 - Do you find yourself continuously distracted or redirected away from what you know you do best in order to deal with everything else that is demanding your attention? Do you know your core competencies and strengths, and are you leveraging them each and every day in both your life and work? The key to achievement lies in how you prioritize your actions and effort based on what you are uniquely equipped to do and capable of doing.


Take an MM&I Moment to explore your unique strengths and core competencies. List what you know you do exceptionally well. List what you love and enjoy doing that doesn't even feel like work. Whatever it is that you know you do really well, make it your foundation for manifesting your desired success. Expand upon it. Enable it to make people want to know how you're doing it. And most important, know that you're doing it because you respect yourself for having inner strength to empower success through what is uniquely you. 


Synergized Quote of the Week

"Knowing yourself is true wisdom ... mastering yourself is true power." - Tao Te Ching


Savvy Secret Tip of the Week

Are your prospects caught in an expense mentality? Are you hearing all too often, "It is not in our budget at this time." or "We are interested, but we cannot afford to do it at this time."?  There are two possible issues at play here that could be undermining your ability to convert this prospect into a customer. The first possibility is that they are not an ideal prospect to begin with. Do you understand the psychology driving your ideal customer's decision-making motivations? Are you effectively matching the benefits of your offerings to your ideal customer's motivation for determinating to purchase? The second possibility is that you have not done an effective job of communicating how your product or service is a good return on investment or why it brings greater value to your customers compared to your competitors.  To learn more, read Secrets #3 (Beyond Capabilities), #7 (Strategy into the Plan), #9 (Investment vs. Expense), and #13 (Masters of Mindshare) in my book, 50 Marketing Secrets. To order the book, CLICK HERE!
IS YOUR DESIRE ENOUGH?  My Me, Myself & Inc. column in the January issue of Sophie Woman's Magazine explores six aspects of DESIRE that are pivotal to bringing what you desire into reality. See how well you fare in the areas of determination, expectation, satisfaction, inspiration, resiliency, and effort. CLICK HERE to read the column on page 29.

ARE YOUR TACTICAL INITIATIVES MISDIRECTED? In my January BizGrowth 5.0 column, I share five mistakes I am seeing business owners make when it comes to making tactical marketing decisions within their company's promotional strategies. Could your company be making the same mistakes? Read the column by CLICKING HERE
READY TO GROW IN 2014? Are you interested in taking your company to its next level or need some fresh ideas? To learn more, CLICK HERE. Then give me a call at 704.483.2941 or reply to this email to arrange a consultation.

DID YOU ENJOY AND FIND VALUE IN TODAY'S INSIGHT? Feel free to forward this week's Motivation to others and encourage them to sign up by going to


Yours in synergistic thinking,




Author, Strategy Maestro & Chief Marketeer

SLD Unlimited Biz Growth Inc. 



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