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August 5, 2013 - Are a lot of little things happening now that were not as you expected, planned or hoped? Are unexpected things occurring that are causing you distraction and dissatisfaction? Are you finding yourself more focused on what is going wrong than what is going right? It is very easy to allow life's disruptions to get the best of us personally and professionally, which inadvertently steers our thinking to focus entirely on them to be fixed, addressed or resolved. The key is to know what really needs your attention, and what just needs to be left alone to work out in its own time.  Sometimes time and space are your best options, allowing you to put your energy in much more productive efforts based on what is going right.


Take an MM&I Moment to list the things that you view as having gone wrong or have been working against what you have been trying to accomplish. List what has been distracting you lately or consuming your time and leading to your own frustration instead of fulfillment. Which of these annoyances are you allowing yourself to be consumed by and, therefore, are affecting you because you have made them a bigger deal in your mind than they actually are in real life? Which of these things need some time in order to see what is actually going to happen versus what you are imagining might happen? Which of these things have truly thrown a wrench into your plans, and if so, what are your options to shift versus trying to fix? Instead of being consumed by what is wrong, be empowered by the reality that part of living your life is through embracing the unexpected with vigor and an unwavering focus on your purpose.  


Synergized Quote of the Week

"To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect." - Oscar Wilde


Savvy Secret Tip of the Week

When it comes to being competitive, go on the offense versus the defense and watch your business explode with opportunities. There are three strategic offenses you can take in business to gain true competitive advantage: 1) Best Product/Service; 2) Best Total Solutions; and 3) Best Price. To learn how to figure out what is best for your business, read Secret #7, Strategy into the Plan, in my book, 50 Marketing Secrets. To order the book, CLICK HERE


INTRODUCING ENTREPRENEUR GROWTH GROUP TO LINCOLNTON ROTARY TODAY:  As a member of its Advisory Board, I will be introducing the Lincoln Entrepreneur Growth Group (LEGG) initiatives to the Lincolnton Rotary Club at its luncheon today. LEGG is being launched by the Lincoln Economic Development Association (LEDA) and is an exciting effort focused on helping early Stage 1 or late Stage 2 Entrepreneurs grow their businesses to their next level. As many of you know, I have always believed that entrepreneurs are the key to economic vitality in our marketplaces. LEDA is being both astute and forward-thinking as an economic development group that recognizes this, and is making it a strategic initiative for increasing jobs, tax base and quality of life in Lincoln County. Kudos to them! Stay tuned for more information.

SECOND ANNUAL DAM2DAM JET SKI CHARITY RIDE ON LAKE NORMAN AUGUST 24TH: SLD Unlimited is a Promotion Sponsor of this unique fundraising event and also was the creative force behind its identity and brand graphics for its inaugural event last year. Anyone with a jet ski and some community spirit should plan on fun on Lake Norman August 24th. The event will raise funds through the Denver Lake Norman Rotary Club Foundation to support local charities, including the East Lincoln Rescue Park, which will be breaking ground later this year. For more information, CLICK HERE. To donate or sign up as a participant, you can CLICK HERE.

I will be among the experts offering insight and perspectives based on the Business Wellness Checkup results of participating CEOs and Executive-level leaders of their companies. If your company is seeking to grow through strong management and operational practices, then you should also be taking the Business Wellness Checkup and attending this unique event designed to give you immediate insights, guidance and direction to better operate and manage your business for strategically smart exponential growth. The event takes place from 7:45 a.m. to 10 a.m. at The Employers Association in Charlotte, NC. To learn more about the event and if your business qualifies, CLICK HERE. Do you qualify and want to be my guest? Email me at

ARE YOU EMBRACING THE JOY IN YOUR LIFE AND WORK?  This is the topic of my Me, Myself & Inc. column in the August issue of Sophie Woman's Magazine. We can too easily get so caught up in the mundane day-to-day that we can lose sight of what really matters and what can best help us cope. Learn more about how you can embrace joy on a daily basis. CLICK HERE to read the column on page 29.

ARE YOU EFFECTIVELY ENGAGING THE POWER OF YOUR PEOPLE? In July's BizGrowth 5.0 column, I introduce the CRISP Principle: Power of People. I share a series of questions you should ask yourself to understand whether you are exponentially nurturing and growing your company through leveraging your people and all that they bring to your business. Read the column by CLICKING HERE.                    

READY TO GROW IN 2013? Are you interested in taking your company to its next level or need some fresh ideas? To learn more, CLICK HERE. Then give me a call at 704.483.2941 or reply to this email to arrange a consultation.


SWIRLWIND - DOWNLOADABLE VERSION: Since I had such an overwhelming positive response of interest about receiving SWIRLwind, each issue will be available as a PDF download via my Monday Motivation. CLICK HERE to read the first issue online. 


DID YOU ENJOY AND FIND VALUE IN TODAY'S INSIGHT? Feel free to forward this week's Motivation to others and encourage them to sign up by going to


Yours in synergistic thinking,




Author, Strategy Maestro & Chief Marketeer

SLD Unlimited Biz Growth Inc. 


� 2009-2013 Sherre' DeMao / Me, Myself & Inc. You are welcome to forward or share Monday Motivation & Insights with others as long as you keep this copyright statement and the message in its entirety intact.

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