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News for Faculty & Research Staff                    January 12, 2016
Moving Parts: Much of ORED Staff Moving to Knightsbridge Rd., Piscataway 
Much of the Office of Research and Economic Development will be moving January 14 through 22 to a building at 33 Knightsbridge Road, Piscataway. Those relocating include the Division of Grant and Contract Accounting, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP), the Office of Research Commercialization, corporate contracts, research development, and research operations. Read more here
Important note: Due to the move, some staff may be unavailable at times January 14-22. Please plan ahead, particularly if you need services for time-sensitive matters (e.g. grants proposals), such as those provided by ORSP and corporate contracts.
Selected Events 
New Jersey Planning Conference
February 12   Biomedical Research: The Process of Problem-Solving
National Engineers Week at Rutgers

Research Contacts

A list of key contacts, including staff in ORED and in other units, is posted here. Send suggestions to


Kinzy Promoted to Vice President for Research
Terri Goss Kinzy, Ph.D., has been named vice president for research. Reporting to Christopher Molloy, senior vice president for research and economic development, this position reflects Kinzy's expanded responsibilities in overseeing strategic research development and support at Rutgers. Read more here.

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