Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church
eNewsletter Volume 5, Issue 11
October 19, 2012
October 21, 2012, 9 and 11 a.m.
""Speak!" A Service to Bless the Animals"
The Rev. Heather Janules
Worship Associate: Lucy Lowenthal
Cedar Lane will hold its annual Blessing of the Animals service, a time to honor our connection to our animal friends and to consider how we can best be their voice in a world run by human beings. The 9:00 am service will welcome virtual animals (stuffed animals, photos and drawings) to honor the needs of the allergic while the 11:00 am service will welcome (vaccinated, contained/leashed, well-behaving) live animals. Stewards of live animals should gather in the courtyard by 10:45 to line up. Anyone who wishes to include a photo of an animal who has died or is best left at home should email the photo to Heather Janules at hjanules@cedarlane.org by TODAY, Oct. 19.
Volunteers for the Service:
Ushers: 9 a.m.: Michael Morse, Dianne and Perry Seiffert, Laura Pillette
11 a.m.: Glenis Bellais, Julie Offner, Fred Bowen, Mary Beth Nowinski
Coffee Servers: 10 a.m.: Kate Harrison; noon: Glenis Bellais
Audio: Chris Dupre
Board Member at the Office Desk: 10 a.m.: Ariel Mora; noon: Vicky Strella
Visitors' Center: 10 a.m.: Allison Cox; noon: Lyn Peters
The flowers in the sanctuary are given by Steven Murphy and Barbara Warman in celebration of the life of Duncan B. Murphy, Jr. The flowers were arranged by Cindy Meredith.
In the Lounge: Alliance Books ◊ Beacon Books Cart ◊ Donuts & Bagels ◊ Dream Act Rally ◊ Environmental Task Force ◊ Fair Trade Coffee & Tea ◊ Get Active at Cedar Lane ◊ Kiplinger Lecture Registration ◊ Palestinian olive oil for sale to support peace in the Middle East ◊ Senior Minister Search Committee ◊ Social Justice Council
This Sunday's Morning Forum: What Would Mark Twain Say About the November 2012 Election?, with Don Bliss, Cedar Laner and author of a new Mark Twain biography.
Weekly Devotional · October 19, 2012
A Canadian friend of mine had the opportunity to teach a week-long seminar in China. He soon learned that the culture among the Chinese students in his class held that it's disrespectful for a student to ask questions of the instructor. In that values-system, asking questions implies that the teacher hasn't done the job adequately. My Canadian friend had to explain to his students, "Where I come from, asking the teacher questions is a sign of respect. It shows that you are interested in what the teacher is teaching."
Any culture teaches many things; some of the things our culture teaches us include the idea that it's not nice to be critical of others. Often it is not at all difficult to discover manifestations of these cultural values among people in religious communities, where being kind is often held up as a goal. "In our congregation," goes the code, often unspoken yet strictly enforced, "we are kind to one another, so let's not have any criticism, lest someone's feelings get hurt." A great recipe for conflict avoidance, which, as we all know, very often leads to worse (and unavoidable) conflict later on.
A more constructive value, especially for religious people, is the idea that criticism, delivered appropriately and thoughtfully, is actually a sign of respect. It is saying, in effect, "I think you are a mature enough person to hear this." It is also saying, "I'm upset with you, and I choose to engage directly with you, to remain connected to you, and to give something of myself so we can address what I see as a challenge in our relationship; I do this because I value you and our relationship." This is not always easy, comfortable or "nice," but it does demand that each of us act with maturity and treat others with respectful candor. Isn't this what our religious faith calls us to do and be?
O my soul, may I remember that it is more mature and respectful to address others directly with concerns I have about them. May I remember that being kind and honest, and striving to remain in meaningful and connected relationship with others, is a surer path to abundant life than just trying to be "nice" while avoiding deeper connection and deeper learning about ourselves and others. Amen.
Follow Rev. Keely on Twitter @evanvwk and as part of the UU Collective of bloggers at Patheos.com.
Upcoming Sundays
Oct 28, 2012, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.
"A Service of Remembrance"
The Rev. Evan Keely
Worship Associate: Kathleen Reedy
Our annual commemoration of All Souls' Day gives us the opportunity to reflect on lives that have come to an end which have touched our own lives.
Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk
, with John D.
Groopman, Associate Director for Cancer Prevention and Control,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Please visit the church calendar here.
We Care

The We Care program is a network led by volunteers who reach out to address short-term needs - food deliveries, rides to doctor's appointments, a listening ear in the event of a loss. The Cedar Lane congregation is organized geographically by "neighborhoods"; each neighborhood has at least one chairperson to coordinate support. Look at your name-tag or the map in the church office to find your neighborhood. We celebrate with Harvey and Karen Lerner (Neighborhood 22) as their daughter, Amy, married long-time sweetheart, Steve Bishop on Sunday, October 14 in the Cedar Lane chapel. Wishes for swift recovery go to Carole Rogentine (N5) who underwent emergency abdominal surgery this Thursday at Holy Cross Hospital. Call if you wish to make a visit! Our hearts go out to Rich and Susan Clark (N23.) Rich's mother, Carol Randle, has been diagnosed with plasma cell leukemia, a particularly aggressive form of cancer, and is now facing a terminal diagnosis. Our prayers and compassion are with the entire Clark family in this challenging and poignant time. We celebrate that two Cedar Lane leaders were honored by the UUs for Social Justice at their annual gala on Sunday, October 14, Ariel Mora (N25) for her work with CLARITY, our anti-racism task force and Mike Burski (N17) for his work with rebuilding ministry, both locally and in New Orleans. You can see photos here:  Ariel Mora with Rev. Evan Keely.  Mike Burski with Rev. Evan Keely. Healing wishes are with Marisol Scott (N22) as she recovers from a recent wrist fracture. Should you know of a member of our community in personal need, you are encouraged to reach out to them. If you learn that this person wishes to receive a response from the church, please contact Heather Janules at hjanules@cedarlane.org. All ministers offer pastoral care to our members so you are also encouraged to contact any member of the ministerial team. |
We Ordain Glenn Coleman Farley Sunday, October 28, 4 p.m.
THE QUESTION: The Philosopher asks the Riddle of Eternal Return to truly discern if one is living a well-lived life. "If you had to live your life over and over again, exactly the same, for all eternity, would you choose it?"
GLENN'S ANSWER: I would choose, again and again and again, growing up at Cedar Lane. It is, and will forever be, my religious home.
We invite all Cedar Lane members and friends to come and participate as we, the Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church, ordain one of our own, GLENN COLEMAN FARLEY into the Unitarian Universalist ministry at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 28.
Stay to celebrate with Glenn at the reception which follows the service.
Dream Act Rally
Tuesday October 23 at 7:15 to 8:30 pm
Southern Asian Seventh-day
Adventist Church,
2001 East Randolph Road,
Silver Spring, MD 20904
We need at least 50 people from Cedar Lane to join with other Dream Act supporters from Montgomery, Howard, and Prince George's counties and Baltimore City who have been working for the passage of ballot Question 4 (the Dream Act).
Bring the kids! The evening kicks off with the fabulous Bethel World Outreach Youth Choir! Clergy leaders will speak of the ethical importance of the law and Dreamers will tell of what this opportunity means for them and their families. The event will publicize how strong and diverse is the support for this law, which is just and fair.
Join the car pool leaving Cedar Lane at 6:30 p.m. Please rsvp to Nancy Janssen nancyjanssen@verizon.net. Thanks!
Volunteer for Cedar Lane's
6th annual rebuilding trip to New Orleans!

January 19-26, 2013 are the dates now set for our work week to help rebuild
NOLA's much needed housing. 1000s of New Orleans home owners still are out
of their homes 8 years after Hurricane Katrina. Personal livelihoods and NOLA's
economic recovery depend on having viable housing to live in. For info, look
for trip veterans in the lounge on Sundays, or email team leader extraordinaire
Mike Burski: mga1960@earthlink.net. Make this your year to bein NOLA.
Kiplinger Lecture, November 3
Civil Conversations: Bridging the Divide over Life and Choice

Saturday, November 3!
The Kiplinger Committee is proud to present the Annual Kiplinger Lecture, Civil Conversations: Bridging the Divide over Life and Choice, with Frances Kissling. Ms. Kissling is a lifelong woman's rights advocate, and a recent scholar a the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. The lecture will be an intelligent approach to civil discourse about women's health rights and practices. The cost is $10; students free, and Cedar Laners can bring a friend for free! Visit our website for more information.
Please stop by the lounge this Sunday, October 21, to sign up!
Committee members will also be happy to answer any questions you may have about the lecture.
From the Worship Committee:
One space available!

Have some great ideas about how to improve our worship services? Is worship something you like thinking about, and doing something about? The Worship Committee works with the ministers and the congregation to ensure that worship remains engaging and meaningful. It is the committee that launched the Worship Associates' program, and the joys and concerns chalice at the side of the auditorium in each worship service, and we consider everything from how welcoming our services seem to how to better include children and teens. Meetings are on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.; terms are for two years, and it's a lively bunch of folks. If you're interested in joining us, please contact Worship Committee Chair Jack Welch, jack1165@gmail.com.
Around the Church
Welcome Workshop Saturday October 27, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Visitors, Newcomers, New Members: this interactive session with ministers Rev. Evan Keely, Rev. Heather Janules and IDRE Karen Lee Scrivo will help you learn more about Unitarian Universalism and yourself! Lunch provided, childcare upon request. Sign up at the Visitor Center or email or call Membership Coordinator Allison Cox acox@cedarlane.org, 301-493-8300 x305.
There will be a presentation by
Pam Bailey of Peace Action on at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 29, at Cedar Lane, on the subject of drone attacks, and their devastating impact on the lives of Pakistani civilians. Please pass this information on to anyone you know who might be interested.
Deborah Vollmer (member of Cedar Lane)
Donate a Used Snow Blower?
Do you have a snow blower that you would like to donate to Cedar Lane? We need another snow blower for this winter to keep our walkways clean. If you would like to donate one, please contact Sara Deshler at sdeshler@cedarlane.org
or 301-493-8300 x209. Many thanks.
Cedar Lane Theater Affinity Group: Our next activity is Thornton Wilder's Skin of Our Teeth at Montgomery College's Robert E. Parilla Performing Arts Center, on Saturday November 17, at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $12.50. For those interested, we'll meet beforehand for dinner at a restaurant in the Rockville area. Interested? Contact Marlene Berg at mgkpberg@gmail.com.
ATTENTION UU Young Adults at Cedar Lane (20s/30s)!
Interested in socializing with a newly formed Young Adults Group at Cedar Lane? We'll congregate at 12:30 after the second service on October 28 in the vestibule (in front of the library door) and then head off for brunch in the area. Sponsored by the Membership Services Committee. Questions? Contact Marlene Berg of the MSC at
Neighborhood-25 Dinner
Would you like to meet your neighbors? Join the Neighborhood-25 group for a potluck dinner in the Chalice House at 6:00 pm on Saturday, November 3. Don't know which Neighborhood Group you're in? This information is found on your church name tag; or call the church office at 301-493-8300. Please RSVP to Marlene Berg at mgkpberg@gmail.com.
Farm Market Stand Open this Saturday, October 20!
Saturdays, 9-1 p.m.
in the upper parking lot of Cedar Lane
We are taking orders for turkeys. They are $3.99/lb. They are definitely free-range.
Stop in, look around and take home some fresh greens, vegetables, berries, and baked goods!
Check out their website for more info.
Don't forget to check out Cedar Lane! Find us on...

If you would like your event posted on Cedar Lane's social media, please e-mail socialmedia@cedarlane.org.
Religious Education for All Ages
Karen Lee Scrivo, Interim Director of RE
Vanessa Steck, Senior High Youth Coordinator
Gale Ginther Luce & Jeannette Wilson, Administrators
For information and to register for classes and programs call 301-493-8300 x207 or e-mail
Upcoming Calendar:
Sun, Oct 21 Blessing of the Animals
service, No RE
Welcome Workshop Sat., October 27Visitors, newcomers and new members are invited to join an interactive session with the Revs. Evan Keely and Heather Janules, and IDRE Karen Lee Scrivo to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and yourself! There are sign-up sheets on the counter under the name tags and downstairs at the Admin desk. You can also contact Allison Cox , Membership Coordinator, at 301-493-8300 x305 or acox@cedarlane.org for more information and to register. Lunch will be provided and childcare can be arranged if requested in advance.
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF
If anyone in your family would like to trick-or-treat for UNICEF, please contact the RE office to get a box. If whole classes want to participate, we would be happy to put them in folders on Oct 28.
Holiday Craft Day Needs. . .
We are collecting short wide-mouthed glass jars for Holiday Craft Day to make stained glass candle holders. Please donate any short jars that a tea light could be dropped into. Jars can be left in the RE office. Thanks, Katie Spurlock.
Youth Notes (Grades 7-12)
Young Adults (Ages 18-35) Adult Programs (AP)
New Classes Starting!
AP Brochure Corrections & Additions
The Sunday Morning Forum Connection Circles - No Fees! Save the Date: Kiplinger Lecture is Sat.,
November 3!
From the Music Director
Dr. Henry Sgrecci
The Youth Bell Choir (which has just a few "older youths") begins today's service with a vibrant, rhythmic work, Bwana Asafiwe! Composed by Cathy Moklebust, a former percussionist, the song keeps every ringer on his/her toes with a variety of techniques and bell changes. The Children's Choir sings a song about a bull frog that spreads joy to all. This song, Joy to the World, was made famous by the seventies rock group Three Dog Night. The Youth Choir sings about taking more than we give and enjoying blessings while triumphing over trials in Elton John's song Circle of Life. Everyone can enjoy Bill Staines' song about the many animals on the planet with our final hymn, All God's Critters Got a Place in the Choir.
Special thanks to the great musicians of the Children's Choir, Youth Choir and Youth Handbell Choir, and to pianists Susan Easterly and Susannah Vesey. Their talent and contributions helped make this service fulfilling.
In This Together from CLARITY*
CLARITY Sundays! Please join CLARITY members on the 4th Sundays of the month to share food, conversation, and ideas. On October 28, we'll meet in the Chalice House following 2nd service for a shared lunch, and present a facilitated film discussion on "A Class Divided." The day after Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered, an Iowa schoolteacher divided her 3rd grade students into groups of blue eyes and brown eyes, and gave them a first-hand experience in the meaning of discrimination. This is the story of that lesson, and its enduring impact. Our guest facilitator will be Elise Bryant. Elise's areas of expertise include communication skills, leadership training, labor history and culture, diversity training, and organization development. Cedar Laners may also know Elise as the director of the DC Labor Chorus and co-sponsor with Steve Jones of the concert performance of "Love Songs from the Liberation Wars."
Reservations are not necessary, but would be helpful for meal planning. Please contact Ariel Mora, ariel_mora1@hotmail.com.
Members and friends of CLUUC who are committed to our work of anti-racism and multi-culturalism are encouraged to become part of our team.To be added to our group distribution list, simply send a request to CLUUC-CLARITY-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. We use this Yahoo group for CLARITY meeting invitations, minutes, email notifications of events of interest, etc.
Environmental Task Force
UUCR's Green Sanctuary Team is hosting the film Tapped at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville on Friday, October 26 at 7 p.m. in Founders Hall. Tapped is a behind-the-scenes look into the unregulated world of the bottled water industry, and bottled water's often-unseen impacts on human and environmental health. This event is free and open to the public. Coffee and tea will be provided. Please bring your own brown bag dinner. Directions can be found at www.uucr.org. Please join us for this important film!
Celebrate the Crafts of Afghanistan and Support Afghan Literacy and Orphanages
Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction
Friday, November 9th, 2012 - 6:00 pm
Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church
9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814
Tickets, $50 per person
- Authentic Afghan dinner
- Keynote speaker Ms. Lauryn Oates, who will report on her visit with the classes in Afghanistan
- Kabultec founder Nasrine Gross, 2012 activities
- Raffle of unique Afghan handicrafts (tickets, $10)
- Silent Auction of hand-crafted items from large and small textiles to jewelry, pottery, woodcarving, and metal work-all from bazaars and women's groups throughout Afghanistan
Proceeds will support couples literacy classes and several orphanages in Afghanistan through Kabultec. Nasrine has been working on Afghan women's rights since 1996.
Deadline is Monday, November 5, 2012, but tickets may sell out sooner
Mail checks made out to "Kabultec" (a 501(c)3 organization) to:
Eleanor DePaola 7941 Inverness Ridge Rd.
Potomac, MD 20854-4010
Eleanor, 301-299-6236
If you are unable to come but would like to support Kabultec, please send a donation.
www.cedarlane.org/directions or call (301) 493-8300.
Packets of vegetable & flower seeds for widows' gardens in Afghanistan will be gratefully accepted.
Transylvania Trip
September 25 - October 8, 2012
We are back! Our travelers from Cedar Lane included Revs. Evan Keely and Heather Janules, Partner Church Committee Members Charlene Belsom Zellmer, Cathy Knapper, Connie Nissely, and CLUUC former BOT Secretary Bill Zellmer. We visited our partners in Dicsoszentmarton for a week then the 4 women attended the Second International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women in Marosvasarhely. We are eager to share with you! Look for our pictures and presentations at the worship service and our auction event later that day on Sunday, November 4, and at the Alliance meeting on Thursday, November 8. We had a delightful experience learning about our scholars past and present, participating in congregational celebrations and meetings, tending the grape and plum and apple harvests, and seeing the wonders of Transylvanian countryside and mining. Look for our videos soon.
Phone banking at Cedar Lane related to the Maryland marriage equality referendum vote in November!
Two more Tuesdays to help out!
On Tuesdays, from September 18 through October 30 (the Tuesday before the election), Cedar Lane will be hosting weekly phone banking sessions. These sessions will continue until the November election, and they will be organized and supervised by staff members from Marylanders for Marriage Equality (MDFME). The phone banking sessions will take place in Rm 32-35 (downstairs) from 5:30 to 8:30 PM. LGBT Task Force liaisons will be helping with the sessions. If you are interested and available to help with this work, please plan to join the phone banking sessions whenever you can. Volunteer callers are asked to bring their own cell phones to the sessions (if possible). Refreshments will be served.
Beyond the Church

Saturday, October 20, 9 to 1 p.m.
Indoor Rummage and Bake Sale
in Rm 32-35 downstairs
9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda, Maryland
Children's clothing, shoes, toys, gear! Children's & adult books, electronics, small appliances and more!
Click here to view the flyer!
Cedar Lane Palestinian Olive Oil travels to California
A bottle of Palestinian olive oil purchased from the Olive Oil Ministry at Cedar Lane on a recent Sunday morning after services by our good friend Judy Shaffer traveled with her to her home in Redondo Beach, California.
Judy was so impressed with the quality of the olive oil produced from hand-picked, unsprayed, tree-ripened olives, the story about The Tent of Nations, and the struggle the farmers have had to survive that she has written Nancy Janssen to learn about starting an Olive Oil Project
at her church, the Pacific Unitarian Church of Rancho Palos Verdes. We are providing information and support for Judy with her project. We wish her well.
The Transgender Day of Remembrance and Action on Nov. 17 from 6 to 9 p.m. welcomes people of faith, allies, families and transgender persons to an interfaith service, breaking of bread and resource fair at Bethesda United Church of Christ, 10010 Fernwood Rd. 20817. Rev Janules and members of our LGBTQ task force helped to create and will participate in this event. We invite our congregation to come for an evening of remembering, connecting and education. If you are interested in providing bread and/or baked goods for this event, please mark them and leave them for pick-up in the CLUUC kitchen on Nov 17. Please notify dstaff44@comcast.net if you leave a pick-up. We are also in need of helping hands to serve bread and soup, clean the kitchen and put the church back together for Sunday Service after the event is over. Cedar Lane's LGBTQ task force is small, so our wider CLUUC community is encouraged and invited to help with the above needs and share in this event that will open your eyes and warm your hearts. Additional information: dstaff44@comcast.net.
Click here to learn about some events sponsored by friends of Cedar Lane.
Sara Davidson Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church www.cedarlane.org 301-493-8300