Lower Your Blood Pressure
Extend Your Life

Oriental medicine (OM) has a unique perspective on high blood pressure. In OM, it is believed that the body desires balance. A healthy body is our natural state and any illness or health issue is attributed to something in the body being out of balance. Chinese medicine strives to bring each patient back into balance in order to achieve health. High blood pressure can be deadly if not managed, but a more positive outlook is that high blood pressure is a warning sign that something in a person's lifestyle needs to change.


In a recent Morbidity and Mortality Report from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), it's cited that nearly 1 in 3 Americans suffer from high blood pressure-and more than half don't have it under control. Perhaps what's more surprising is that most people with uncontrolled blood pressure are aware of it but their status remains the same. The CDC reported that the majority of people who were studied with high blood pressure (HBP) had actually seen their doctor twice over the past year, yet their condition remained unmanaged...READ MORE

Heart Healthy Valentine's Treats
Discover What Chia & Coconut Can Do!

Chia, oats, coconut, and chocolate all have rockin' health benefits for your heart and they taste great too. Did you know that the chia pet of your childhood can also be grown in your garden as an incredible superfood? 


Chia seeds are edible on their own or cooked, baked, or mixed into other delights. This seed comes from the desert plant, Salvia hispanica, which is a member of the mint family. To give you an idea of this power food's origins, "Chia" is the Mayan word for strength. It's making a major comeback today, as people realize the incredible health...READ MORE

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