Operation Support Our Troops - America
Letter of the Week: February 17, 2014

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Our troops continue to express their gratitude for our packages.   We in turn need to keep reminding them that America has NOT forgotten them.

This is Trevor, one of the soldiers who have received a care package.  I wanted to start by saying thank you so much.  The love and support back home is crucial for us to continue our mission.  It is so amazing that there are still people out there who really care about the military and what we are doing. Everything in the package was perfect, I shared a lot of it with others in my platoon.  We are expected to return in the August-October time frame depending on the Afghan elections.  If anyone would like to send more letters or anything, here is my address.  I love reading the letters from everyone who cares so much, it really gives me a reason for being here.  Thanks again so much and God bless yall for everything you do.

Hello!  I am RP2 Michael, the Chapel Manager for the Leatherneck
Chapel here in Afghanistan.    I recently received the care package you
sent.  Thank you so very much for your generosity and thoughtfulness. 
The items that you sent were distributed among the many service members here at my location.  Words cannot begin to express the gratitude that my fellow service members and I have for you and others who take the time to let us know how much we are appreciated.  The joy and happiness I see on the faces when they receive a little "piece of home" is indescribable.

Again, thank you so much for all that you do for the troops.