Operation Support Our Troops - America
Letter of the Week: October 21, 2013

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Many of our troops are home or heading home.   But many also are still deployed in harm's way. Many of them are  facing their first birthday away from home, or their first Thanksgiving or Christmas without their families by their sides.   Our boxes serve as a reminder that America has NOT forgotten them.
Hello my name is SPC Denzel from Fort Smith, Arkansas. I am here in Afghanistan, and just received one of your boxes and just want to say thank you very, very much for what you do. My birthday is tomorrow Oct. 20 and getting this box is the best gift ever, and reading the letters inside. Thank you for making my day and for all that you do, I would love for you all to send things to me if you would like, and I would love to have an address so I can send letters back and pictures for you all to see. Your group brings happiness, joy, and big smiles not only to my face but to all the soldiers here, thank you very much. 
My name is Keith and today I received one of your boxes in the mail.  I was very happily surprised to get such a large box packed full of goodies for me and all my fellow soldiers.  I don't think yall could have stuffed anything more than you already did.  It really does brighten our days to receive letters and boxes from so many people that support us.

Sadly the letters that were sent to me did not have a return address so I am unable to respond to them directly.  I hope that you will be able to tell them how much we all appreciate their support and prayers.

I will tell you a little about myself as well.  I've only been in the army a few years and this is my first deployment.  I am a chief warrant officer 2 in the US Army and fly UH-60 Blackhawks.  I absolutely love my job and enjoy being in the air as much as possible.  It never fails that even after a long and tedious day of flying I still land with a huge smile on my face.

I have a wife and two boys.  One is eight and the other is three months.  I was lucky in that I was able to be there for my youngest boys birth but had to leave shortly after.  I miss them every day but technology is a wonderful thing and I am still able to see and communicate with them on a regular basis.  I can't even begin to imagine a deployment without being able to do that.

Again the soldiers and I really appreciate the time yall spend to send us these letters and care packages.  I know this is not required and am very grateful for all you do for us.  I never carry a camera with me but I know some others have taken pictures.  I will see if I can't steal a couple of them to send to yall as well.

Your new friend,