League of Women Voters of Santa Monica
Legislative Update 
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Our Mission
The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Diversity Policy
The League of Women Voters of Santa Monica in both its values and practices, affirms its belief and commitment to diversity and pluralism, which means there shall be no barriers to participation in any activity of the LWV on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability.

October 13, 2015  

brown gavel and open book on a wooden table of the law in the courtroom

The first year of this legislative session has closed and. as  of Sunday night, the Governor has made his decisions.  All in all it was not a bad year. As League we have some successes, some disappointments, but, of the bills where we had positions, things went our way on two  for everyone that did not.

A few highlights here, bills we worked hard for that actually made it to the Governor's desk.

A priority, AB 1461 was signed; see the League statement on our website.  AB 182, another priority, was vetoed. However. eleven other voting rights bills were signed. SB 350, was signed, a big win for clean energy and climate change. A major disappointment was AB 47 which would have been a first step toward universal access to preschool. Another big win was SB 4, providing health care to all children without regard for their immigration status.

The full list is on our Bill Status Report.  There are others that did not get this far. Some will be two year bills, some never made it out of the first committee hearing. You can see all of the bills we were supporting or opposing and another list of those we were just watching here.

Now we can consider this first year of the Legislative session really closed.

Regarding Higher Ed Study
The Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) Speaker Series noon tomorrow, October 14, will be webcast.  The topic is Higher Education and California's Economic Future. Click here for more information and registration.

SB 1461
We are all excited about the signing of SB 1461. Making voter registration easy and accessible to all eligible is an evergreen League goal. The full LWVC statement is on our homepage.
Wylecia Wiggs Harris recently joined the LWVUS staff as Executive Director. We thought her first blog, why she chose the League for a major career move, was worth sharing.
October 24, 11:00a..m.
Consensus meeting on Constitutional Amendments
Meeting in private home.
RSVP for address and directions.

October 26, 6:30pm. 
LWVSM Board Meeting
All members welcome
Call or email for location 
November 15, 12:00noon New date and time  
Consensus meeting on Money in Politics
RSVP for address and directions

December 11, 6:30p.m.  
Holiday Open House
Save the date

March 24, 2016, 7:00p.m. 
Save the date, mark your calendar!
Women Who Shape Santa Monica 
Our Event-of-the-Year 
Santa Monica GO

This isn't new information, but so useful it is well worth sharing again.  This link not only takes you to the GO app, so convenient for registering comments or complaints, but a detailed FAQ that answers many questions, some you may not have thought to ask! 


League of Women Voters of Santa Monica
P. O. Box 1265
Santa Monica, CA 90406
Phone: 310-692-1494


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