Children of Destiny presents Daily Prayer



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Today's Turning the Tide Focus:
Insurance and Expenses 

ParentsParent's Prayer:    
Dear Lord,
We thank you that you supply all of our needs as we rely on you and as we obey you. Thank you that you have promised to care for us. Lord, there are so many medical issues and so many medical bills associated with autism. We need your help. Father, would you please give our family divine favor with insurance companies and medical facilities so that ______ will be able to get all the care he/she needs. We also ask that you would supernaturally provide us with the finances we need to pay our medical bills. And, as we ask for favor and supply, we also ask that you would provide us with great wisdom to navigate through the numerous treatment options and claims that are being made. Help us to know which path to take that will provide the greatest gains for ______'s health and wellbeing. 
In Jesus' Name,
Family/Friend's Prayer:
Dear Lord,
I thank you that you supply all of your children's needs as we rely on you and as we obey you. Thank you that you have promised to care for the _______ family. Lord, there are so many medical issues and so many medical bills associated with autism. They need your help. Father, would you please give this family divine favor with insurance companies and medical facilities so that [child's name] will be able to get all the care he/she needs. I also ask that you would supernaturally provide them with the finances they need to pay their medical bills. And, as I ask for favor and supply, I also ask that you would provide them with great wisdom to navigate through the numerous treatment options and claims that are being made. Help them to know which path to take that will provide the greatest gains for [child's name]'s health and wellbeing. 
In Jesus' Name,
PP Extended Prayer Points:  
"For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the LORD."   (Proverbs 8:35, NIV)

"And it is he who will supply all your needs from his riches in glory because of what Christ Jesus has done for us." (Philippians 4:19, TLB)
"Even lions may get weak and hungry, but those who look to the LORD will have every good thing."  (Psalm 34:10, NCV)
"Give all your worries to him, because he cares about you. " (1 Peter 5:7, NCV)
  • Ask the Lord to provide His assurances of His supply and guidance to families struggling with medical issues related to autism.
  • Ask the Lord to help couples work through issues of disagreement regarding medical care so that they can pursue God's plan for their child united.
If these prayers have been a blessing to you, please consider making a gift to Children of Destiny. Here's how: 

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Children of Destiny
PO Box 36
Zeeland, MI 49464
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  3. In "Put Towards" field select Designated Gift and write"Children of Destiny" in the Recipient box.
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(Please note this donation site is operated through our parent ministry Glory of Zion, but is completely secure and all designated donations are fully given to Children of Destiny)

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 Turning the Tide prayer thrust is funded by individuals donors and by:


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With blessings,
Jack and Rebecca Sytsema 

All content � 2016, Children of Destiny