Children of Destiny presents Daily Prayer



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Today's Turning the Tide Focus:
Laws and Legal Systems  

ParentsParent's Prayer:    
Dear Lord,
We thank you today that you are our judge, lawgiver, and king. And we thank you that you save us. We take great comfort knowing that you are the ultimate authority in our country and in our lives. Father we ask that you would move with power over the legal systems of our country. We pray that you would establish your justice in the legal system to protect and promote people with autism. We pray that you would give our government wisdom and understanding to know how to help individuals and families with autism. We pray that all injustice in our country for children with autism would be overturned, and in place your laws would be established. We continue to pray that you would reveal the causes and cures for autism. We pray that that truth would be a clarion call that is heard all around the world that no one can deny.
In Jesus' Name,
Family/Friend's Prayer:
Dear Lord,
We thank you today that you are our judge, lawgiver, and king. And we thank you that you save us. We take great comfort knowing that you are the ultimate authority in our country and in our lives. Father we ask that you would move with power over the legal systems of our country. We pray that you would establish your justice in the legal system to protect and promote people with autism. We pray that you would give our government wisdom and understanding to know how to help individuals and families with autism. We pray that all injustice in our country for children with autism would be overturned, and in place your laws would be established. We continue to pray that you would reveal the causes and cures for autism. We pray that that truth would be a clarion call that is heard all around the world that no one can deny.
In Jesus' Name,
PP Extended Prayer Points:  
"There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD."
(Proverbs 21:30, NIV)
"Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me;"
(Psalm 43:3, NIV)
"Your statutes are my delight; they are my counselors."
(Psalm 119:24, NIV)
  • Pray for truth and the Lord's conviction and justice to rest on all lawmakers.

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PO Box 36
Zeeland, MI 49464
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  3. In "Put Towards" field select Designated Gift and write"Children of Destiny" in the Recipient box.
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(Please note this donation site is operated through our parent ministry Glory of Zion, but is completely secure and all designated donations are fully given to Children of Destiny)

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With blessings,
Jack and Rebecca Sytsema 

All content � 2016, Children of Destiny