Children of Destiny's Daily Prayer





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Parent's Prayer: 
Dear Lord,
How wonderful it is to know that you work all things together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Help us, Lord, to avail ourselves of this promise by truly loving you and by being committed to your purposes on the earth. We acknowledge that it is often hard to understand why certain things are happening, and it is difficult to see how they will work together for our good. Even though we often feel confused, we know that we can trust you to bring good out of every situation that we face. We thank you that despite our feelings, we can pray with faith that you will bring forth your purposes. Today we ask that this promise would be manifested in _____'s life. We thank you, Lord, that when we are submitted to you, you will do wonderful things for us.
In Jesus' Name,
Family/Friend's Prayer: 
Dear Lord,
How wonderful it is to know that you work all things together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Help the _____ family, Lord, to avail themselves of this promise by truly loving you and by being committed to your purposes on the earth. Lord, sometimes it is hard to understand why certain things are happening, and it is difficult to see how they will work together for their good. Even though they may often feel confused, help them to know that they can trust you to bring good out of every situation that they face. I thank you that despite their feelings, they can pray with faith that you will bring forth your purposes. Today I ask that this promise would be manifested in [child's name]'s life. I thank you, Lord, that when we are submitted to you, you will do wonderful things for us.
In Jesus' Name,
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With blessings,
Jack and Rebecca Sytsema 

All content � 2016, Children of Destiny