NEWS from Transitional Housing Inc.
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Evening of Hope Gospel Fest

Friday, August 29, 2014

Mt. Zion Church 


Home for All Ball

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Windows on the River


Run/Walk for Home 5K

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Cleveland MetroParks Zoo


Join Danita Harris for

An Evening of Hope

Danita Harris has been a huge supporter of THI and she is showing her committment once again by hosting An Evening of Hope on Friday, August 29 at 7:30pm at Mount Zion Church of Oakwood Village (One Mt. Zion Circle).


This gospel event is featuring gospel singers Maurette Brown Clark & VaShawn Mitchell. 

In addition, a representative from all TV stations as well as Radio One and 95.5 The Fish will be in attendance. 


Proceeds will benefit 

Transitional Housing Inc.


Ticket information will be sent out shortly. 


Resident Meet & Greet
To give all residents and staff a chance to mingle, THI held a meet and greet party on April 16. Residents showcased their talents with poetry reading, guitar playing and singing. The party ended with food and dancing!  
If you have the following items, please contact THI at 216-781-2250 to coordinate a drop off or pickup.

men's clothing
cleaning supplies
non-perishable foods


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Summer 2014


Dear Friend, 


Happy summer! I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather and all that Cleveland has to offer this time of year. With almost all of our 60 units occupied, we continue to stay busy here at THI providing case management and programs and services to both male and female residents. 


We held a resident meet and greet in April and have had several classes graduate from the Workforce Readiness Workshop. We also hosted our 5th Annual Run/Walk for Home on May 31st at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. And, we are preparing for An Evening of Hope, a third party fundraiser hosted by our longtime friend and supporter, Danita Harris, on August 29. 


In addition, planning for our Home for All Ball is in full swing.  We are gathering sponsorships, silent auction items and promoting ticket sales. If you are interested in helping or attending, please contact Maggie Byrne at 216.781.2250 or


As always, we thank you for your continued support! Please feel free to contact us with any questions or if you would like to tour our facility. Our doors are always open! 



 Sherri Brandon, MSSA 
Executive Director


Run/Walk for Home 5K
was a success!

On May 31, THI held our 5th Annual Run/Walk for Home 5K at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. With over 320 participants, the event raised much needed funds for the programs and services at THI. All participants enjoyed a beautiful course through the Zoo, breakfast, an awards program and access to the Zoo and Rainforest for the rest of the day. 

Special thanks to all event sponsors, participants and 
the planning committee!! 

Workforce Readiness Workshop Graduation 

A major obstacle to overcoming homelessness is unemployment, which is why THI's Workforce Readiness Workshop is so important to the residents of THI, as well as people from collaborating agencies. Four days a week for four weeks, THI staff member, Donald Dupree, teaches everything about obtaining and retaining employment. Subjects include building a resume, employee etiquette, how to interview, how to job search, etc... Below are some pictures of graduates with their instructor, Donald Dupree. All graduates have been on interviews, with a few already gaining employment!