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Ed Rodgers
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For if the Gentiles have shared in their [the Jews'] spiritual things, they are indebted to minister to them also in material  things
(Romans 15:27).
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This issue looks at the latest news from Israel and the Middle-East, the latest attacks on the 2nd Amendment, Evangelicals, and conservatives, and the "release" of a "person of interest."



News from The Israel Project

missilesRockets fired from the Sinai Peninsula slammed into Israel today [Wednesday] and were claimed by a jihadi Salafist group operating in the territory. Hard-line Islamist groups have increasingly infiltrated the Sinai Peninsula since the 2011 overthrow of then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak... Egypt's army is finding itself frequently at odds with current Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, who receives support from Hamas, which has in recent years transported weapons through the Sinai into Gaza for use against both Israel and Egyptian security officials.


The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterdayIsraeli and American flags  unanimously passed along to the floor a resolution affirming U.S. support for Israel in the event Israel has to militarily take action to degrade Iran's nuclear infrastructure. The bipartisan legislation - which was co-sponsored by 80 Senators - emphasized the shared danger that Iran represents to the United States and Israel, and resolution also noted Iran's role as a state sponsor of terrorism and the Islamic republic's support of the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria.


Human rights and civil liberties groups are blasting Turkey after a Turkish court convicted one of the country's top composers on charges of denigrating Islam. Pianist Fazil Say - a noted critic of the ruling Islamist government of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan - was given a suspended sentence for making jokes about religious practices on Twitter. The incident is being read against the backdrop of fears that Turkish officials are deliberately targeting intellectuals, artists, and journalists. Turkey already surpasses China and Iran as the world's worst country in imprisoning journalists, and last month Human Rights Watch called on Turkish officials to pass legislation designed to stem endemic human rights violations inside the country.


Egyptian satirist Bassem Youssef - arrested last month for insulting Islam and the country's Muslim Brotherhood-linked President Mohamed Morsi - triggered a new round of controversy

over the weekend with a sketch in which he compared the Muslim Brotherhood to the Nazis.In his Saturday sketch, Youssef, who is regularly described as Egypt's version of U.S. comedian Jon Stewart, mocked the group for trying to enforce purity on Egyptian society. 

Obama Calls 2nd Amendment Groups Liars

pistolVision to America reports: President Obama angrily blamed the defeat Wednesday of his centerpiece gun-control proposal on lies spread by the National Rifle Association, calling it "a pretty shameful day for Washington." "The gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill," Mr. Obama said in the White House rose garden about 90 minutes after the vote. "It came down to politics." Read more.


Evangelicals Could Be Put On Watch List, Denied Guns

Muslims though will be given any weapons they want.

Conservative Byte.com reports: Citing recent "inflammatory rhetoric" by Army officials, the head of the Family Research Council is warning supporters that President Obama could put evangelical Christians and Catholics on a "watch list" to prevent them from purchasing guns. Read more. 


140,000 Canisters of U.S. Teargas to Egypt's MorsiGas mask 

Daniel Pipes reports: The Egyptian publication Al-Masry Al-Youm  reports that the U.S. government has supplied five containers carrying 140,000 teargas canisters to Egypt's Interior Ministry. They cost the Egyptian government just under US $2.5 million. According to ministry spokesperson Hani Abdel Latif, the ministry imported the grenades in order to protect state facilities. Read more.


School Teaching Students That Conservatism Wants To Restrict Personal Freedoms
 Political Outcast reports: Union Grove, Wisconsin is a small rural community 16 miles west of Racine and 16 miles north of the Illinois border. It has a population of around 4,300 people who enjoy the small town lifestyle with easy access to the larger nearby towns. One would expect a small rural town like Union Grove would be fairly conservative in many of their personal, religious and political views. But if you look at the lessons that students at Union Grove schools are being taught, you may be in for a surprise. Read more.


Californians Sign Petition to Ban and Confiscate Firearms

Info Wars reports: Media critic and social analyst Mark Dice shows how people are literally in a trance as he gets trendy liberals in California to sign a petition banning their birthrights. Read more and watch some frightening videos showing how stupid people can be (if you need more evidence).


Chechnya Region Is Volatile Hotbed of Terror


Newsmax reports: Chechnya, the Russian republic believed to be connected to the two Boston Marathon bombing suspects, has been the scene of Muslim-related terrorism and violence since the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union. Militants from Chechnya and neighboring provinces have launched a long series of terror attacks in Russia, including a 2002 hostage-taking raid in a Moscow theater, in which 129 hostages died, a 2004 hostage-taking incident at a school in Beslan that killed more than 330 people, and numerous bombings in Moscow and other cities. "These are a very hardcore group of people," Steven Bucci, an expert in defense and homeland security with the Heritage Foundation, told Newsmax on Friday. "The Islamists who are willing to take up the sword are willing to do it 110 percent." Read more.

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Ed Rodgers
Ed Rodgers Author
Please visit my website to learn of my books or to schedule a speaking engagement.