August 29 - September 4, 
3 Elul - 9 Elul 5774

Parshat Shoftim
Bar Mitzvah of Jordan Koppes

Welcome to Congregation Torat Emet's weekly Emes, all the news and happenings at the shul and around the community.  Enjoy and Shabbat Shalom! 

7:00 AM      Daf Yomi
8:00 AM      Shacharit
6:30 PM      Mincha
6:50 PM      Candle Lighting
8:30 AM      Parsha Shmuze
9:00 AM      Shacharit
10:15 AM    Toddler - K: Supervised play - Back of Youth Lounge
                     Toddler - K: Kindercongregation - Toddler Room
                     Grades 1-2 in Classroom A
                     Grades 3-5 in Classroom B
7:00 PM      Pre-Mincha Shiur
7:30 PM      Mincha
8:48 PM      Shabbat Ends

Daf Yomi:
7:00 AM   Sunday & Monday
6:00 AM   Tuesday- Friday
8:00 AM   Sunday & Monday
7:00 AM   Tuesday-Friday
6:25 PM   Sunday-Thursday
6:20 PM   Friday
Calendar Corner
Important Dates - Mark Your Calendar!

September 19th-21st
Moshe Frank Torah Dedication

September 24th
Erev Rosh Hashanah

September 29th
Rabbi Rafael Grossman Scholar in Residence - Ethics

October 3rd
Erev Yom Kippur

October 9th
Erev Sukkot

October 14th
Sukkah BBQ

October 16th
Simchat Torah

October 26th
Noah's Ark Family Zoo Program

October 31st
Family Kabbalat Shabbat

November 15th
PJs & Havadalah

December 12th & 13th
Eli Kranzler Musical Scholar in Residence

December 13th
Kranzler Family Concert

December 16
1st night of Hanukkah

*Please note changes to class schedule
Parsha Shmuze
Shabbat morning at 8:30 AM
Talmud Class with Rabbi Epstein
Sunday night at 8:00 PM
Nachmanides on the Torah with Rabbi Millen
Monday night at 8:00pm
Women's Beginners Text with Linda Vlosky Zack
Wednesday night, 8:00pm at the Blumberg home
Tractate Berakhot with Rabbi Unterman
Wednesday night, 8:00pm at the Unterman home
Kiddush Luncheon (dairy) 
& Seudah Shlisheet

Kiddush Luncheon (dairy) this week is sponsored by Dalia and Jeff Koppes in honor of the Bar MItzvah of their son, Jordan

Kiddush Captain this week is Peggy Kaplan. Kiddush Team members are Janet Abroms, Terry Goldmeier, Fran & Dan Greenberg, Agi Hartstein, Arlene Richman, Beverly Roseman-Shapiro, Dorothy Salomons, and Adam Scheinbach
Mazel Tov!

to Dalia and Jeff Koppes on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jordan

to Ely and Phyllis Zofan, Yoni and Allison Zofan, Dori and Nehama Zofan, and Gilli Zofan and Allison Birne on Gilli and Allison's upcoming marriage
Welcome to our new members!

Rabbi Shaul and Sara Libby Epstein

New and Returning Classes
New Monday Night Class with Rabbi Henoch Millen
The subject will be "Nachmanides on the Torah - Insights on the Weekly Parsha from the Ramban", and classes will be at 8pm.

Linda Vlosky Zack's Class to Resume
Women's Beginners Text with Linda Vlosky Zack will resume (with the shidduch of Adam & Chava/Eve) this Wednesday September 3rd at 8:00 pm at the Blumberg home.  

Tractate Berakhot with Rabbi Unterman Resumes
Rabbi Unterman's Wednesday night class will resume this Wednesday at 8:00pm at the Unterman home
Memorial Booklet
Yizkor memorial booklet entries are now being revised for the coming year.  The deadline is this Sunday, August 31. If you wish to renew your entry, you must indicate same by phone or form or email by August 31.  Unlike past years, entries will not be automatically renewed. Click here to view/print entry form. Forms are also available in the shul office and on the promo table in the social hall. 

Moshe Frank Torah Writing Campaign

Cantor Dovid Weinberg to Lead Torat Emet High Holiday Services
Dovid Weinberg  Congregation Torat Emet is excited to  announce that Chazan Dovid Weinberg  will once again be leading the  congregation in High Holiday services.  Chazan Weinberg certainly lives up to his  reputation for the ability to combine  popular melodies and traditional  chazanut. 

 Born in Jerusalem, Chazan Weinberg  studied nusach with his father, Rabbi  Noftoli Weinberg, and with the world-renown chazan Moshe Stern.   He is the permanent chazan at Congregation Ohel Yitzhak in Jerusalem and a guest chazzan at the Great Synagogue in Yerushalim, the Yeshurun Synagogue and other congregations throughout Israel.


Chazan Weinberg is often called to synagogues and programs in Europe and in other cities in the U.S.  Prior to his work at Torat Emet, he led the High Holiday Services at Congregation Shaarei Tfilah in L.A.  He lives in Jerusalem with his wife Bracha children.  When not busy with Chazanut he works in advertising.

                    High Street Communityhs
The High Street Community is a project led by Rabbi Effy Unterman for young professionals looking for meaningful Jewish experiences and fun ways to meet other young Jewish adults.  The program's goal is to help its participants learn about Judaism in a way that is exciting, enjoyable, open, and welcoming to others no matter their background.
For more information, or to sign up for HSC events and e-mails, please contact Rabbi Unterman at

or call the office at 614-238-6778.

First Friday - September 5, 2014
First Friday is a Shabbat experience for young Jewish adults of all backgrounds featuring a brief evening service and a Shabbat meal on the first Friday of every month. First Friday is hosted at 1 Miranova Place in downtown Columbus. 
                            Israel Committeeic


Jewish Community Center of Greater Columbus

Columbus Torah Academy

Yom Iyun Monday September 1 at 9am
Topic is "Pas Palter" and the event is titled: Bread-n-Breakfast. 

Annual Chinese Auction
September 7, 7-9pm at Huntington Park. For more info contact or 237-7133

Israel Bonds
Dessert Reception (dairy) Honoring Roni and Bari Leeman
September 11, 6:30pm at Beth Jacob Congregation
Covert $20 per person
For reservations call 800-752-5667

Columbus Eruv

Follow on twitter @ColumbusEruv for all the latest updates,

or call 614-489-8281 


Buckeye Kosher Korner
Follow Buckeye Kosher (@BuckeyeKosher) on Twitter for the latest kashrus updates or


Shabbat Table Discussions

To view or download Yeshiva University's latest Shabbat Table Discussions click here 

                             Goods & Services
                                      Support Torat Emet
 with These
Goods and Services

Oberer's Flowers  
Use this link and place your next flower order with Oberer's Flowers and Torat Emet will earn 20% of the purchase price!

In This Issue
Shabbat Service Schedule
Weekday Service Schedule
Class Schedule
Youth & Family
Featured Reading Headline
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Torat Emet
2375 E. Main Street
Bexley, OH  43209
Quick Links
Office Hours
Monday-Labor Day
9 AM - 4 PM
9 AM - 1 PM
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Congregation Torat Emet 

General Fund 
Rabbi Henoch and Dr. Rochel Millen in honor of Ken and Nancy Supowit on the marriage of their son, Ben, to Jenny Rolef
Stuart and Eileen Weltz in honor of Fred Adler's 94th birthday
Stuart and Eileen Weltz in honor of Fred and Frieda Adler's 68th wedding anniversary
Lana Covel in honor of Daniel Newman
Linda Vlosky Zack and Rabbi Howard Zack in commemoration of the yahrzeit of mother, Gloria Vlosky
Robert and Laurie Silber

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
David and Naomi Myers in honor of Robin and Larry Garvin

Kiddush Fund
Paula and Jan Radzynski in commemoration of the yahrzeit of mother, Eta Gering
Happy Birthday this week to...

Ellen Spialter, Marcia Ungar, Tani Bandler, Yona Metz, Daniel Meyers, Laura Nutis, Samuel Garvin, Juliette Schiff, Moshe Makias, Tara Ganon, Ilana Klamka, David Margolin, Sarah Frank, Gabriela Schottenstein, Marjorie Ciranni, and Zachary Ebner