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Summer 2013
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Welcome to the summer edition of the Maryland Transitioning Youth Newsletter.  This time of year, many youth find themselves at home with no way to get around.  In areas of the state where there is public transportation, taking the bus or other transit is one option for youth.  This edition provides information on learning how to use public transit through travel training.

Transition Planning

Travel Training 


 Woman using wheelchair by speeding subway


Travel training programs educate individuals with disabilities on how to ride fixed route public transportation, such as local buses, trains or subways.  The main benefit of travel training is that it encourages independence and increases the opportunities for employment, education and social activities. 


Every training program is different, but some  major training activities typically include: 
  • Assessment
  • Trip planning
  • Familiarity of environment
  • Crossing of streets
  • Boarding, riding and exiting vehicles

For more information about Travel Training, please visit the Maryland Transitioning Youth Website. 

Program Spotlight 

Travel Training through MTA and the IMAGE Center


The IMAGE Center is a non-profit Center for Independent Living located in Towson, Maryland that provides a variety of programs including travel training.  The IMAGE center works with the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) to provide travel trainers that teach individuals with disabilities how to use the MTA public transportation system including bus, metro and light rail. Travel training will not affect eligibility for MTA Mobility.


The program is available to individuals of all ages,  with various disabilities and is free.  Instruction may be done in a one-on-one setting or with a group of no more than 10 people. Lessons can either be for transportation to a specific destination or can provide a basic understanding of MTA public transportation.  Training at the IMAGE Center is uniquely tailored to the disabilities and needs of each individual.  Some general skills that are taught include:

  • Pedestrian skills training
  • Map and schedule reading
  • Personal safety
  • Managing mobility equipment on the bus
  • Route planning
  • Communication and respect/self-advocacy
  • Time and money management

Individuals are trained until the IMAGE Center trainer and the person being trained believe that they can sufficiently travel on their own.  According to IMAGE travel trainer, Amanda Taylor, travel training can have an enormous impact on the individuals that participate.  In her experience "their worlds just open up."  Once a person receives training they have easier and more independent access to social, school and employment opportunities.


If you are interested in learning more, the IMAGE Center holds presentations on travel training and travel options at the center, in schools or for other groups. 


For more information or to sign-up for travel training, please contact Lisa Labre, the outreach coordinator at the IMAGE Center: 443-377-3469; or visit the IMAGE Center website

Upcoming Events


 Saturday, November 16, 2013 from 8 to 4

Comfort Inn & Conference Center, Bowie, MD

 4500 Crain Hwy., Bowie, MD, US, 20716



23rd Anniversary Celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act 

Friday, July 26th from 12-3 pm

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

University Center Ballroom

1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250




For all other announcements, visit us on Facebook.


The Maryland Transitioning Youth Website is sponsored by the Governor's Interagency Transition Council for Youth with Disabilities and is designed to provide information and resources to youth and young adults with disabilities and their families.  

 For more information visit at

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