
Leap deep!
Get a lift in your spine, your mind and your life!
How have you weathered the storm? Find comfort in your body and your mind. Come on in and warm up, soften, expand your comfort zone and be spacious!

It's easier than you think to begin from where you are right now! Experience this....   


No state is static. Whatever state you're in, Svaroopa® yoga and Supported Self Inquiry opens you to that. It even relaxes your mind! 
This yoga and Supported Self Inquiry will help you to be okay with whatever state you're in! 
It's not about locking in and holding on to a certain desirable state or ridding yourself of so-called less desirable emotions, thoughts or sensations. It's easier than that! It's about relaxing and being alive in the state you're in! Being able to facilitate yoga and counseling sessions and have each inform the other is the fortunate result of being a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a certified svaroopa® yoga instructor.


Svaroopa® yoga offers an amazingly precise and compassionate approach to health, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. 

Be balanced inside and outside. You can have clarity inside and reap the benefits on the outside. 

Want to manage your reactivity to life? The good news is you can with Svaroopa® yoga and Supported Self Inquiry! 

Do you have difficulty meditating? Supported Self Inquiry may be just what you're looking for! This service is covered by insurance.
In a Supported Self Inquiry session I will guide you toward a direct experience of yourself as a foundation for ease and clarity. This form of counseling isn't focused on problem solving per se, so called "problems" are endless. This efficient and effective approach allows your underlying beliefs and conditioning that are causing the problems to become conscious! This reveals a spaciousness that includes your life so you are managing your life from the inside out, your perception of your life! Isn't that all there is? Start living from the inside out and see your life enliven in all it's wonderful forms! Slow down and revel in your unique and enlightened Self! It's inspiring!

Yoga is not about the way you look, it's about your outlook!
Where you're looking from becomes more important than what you're looking at and that's good news! Yoga is about the way you feel inside your own body and mind. This ancient approach to health gives an immediate sense of peace and well-being through guided awareness, breathwork, poses and awareness of your direct experience.Your body and mind will become supple and spacious. A student read this and said it does change the way you look by softening facial expressions leaving a relaxed radiance in your face and other physical benefits like great posture and a perceptible openness to life that is attractive. It's subtle but you become more approachable, in a supple body with an open core! The whole body is invigorated! You may find that you make new choices with your diet and other aspects of your life due to increased awareness! Live your life aware AND relaxed!

Learn how to release your spine and unleash your passion!
Are you interested in yoga for happiness? Then you're in the right place! 
Receive a profound spinal alignment and simultaneously align with grace! 
You'll feel "up" when you leave the studio and you will bring that into your life! 


Kiss Your Problems Good Bye! Yoga practitioners and clients of Supported Self Inquiry report that their outlook on life changes when they have a consistent practice. 
Practice hours a day? No way, a quick 20-30 minute practice where ever it fits into your life does the trick! Naturally the more consistent and deep your practice the more profound and uplifting the changes will be.
Yoga and counseling to go deeper found at:        

 The mystery of perception is that it extends only as far outside as inside.
                                                          - Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati

Join a class, ask about hosting a private party or find profound changes with a series of Embodyments® or Supported Self Inquiry