Monthly Newsletter
October 2015
 We are now in the height of the fall season. We enjoy going outside more, the air is cooler and we seem to breathe better. Leaving windows open at night brings the fresh air inside giving us a better nights sleep. In New England many of us change our wardrobes to heavier fabrics and fall colors. Everyone starts to think about the holidays, whatever we may celebrate. Happy Fall.
Tune in
"The Patricia Raskin Show"
WPRO - 630AM & 99.7FM
Saturdays 4pm-6pm ET
"The Patricia Raskin Show"
Mondays from 2-3pm ET
The Patricia Raskin Show
Tune into The Patricia Raskin Show
The program that helps you turn obstacles into opportunities, challenges into solutions and find answers to tough question
Your host, Patricia Raskin, is the award winning,
"powerhouse voice of radio", at the forefront of positive messaging. 4-6pm, on News Talk AM630/99.7FM and streamed online
at, the Voice of Southern New England.
Below is the list of this month's guests for "The Patricia Raskin Show" on WPRO. Additional scheduled guests for October will be posted on
Patricia's home page each week.
Saturday, October 3rd - Leadership RI at 4:00pm 
Tune in when Patricia interviews Mike Ritz, Executive Director of Leadership Rhode Island (LRI) and Rhode Island Chairman of the Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve (ESGR), will discuss LRI's multi-year strategy to improve Rhode Island's workplace and psyche, beginning with the state's first strengths-based statewide convening on October 24, 2015, titled, "The Greatest Lil' State on Earth," featuring Gallup CEO, Jim Clifton. Details and registration:
Saturday, October 3rd - RI Rotary at 4:30pm

Tune in when Patricia interviews current and former officers of the Rotary Club of Scituate Rhode Island. On the program are President Ernie Carpenter, Assistant Governor Sharon Johnson and past District Governor and current club treasurer, Bill Vangel. They will discuss the importance of civic responsibility, current projects of the Scituate Rotary in Rhode Island and the mission of Rotary International. The purpose of International Rotary is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and to advance goodwill and peace around the world.
Saturday, October 3rd - Create My Podcast Team
Tune in with the Create My Podcast Team: David Englund, Phil Marrone, Patricia Raskin and Steve Wolfe. You will learn why podcasting is the fastest growing media platform for businesses and why businesses should not miss out on this great opportunity to expand their brand, increase credibility, and get new clients and customers.
Saturday, October 3rd - Milton Glazer at 5:30pm Tune in when Patricia is joined by Nancy Thomas, President of Tapestry Communications when they interview Milton Glaser. He is among the most celebrated graphic designers in the United States, who has made it his business to give visual identity to the very ideas that have shaped our culture. He is the creator of the "I ♥ NY" logo and New York Magazine among many iconic visual images and was selected new designer for Rhode Island tourism brand.
Saturday, October 10th - Kerri Quintal at 4:00pm
Tune in when Patricia interviews Kerri Quintal a criminal, family, and juvenile law attorney in Massachusetts with over 15 years experience representing children, teenagers, and adults including those with Autism, Lyme disease and Arthritis.
As a former certified nursing assistant who has performed respite care in both a medical setting and home environment, Kerri possesses a different vantage point than other attorneys without this training or experience. She will discuss the emotional stress and financial burden that certain diseases and disabilities can exert on individuals, families, and divorced or divorcing parents and how it may effect their ability to run a household with children, hold down a full time job, or pay alimony or child support.
Saturday, October 10th - Robbie Holz at 5:30pm
Tune in when Patricia interviews Robbie Holz, an internationally-respected healer, speaker, and award-winning author. She will discuss her new book "Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening: A Journey of Healing and Spirituality with a Remote Australian Tribe" which explains ways to heal yourself using natural, non-invasive Australian Aboriginal healing secrets complementing any treatment modality and help you thrive in body, mind and spirit.
Saturday, October 17th - Kevin LeBlanc at 4:00pm
Tune in when Patricia Raskin interviews Kevin LeBlanc, owner of RWL General Contractors, which has been a family owned business for over 40 years. They specialize in kitchens and bathrooms, windows and doors, vinyl siding and roofing, general remodeling and painting.
Saturday, October 17th - Dr. Michele Pelosi at 5:00pm
 Tune in as Patricia brings us guest expert Dr. Michele Pelosi, owner of Dr. Michele Pelosi's Chiropractic Care in Cranston, RI. Her practice provides a variety of therapeutic services, including electronic muscle stimulation, manual therapeutic exercise, spinal mobilization and manipulation. Trigger point work is also provided either by hand or by activator. Her chiropractic services are tailored to the needs of each unique patient.
Saturday, October 24th- HSI at 4:00pm
 Tune in when Patricia interviews Bruce Boguslav, Executive Director and Brian Cuddy at HSI Trust, a non-profit consumer advocacy agency dedicated to keeping homeowners in their homes. HSI is a team of financial professionals who after going through the process themselves, formed a nonprofit consumer advocacy group to help others successfully navigate the system. They have saved hundreds of homes with imminent auctions and have even successfully re versed a number of foreclosures. HSI can help you whether you are still current on your mortgage payments, but having financial hardship that may cause you to fall behind in the future, or a homeowner who has missed a payment or two, or have just been served with an intent to foreclose or auction notice.
Saturday, October 31st- Theresa Brown at 4:30pm
 Tune in when Patricia interviews Theresa Brown, BSN, RN, practicing clinical nurse, author and New York Times columnist. She will discuss her new book The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, Four Patients' Lives, that invites us to experience not just a day in the life of a nurse but all the life that happens in just one day in a busy teaching hospital's oncology ward. In the span of twelve hours, lives can be lost, life-altering treatment decisions made, and dreams fulfilled or irrevocably stolen. Listeners and readers witness something profound about hope and healing and humanity.
Saturday, October 31st - Linda Jacks at 5:00pm
Tune in when Patricia interviews Linda Jacks who is a clairvoyant medium whose been connecting with spirit guides since the age of 5. Her unique psychic gifts have helped thousands of people including many well-known celebrities understand what is needed to further enhance their lives. A psychic is a seer, a diviner, a spiritually realized person who has tapped into their sixth sense and trained themselves to delve deep into their own as well as others psyche, mind or soul. Linda has trained to bring out truths about others and guide them through life do this through in person sessions, jewelry, cards, pictures, phone calls, and other sources. Linda has had two near death experiences and "came back" to help others see their purpose.
Patricia's guests on
I am in my 14th year with I began in the early days of internet radio and am pleased to say Voice America is outstanding in topics, hosts, and programing. Check out their other programs to be inspired. All current and past programs are archived on this site and can be heard after they air at
Special guests on VoiceAmerica will be:
Monday, October 5th
2:00pm Katherine Woodward Thomas author of "Conscious Uncoupling"
2:30pm Janet Lynn Roseman author of "If Joan of Arc had Cancer"
2:00pm Aaron Kula, musical Director and accordion for Klezmer Company Orchestra
2:30pm Bill Aron world renowned photographer and author of "New Beginnings: The Triumphs of 120 Cancer Survivors"
Monday, October 19th
2:00pm Dr. David Foreman author and radio host of the syndicated show, "The Herbal Pharmacist." He is the author of, "4 Pillars of Health: Heart Disease." 2:30pm Devra Jacobs, owner of Dancing Word Group Agency, LLC, professional Intuitive Reader or
Monday, October 26th
2:00pm Joanna Charnas Author of "Living Well with Chronic Illness"
Patricia's Speaking Engagements

Patricia to speak on October 29th In honor of Encore Entrepreneur Mentor Month, the SBA Rhode Island District and the Center for Women & Enterprise, a resource partner of the SBA, will host two workshops, Is Encore Entrepreneurship for You? These events are targeted at entrepreneurs over the age of 50+ to assist these "encore entrepreneurs" with resources to start or grow a small business. New research found that one and four Americans between the ages of 44 and 70 are interested in starting their own business or non-profit venture in the next five to ten years. Nearly half of all these aspiring entrepreneurs reported a desire to be "Encore Entrepreneurs", a business with a positive social impact. For many 50+ individuals, entrepreneurship training is the toolkit that empowers them to use their knowledge, expertise, and skills to become business owners and job creators. This is an opportunity for SBA and it's resource partners to introduce existing and future encore entrepreneurship to existing resources. Is Encore Entrepreneurship forYou? Presented by Patricia Raskin
Raskin Resources Productions,Inc
Thursday, October 29 - 6pm-8pm Rochambeau Library 708 Hope St. Providence, RI
For more information please call
MatthewSpoehr at
Transition Coaching with Patricia
 Patricia offers change and transition coaching to her radio show listeners, readers and clients. This is a client led coaching process which is co-creative, where Patricia asks the questions, and you, the client provides the answers.
Patricia has a Masters Degree in counseling and was recently trained by World Coach Institute which is affiliated with the International Coaching Federation. With her 30+ years asking questions as a TV and radio interviewer, Patricia knows the questions to ask to bring you awareness, clarity, motivation and confidence.
We all go through change, but the stress of the transition during this time, often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and stuck. Before we can move on, we need to process and move through the change that is happening. Patricia states, "The insights that come forth from clients are amazing and i have heard many aha moments."
Some of the key issues that Patricia's clients typically face:
Moving, starting a new job, relation change, health challenge, financial change, loss of a job, transitioning to retirement and empty nest issues.
Patricia works with people all over the country, by phone, so there is no travel time and geography is not a concern. Please contact Patricia for special introductory rates. Get to the other side and on to a new chapter in your life! Call Patricia (401) 440-6299 |
Brand Yourself Through Radio Shows and Podcasts
Do you want: To find an effective way to deliver your message in your own voice? A powerful branding and marketing tool? A great leverage tool to get your message out? An inside track and easy entre to networking? Your message to have shelf life and legacy? Use the right tools to create podcasts? Patricia will help you to: Find the right podcast vehicle to deliver your message. Determine your audience needs and how to meet them. Create show titles, formats and topics.
Practice interview skills.
Choose the right guests or develop your targeted message for listeners
Develop social media and promotion strategies to build your brand. Build an audience and find sponsors.
Patricia works with clients to create podcasts that target their audience, create a unique angle on the topic,develop a format, formula and content for the show that establishes their brand, and communication vehicles to build rapport with podcast listeners. Radio podcasts can give you another platform to deliver your message, stand out and earn revenue. Patricia has hosted, produced and marketed over 1,000 radio programs and she knows what works.
Check out her coaching brochure on the website!
Write or call Patricia for more information - or 401.440.6299
This is one of my favorite stories told to me by my late father and included in my book Pathfinding. I don't know its origin, but my father told me there was a similar story told by a Rabbi with different names. This story speaks to turning obstacles into opportunities and how without the obstacle, the opportunity may never present itself.
One day the owner of a building tells his caretaker that he must go out of town for a day, but that he expects a most important letter. He informs the caretaker that he must make sure he gets the registered letter himself because it is a very important letter. The owner leaves the next morning. That afternoon the letter is delivered, but requires a signature.
The caretaker tells the postman that he doesn't know how to write.
The postman explains that he must obtain an actual signature, no marks or X's. Since the caretaker can't write, the postman refuses to leave the letter. When the owner returns and learns what happened, he becomes furious and fires the caretaker on the spot. The caretaker finds himself without a job and without an income. To support his meager existence, he starts peddling whatever goods and services he can to survive.
His business begins to grow and improves to the point that he is able to open a little store. By the time his sons are old enough to help him, he has become well established. The sons inherit the business and when the caretaker retires, they decide to build a larger store. They ask their father, the former caretaker, to help them borrow the money to finance their ambitious undertaking.
The father asks the banker for the loan and the banker says, "No problem. You can have whatever you need. Just sign on the dotted line." The father looks at the banker and replies, "I can't sign. I never learned how to write." In astonishment, the banker asks, "How is it possible that a man who can't write could be as successful as you are?"
"Ah," says the father, "If I could write, I'd still be a caretaker."
There are many Rhode Islanders' who are in need of cold weather clothing. A twist of fate could put any family into this hardship. Children go to school with no hats, gloves or coats and this issue is far more "real" than many of us understand. Cold weather is starting to set in. When you are transitioning over to your winter wardrobe and the wardrobes of your children, keep in mind that, some may not have that luxury and would be greatly warmed by your clothing donations. Donations will be brought directly to those who need it - on the street and in shelters via the MAE Organization for the Homeless.
Presented by Miss Rhode Island Italia Titleholders Thursday, October 1, 2015 from 6-8pm DaVinci Restaurant and Lounge, Providence Complimentary Appetizers - Complimentary Valet Parking - Music - Raffle Prizes $5 or $10 suggested donation at the door - Not Mandatory
Patricia's SBA Award and news articles Check out the links below. Patricia's Speech SBA Winners Patricia in RI Creative Magazine
My sponsored guests are featured in the Newsletter below. For a complete listing of guests, please go to my website links for each station shows:
WPRO Shows Voice America
Social Media
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Patricia Raskin-Raskin Resources on Facebook @Patricia_Raskin on Twitter Free Mobile Apps and podcasts available to download on