Monthly Newsletter
August 2015

August is a great summer travel month. So many of us go to warm climates, take cruises, visit with friends and relatives in warm places and just enjoy the second half of the summer. For those of you who are working and not taking time off over the summer, I suggest you take time "to smell the roses", enjoy the outdoors, explore your local community and take time for yourself.
Fun Weather Lore:
The hottest days of the year often fall in August
Dry August and warm doth harvest, no harm
If the first week of August will be warm, the winter will be white and long. Weather Lore Source
Make it a great August!
Tune in
"The Patricia Raskin Show"
WPRO - 630AM & 99.7FM
Saturdays 4pm-6pm ET
"The Patricia Raskin Show"
Mondays from 2-3pm ET
The Patricia Raskin Show Saturdays Tune into The Patricia Raskin Show
New name, New time, Same great new guests, Same great format...
the program that helps you turn obstacles into
opportunities, challenges into solutions and find answers to tough questions.
Your host, Patricia Raskin is the award winning, Powerhouse Voice of Radio, at the forefront of positive messaging. 4-6pm, on News Talk AM630/99.7 FM and streamed online at the Voice of Southern New England.
Saturday, August 1st - David Feldman at 4-4:30pm
Tune in when Patricia interviews David Feldman one of the co-authors of SUPERSURVIVORS: THE SURPRISING LINK BETWEEN SUFFERING & SUCCESS who explores extraordinary accomplishments in the wake of catastrophic trauma to help us understand how ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things. Supersurvivors, offers a bold new vision for understanding and harnessing resilience through the lens of positive psychology. David B. Feldman & Lee Daniel Kravetz, co-authors of Supersurvivors: The Surprising Link between Suffering and Success.
Saturday, August 1st - Barnet Bain at 4:30-5pm
Tune in when Patricia interviews Barnet Bain is an award-winning filmmaker, radio broadcaster, educator and creativity expert, and author of "The Book of Doing and Being"a #1 Amazon Hot New Release in Popular Psychology Creativity & Genius. His film credits include Oscar-winner "What Dreams May Come" (producer), Emmy-Award nominee, Outstanding TV Movie, "Homeless to Harvard" (executive producer) and "The Celestine Prophecy" (writer, producer). Barnet will talk about how we must learn to harness creativity to thrive in this new world where families, workplaces and relationships are being shaken by rapid change. Bain shows us how anyone can ignite creative imagination and innovation.
Saturday, August 1st - Dr. Mark Coppes at 5-6pm
Tune in when Patricia interviews Dr. Mark Coppes, Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at South County Orthopedics, which he joined in 1995. South County Orthopedics specializes in total joint replacement, surgical and non-surgical care of fractures, arthritis, strains, sprains and sports-related injuries. Dr. Coppes will discuss the goal of the orthopedic team to return patients back to whatever they consider to be their normal, the latest techniques and technologies to treat the problem whether it's a total replacement, fracture or osteoarthritis and the commitment of the team to personal attention during every stage of surgery and treatment.
Saturday, August 8th - Michael Gurian at 4:00pm
Tune in when Patricia interviews New York Times bestselling author Michael Gurian who offers a groundbreaking plan for couples seeking to build a healthy relationship, work through past hurts, and create greater intimacy. Recent university studies show that the most frequent reason relationships dissolve is not abuse, alcoholism, money, or even infidelity, but rather a lack of emotional fulfillment. Michael Gurian will discuss his new book LESSONS OF LIFELONG INTIMACY: Building A Stronger Marriage without Losing Yourself - The Nine Principles of A Balanced And Happy Relationship.
Saturday, August 8th - Pat Paolino Cruz at 5:00pm

Tune in when Patricia interviews Pat Paolino Cruz who is an event marketing specialist, former radio show host, and marketing/social media innovator nationally celebrated for her ranking in the TOP FIVE Rhode Islanders with highest calculated social media influence. Her experience in event production includes Southern New England Women's Expo, Rhode Island Bridal Show, Mind-Body-Spirit Experience, YOUR LIFE EXPO, and Social Networking Events. With an entrepreneurial background that spans over three decades, Pat is a branding guru for small businesses and has a nonpareil track record of marketing to female consumers - one that is informed by her profound appreciation of what women want, what women need, and the contributions women make to our economy and culture. Pat will discuss the value of local events and how they benefit not only the local economy, but those consumers who are looking to live a successful and more balanced lifestyle.
Saturday, August 15th - The Patricia Raskin Show hour at 4-5pm
Listen at 4pm when Patricia is joined by TBA
 Saturday, August 15th - Linda Jacks at 5-6pm
Tune in when Patricia interviews Linda Jacks is a clairvoyant medium whose been connecting with spirit guides since the age of 5. Her unique psychic gifts have helped thousands of people including many well-known celebrities understand what is needed to further enhance their lives. A psychic is a seer, a diviner, a spiritually realized person who has tapped into their sixth sense and trained themselves to delve deep into their own as well as others psyche, mind or soul. Linda has trained to bring out truths about others and guide them through life do this through in person sessions, jewelry, cards, pictures, phone calls, and other sources. Linda has had two near death experiences and "came back" to help others see their purpose.
Saturday, August 22nd - HSI at 4-5pm
 Tune in when Patricia interviews Bruce Boguslav, Executive Director and Brian Cuddy at HSI Trust, a non-profit consumer advocacy agency dedicated to keeping homeowners in their homes. HSI is a team of financial professionals who after going through the process themselves, formed a nonprofit consumer advocacy group to help others successfully navigate the system. They have saved hundreds of homes with imminent auctions and have even successfully reversed a number of foreclosures. HSI can help you whether you are still current on your mortgage payments, but having financial hardship that may cause you to fall behind in the future, or a homeowner who has missed a payment or two, or have just been served with an intent to foreclose or auction notice.
Saturday, August 22nd - Dr. Jacob Teitlebaum at 5-6pm
Tune in when Patricia interviews Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, MD who is a board certified internist and nationally known expert in the fields of chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, sleep and pain. Director of the Practitioners Alliance Network, he is one of the most frequently quoted integrative medical authorities in the world. He is the author of the best-selling From Fatigued to Fantastic!, Pain Free, 1,2,3!, the Beat Sugar Addiction Now! series, Real Cause Real Cure, The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution, and the popular free Smart Phone app Cures A-Z.
Saturday, August 29th - Dr. Gerald Colvin at 4-5pm
 Tune in when Patricia interviews Dr. Gerald Colvin, hematologist/oncologist and director of the hematology/oncology at South County Hospital, whose role is to take care of patients with blood disorders, blood cancer and solid tumor cancers. Dr. Colvin will discuss the comprehensive services offered including physical therapy, nutrition, physiotherapy, home visit, adaptive needs, psychological services and support groups. He will talk about the care given to patients,how every patient is important and how they are treated like family.
Saturday, August 29th - Dr. Linda Kronick at 5-6pm
Lose the CPAP! Tune in when Patricia interviews Dr. Linda Kronick, D.M.D., owner of Laser Dentistry, who is on the forefront of the latest technologies in dentistry and is first dentists in New England using the NightLase system to eliminate snoring. Dr. Kronick will discuss The NightLase, an amazing procedure using the laser to tighten the collagen and open the back of the throat to reduce snoring, and treat sleep apnea which is caused by tissue being relaxed and flabby in the back of the throat.
Patricia's guests on
I am in my 14th year with I began in the early days of internet radio and am pleased to say Voice America is outstanding in topics, hosts, and programing. Check out their other programs to be inspired. All current and past programs are archived on this site and can be heard after they air at
Special guests on VoiceAmerica will be:
Monday, August 3rd
2pm Celeste Longcare author of Celeste Garden Delights
Monday, August 10th
2pm Lee Milteer author of Reclaim the Magic
2:30pm Dr. Christine Horner author of Waking The Warrior Goddess
Monday, August 17th
2pm Germany Kent author of You are What You Tweet
2:30pm Avinoam Lerner author of The New Cancer Paradigm
Monday, August 24th
2pm Francinne Lawrence & Lynne Shaner researchers for Thriving After Cancer
2:30pm Tish Jennings author of Mindfulness for Teachers
Monday, August 31st
2:30pm Elaine Meyer, Director, Institute for Professionalism & Ethical Practice at
Boston Children's Hospital and Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School
Patricia's Speaking Engagements
Patricia to speak on August 4th and August 19th:
In honor of Encore Entrepreneur Mentor Month, the SBA Rhode Island District and the Center for Women & Enterprise, a resource partner of the SBA, will host two workshops, Is Encore Entrepreneurship for You?
These events are targeted at entrepreneurs over the age of 50+ to assist these "encore entrepreneurs" with resources to start or grow a small business.
New research found that one and four Americans between the ages of 44 and 70 are interested in starting their own business or non-profit venture in the next five to ten years. Nearly half of all these aspiring entrepreneurs reported a desire to be "Encore Entrepreneurs", a business with a positive social impact.
For many 50+ individuals, entrepreneurship training is the toolkit that empowers them to use their knowledge, expertise, and skills to become business owners and job creators. This is an opportunity for SBA and it's resource partners to introduce existing and future encore entrepreneurship to existing resources.
Is Encore Entrepreneurship forYou?
Presented by Patricia Raskin
Raskin Resources Productions,Inc
Tuesday,August 4th-9:30am-11:30am
600 Sandy Lane
Warwick, RI
GardenCity Center
100 MidwayRoad
Cranston, RI
For more information please call
MatthewSpoehr at
Do you have to deal with difficult people? If you are interested in this topic for your group, please contact Patricia. If you deal with difficult people in your life, this workshop will help you to understand how they think, why they do what they do, and specifically what you can do to be less of a target for the difficult people in your life. You will learn how to derail problem people, how to bring out the best in them, while being treated with respect.
Transition Coaching with Patricia
Patricia offers change and transition coaching to her radio show listeners, readers and clients. This is a client led coaching process which is co-creative, where Patricia asks the questions, and you, the client provides the answers.
Patricia has a Masters Degree in counseling and was recently trained by World Coach Institute which is affiliated with the International Coaching Federation. With her 30+ years asking questions as a TV and radio interviewer, Patricia knows the questions to ask to bring you awareness, clarity, motivation and confidence.
We all go through change, but the stress of the transition during this time, often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and stuck. Before we can move on, we need to process and move through the change that is happening. Patricia states, "The insights that come forth from clients are amazing and i have heard many aha moments."
Here is a sampling of some of the key issues that Patricia's clients typically face:
- Moving to a new city
- Birth of a new child
- Starting a new job
- Chaning a life or work pattern or strategy
- Going back to school
- Going through relationship change (e.g. breakup, divorce)
- New health challenges
- Loss of a job
- Financial changes
- Transitioning to retirement
- Empty nest issues
Patricia works with people all over the country, by phone, so there is no travel time and geography is not a concern. Please contact Patricia for special introductory rates. Get to the other side and on to a new chapter in your life! Call Patricia (401) 440-6299 |
Brand Yourself Through Radio Podcasting
Creating radio podcasts as a powerful marketing tool.

Do you want:
To find an effective way to deliver your message in your own voice?
A powerful branding and marketing tool?
A great leverage tool to get your message out?
An inside track and easy entre to networking?
Your message to have shelf life and legacy?
Use the right tools to create podcasts?
Through having your own radio show podcasts you will learn how to:
Find the right podcast vehicle to deliver your message
Determine your audience needs and how to meet them
Create show titles, formats and topics
Practice interview skills
Find the right guests or develop your targeted message for listeners
Develop social media marketing strategies and promotion vehicles to build your brand and your business
Build an audience and find sponsors
That's one of Patricia's specialties. She will help you create podcasts and find the right vehicle to house them whether on the radio or internet or both.
Radio podcasts can give you another platform to deliver your message, stand out and earn revenue. Patricia has interviewed over 2,000 guests and she knows what works.
Check out her coaching brochure on the website!
Write or call Patricia for more information - or 401.440.6299
Dealing With Negative Comments
Negative comments can hurt, especially when they are personal attacks and not constructive. I have heard many celebrities say that when they do not read the reviews or negative stories about them. One said that he knows when his work is good or not so good and that he values his own opinion.
When you take negative comments to heart - they hurt your self-esteem and your self-esteem is your most important asset. You must have a strong self-concept and believe in yourself in order achieve your goal.
It's most important to take the source of the comments into consideration. A reason not to listen to attacks, is that they often do nothing to help you. A reason to listen is that you can use negative comments as fuel to do better. You have to weigh both as you are usually your own toughest critic. When you have done your best, you know it and feel it. When you have not performed according to your own expectations, you know that too, and can make course corrections. So if f there is a kernel of truth in the negative comments, you can make changes.
Coaches can be very effective in helping you correct your course and stay on it. The comments from coaches are given with the sole purpose of helping you improve and do your best, while keeping our self-esteem and motivation intact.
I feel that you should not pass on negative comments you hear about others to them directly because you are delivering third party information which can be misinterpreted. The exception to this is if a person is in danger or you feel that they must hear the negative comments in order to protect themselves from harm, then it is appropriate to tell them what you have heard.
My advice: Spend more time listening to your own advice. You know what is right, wrong, good and bad. You need to take up your own counsel.
Paula M. Smith, M.Div., MFT Certified Imago Therapist and Couple Coach is offering a free online Webinar, Loving Out Loud: 5 Steps to Unlocking Couples' Potential for Connection and Relaxed Joyfulness, on Tuesday, August 4 at 8:00 ET / 5:00 PT. This free online course is uniquely designed to offer couples new skills and practical tools that have proven very effective to help them move beyond frustrations, impasses and conflict. Unless couples do something in their interactions they will never get beyond the same difficulties they have always encountered. Using her method, partners will learn to create emotional safety, opening the space for true togetherness, authenticity and openness. Sign-up here: It's Free! or call 401-782-7899 for more information
 Change Your Mind, Change Your Brain by Anne Marie Ludovici Most books tell you what you need to do to change your health behavior. Change Your Mind, Change Your Health: 7 Ways To Harness The Power Of Your Brain To Achieve True Well- Being, teaches you how to actually initiate change and sustain the change over time. Based on the TTM method of psychotherapy, and known to psychologists and medical professionals worldwide, Ludovici now makes this information available to the general public with proven, evidence-based behavioral tools for "achieving a self-assured and sustainable sense of health and well-being in the face of all obstacles or challenges." About the Author: Anne Marie Ludovici (Annie) is a noted author, speaker, well-being activist, and leading authority in affective personal lifestyle enrichment. Annie helps people change-from the inside out. Her bestselling book, Winning Health Promotions Strategies, is considered the blueprint for fostering healthy communities everywhere. Her unique expertise and proven methodology have helped a wide range of clients-from Fortune 100 clients to small businesses, healthcare providers, and state and local governments-make a change for the healthier. |
Patricia's SBA Award and news articles from May 2015. Check out the links below. Patricia's Speech SBA Winners Patricia in RI Creative Magazine
My sponsored guests are featured in the Newsletter below. For a complete listing of guests, please go to my website links for each station shows:
WPRO Shows Voice America
Social Media
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