
January 2015

January is a month of new beginnings. It's a time to clear out the old and make way for the new. The new year gives us all the opportunity to try things in a new way.  Whether or not you make formal New Year's resolutions, think about what you want to achieve in the next year both personally and professionally. I think it's great to have a fresh start each year. Here's to 2015. Make it a great one!

Listen on Jan 2 on WPRO as Patricia Fills in for John DePetro 
Guests on Friday Jan 2:
9:00 am ET hour - Russell Raskin, Bankruptcy attorney to discuss debt after the holidays 
10:00 am ET hour - Brian Lamoureux, attorney specializing in social media law to discuss email and texting safety 
11:00 am ET hour - Amy Diaz and Jason Case, Amazing Race winners from Rhode Island and RI's Giovanni Feroce, CEO of Benrus, Considered one of today's most successful CEO's in America

Spotlight Guest on  
Julia Cameron January 5th 2:00pm ET
"Patricia Raskin Positive Living" on 
Tune in as Patricia interviews Julia Cameron, award-winning poet, playwright, and filmmaker.  She has written thirty books, ranging from her widely-praised, hard-hitting crime novel The Dark Room to her volumes of children's poems and prayers. The Artist's Way has sold more than four million copies worldwide, and her followup bestsellers Finding Water, The Vein of Gold, Walking in this World and The Right to Write are likewise flagship books which are taught in universities, churches, human potential centers and even in tiny clusters deep in the jungles of Panama. She will discuss her newest book, PROSPERITY EVERY DAY: A Daily Companion on Your Journey to Greater Wealth and Happiness. One of the primary obstructions to creativity is financial: If we had more money, we would be more creative, we say. Too often, we tell ourselves that our creative dreams are beyond our reach. In this new release, Julia Cameron asserts that we have it backwards; our creativity does not depend on money. If we are more creative, we experience a greater flow and consequently, greater prosperity.


             What about the Bees?


Bee imagery has always been meaningful and symbolic to Patricia and she has come to use it more and more as her unofficial logo.

Like the bee that draws nectar from deep inside the flower to make honey, Patricia Raskin is a catalyst
who draws out the positive, life-enriching wisdom of her guests, and serves it up as enriching honey for your soul.. Her radio shows transfer life experiences into food for thought-a honeycomb of strength, hope and positive action for these challenging times."

In This Issue
Julia Cameron on
Dr. Tad Hour
Patricia Raskin Positive Living expanding NOW 3-6pm ET

Tune in

"Patricia Raskin Positive Living"

WPRO - 630AM & 99.7FM
(streamed live on
Saturdays 3pm-6pm ET

"Patricia Raskin Positive Living"
Mondays at 2-3pm ET

My sponsored guests are featured in the Newsletter below. For a complete listing of guests, please go to my website links for each station shows:

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Patricia Raskin Positive Living

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Patricia Raskin Positive Living

Saturdays AM630/99.7FM
3-6pm ET

Dr. Tadeusz Sztykowski
January 3, 10, 17, 24  and 31 3:00-5:00pm ET
dr_tad Tune in for the double Wellness Feature as Patricia interviews Dr. Tad Sztykowski, D.Ac., founder of Dr. Tad Centers for Integrative Medicine and Healing in Providence, which focuses on restoring patients health by correcting causes of diseases. A licensed MD in 27 European countries, he came to this country in 1987 to study the oldest medical system, Chinese medicine. He graduated from the New England School of Acupuncture in 1990, then opened his private practice and has treated over 15,000 patients with myriads of health conditions. He is author of Healthcare Dollars and Cents: How Classical Chinese Medicine Can Save Your Health and Your Company's Bottom Line.
Joining Patricia and Dr. Tad during the 4:00 time slot will be:

January 3:
Dr. Bradley Nelson, one of the world's foremost experts in the emerging fields of bio-energetic medicine and energy psychology. He is author of the best-selling book, The Emotion Code, a system for releasing the trapped emotions that block mental and physical healing.

January 10:
Aniela and Jerzy Gregorek, Professional trainers and authors of The Happy Body: The Simple Science of Nutrition, Exercise, and Relaxation. This dynamic husband and wife team developed the successful and innovative fitness program they've used with hundreds of athletes, celebrities, and ordinary people whose bodies, lives, and health they've transformed.  

January 17:
Anne Marie Ludovici, a noted author, speaker, well-being activist,and leading authority in affective personal lifestyle enrichment. Annie helps people change-from the inside out. She will discuss her book, Change Your Mind, Change Your Health: 7 Ways to Harness the Power of Your Brain to Achieve True Well-Being.

January 24:
Carl & Jhoane Robinson, health educators and co-founders of liquid dietary supplement manufacturer Cedar Bear Naturales. Carl is a clinical & formulary herbalist and nutritional therapist.  Jhoane is a traditional herbalist, yoga instructor & meditation facilitator and organic gardener. She is the former lead writer for a nationally distributed herb journal. Having been inflicted with a disabling auto-immune condition at an early age, her recovery is part of the legacy of Cedar Bear Naturales.

January 31: Guest to be announced.

David Marble
Saturday, January 17 5:00-5:30pm ET
Tune in when Patricia interviews David Marble, President and CEO Ocean State Higher Education Economic Development and Administrative Network (OSHEAN). OSHEAN is motivated by its commitment to members to deliver premium, affordable, broadband telecommunications, IP networking, and Above the Net services. It is the mission of OSHEAN to seek out innovative technology solutions that best align with its members' objectives. Working collaboratively, OSHEAN continuously drives economic advantage and operational efficiency to improve the agility and responsiveness of member organizations.

I'm excited to announce that Patricia Raskin Positive Living has expanded to 3 hours, so you can now listen on Saturdays from 3-6pm ET. We will continue to show you how to turn your problems into solutions with our regular guests and new ones as well. So, stay healthy, stay happy, get the support you need and tune in to Patricia Raskin Positive Living Saturdays at our expanded time, 3-6pm, on News Talk AM630/99.7 FM and streamed online at - the Voice of Rhode Island.
- Patricia  

Kevin Leblanc RWL 2013 Kevin LeBlanc
Saturday, January 3   5:00-6:00pm ET
Tune is as Patricia interviews Kevin LeBlanc, owner of RWL General Contractors, which has been a family owned business for over 40 years. They specialize in kitchens and bathrooms, windows and doors, vinyl siding and roofing, general remodeling and painting. 

paula_marshall_2011 Paula Marshall
Saturday, January 10 & 24  5:00-6:00pm ET
Tune in for the Success feature with guest expert Paula Marshall, CEO of Bama Companies and author of the book, Finding the Soul of Big Business. The Bama Pie Company's story began in 1927 in the kitchen of Cornillia Alabama "Bama" Marshall, Paula Marshall's grandmother. This book is an amalgamation of every lesson she has learned as a CEO. She will answer your questions about happiness, fulfillment and change in the workplace today.

Bruce BoguslavBruce Boguslav
Saturday, January 17 5:30-6:00pm ET
Tune in when Patricia interviews Bruce Boguslav, Executive Director at HSI Trust, a non-profit consumer advocacy agency dedicated to keeping homeowners in their homes. HSI is a team of financial professionals who after going through the process themselves, formed a nonprofit consumer advocacy group to help others successfully navigate the system.  They have saved hundreds of homes with imminent auctions and have even successfully reversed a number of foreclosures. HSI can help you whether you are still current on your mortgage payments, but having financial hardship that may cause you to fall behind in the future, or a homeowner who has missed a payment or two, or have just been served with an intent to foreclose or auction notice.

  Courtenay Petracca
Saturday, January 24  5:00-6:00pm ET
Tune is as Patricia interviews Courtenay Petracca, Rhode Island Outreach Coordinator at Hamilton Relay.  Hamilton Relay has been providing telecommunications relay services for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or have difficulty speaking since 1991. Hamilton Relay is a division of Hamilton Telecommunications®, a diversified telecommunications service provider headquartered in Aurora, Nebraska. Established in 1901 as a small regional telephone company, Hamilton Telecommunications has grown to not only provide local telephone service and relay services, but also to provide internet service, information systems, call center services, long distance, and cable television for its customers. 
Transition Coaching with Patricia
Patricia is now offering change and transition coaching to her radio show listeners, readers and clients. This is a client led coaching process which is co-creative, where Patricia asks the questions, and you, the client provides the answers.

Patricia has a Masters Degree in counseling and was recently trained by World Coach Institute which is affiliated with the International Coaching Federation. With her 30+ years asking questions as a TV and radio interviewer, Patricia knows the questions to ask to bring you awareness, clarity, motivation and confidence.

We all go through change, but the stress of the transition during this time, often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and stuck. Before we can move on, we need to process and move through the change that is happening. Patricia states, "The insights that come forth from clients are amazing and i have heard many aha moments."

Here is a sampling of some of the key issues that Patricia's clients typically face:
  • Moving to a new city
  • Birth of a new child
  • Starting a new job
  • Chaning a life or work pattern or strategy
  • Going back to school
  • Going through relationship change (e.g. breakup, divorce)
  • New health challenges
  • Loss of a job
  • Financial changes
  • Transitioning to retirement
  • Empty nest issues


Patricia works with people all over the country, by phone, so there is no travel time and geography is not a concern. All interested clients receive a free 15-minute coaching session to see if Patricia can help them.


Please contact Patricia for special introductory rates and initial complimentary consultation.


Get to the other side and on to a new chapter in your life!
Call Patricia (401) 440-6299
Brand Yourself Through Radio

Are you looking to launch your own radio show?

That's one of Patricia's specialties. She will help you get on the air, stay on the air, find guests and sponsors.

Radio can give you another platform to deliver your message, stand out and earn revenue. Patricia has interviewed over 2,000 guests and she knows what works.
Check out her coaching brochure on the website!

Write or call Patricia for more information - or 401.440.6299
Patricia Speaks
raskin_speaking_02_11Do you have to deal with difficult people? If you are interested in this topic for your group, please contact Patricia.

If you deal with difficult people in your life, this workshop will help you to understand how they think, why they do what they do, and specifically what you can do to be less of a target for the difficult people in your life.  You will learn how to derail problem people, how to bring out the best in them, while being treated with respect.

Positively Speaking
patriciasittingChoosing New Year's Resolutions That You Can Keep


It's the New Year. Many of us have New Year's resolutions or at least a wish list of what we want in 2015.


The problem with New Year's resolutions as I see it is that we often choose specific things we've wanted for years, but have not been able to attain them. I have another way of working with New Year's resolutions that brings success.


First make a list of all the intangibles you want in your life. Examples are peace, joy, abundance, financial prosperity, comfort, beauty, excitement, adventure, love, romance. Next, select the top two or three that you most want and visualize having them in your life.


Now write two or three things under each intangible that would bring it to you. For example, if you want more peace in your life, make a list of those things that would bring you peace. If some of the things on your list are too difficult to have realistically at this time, choose ones that you can easily access. So if paying your bills on time, cleaning your kitchen, lighting a candle, walking on the beach, organizing a drawer or room brings you a sense of peace and order, do those things that you can easily achieve. As you focus on the things that bring you peace, concentrate on finding more things that bring you peace. When you are undecided about something, ask yourself will this bring me peace or anxiety?


Each decision that you make that is positive and is a step toward the next positive decision. Once you're on the 'right road' to choose peace, for example, the selection process becomes easier.


When you get off track and make a decision that does not bring you the quality of life you desire, don't blame yourself. Instead observe it as an outsider looking in and then move on. Don't dwell on the "bad choice." Understand why you made it and make another choice quickly that will bring you peace or whatever the intangible quality is that you desire.


This may sound easy. It takes some discipline, but if your desire is strong enough, you can begin to choose the things that move you closer to what you want.           

Remember, if you can see it, feel it, and believe that is possible - whatever it is - can be yours. The real test is believing that the good things in life that you want can be done.



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