
March 2014

March is known for St. Patrick's Day, the first day of Spring and spring cleaning. I thought this Old Irish Blessing fit the season on many levels.

An Old Irish Blessing
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!
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Spotlight Guest on  
Thomas Maier March 24th 2:00pm ET
"Patricia Raskin Positive Living" on
Tune in as Patricia interviews Thomas Maier, award-winning investigative journalist at Newsday and author of several acclaimed books, including The Kennedys ad Dr. Spock. He will discuss his book MASTERS OF SEX, The Life and Times of Willliam Maters and Virginia Johnson The Couple Who Taught America How to Love. The book is the basis of the Showtime Original Series MASTERS OF SEX.


             What about the Bees?


Bee imagery has always been meaningful and symbolic to Patricia and she has come to use it more and more as her unofficial logo.

Like the bee that draws nectar from deep inside the flower to make honey, Patricia Raskin is a catalyst
who draws out the positive, life-enriching wisdom of her guests, and serves it up as enriching honey for your soul.. Her radio shows transfer life experiences into food for thought-a honeycomb of strength, hope and positive action for these challenging times."

Tune in
"Patricia Raskin Positive Living"
WPRO - 630AM & 99.7FM
(streamed live on
Saturdays 3pm-5pm ET

"Positive Dating"
WPRO - 630AM & 99.7FM
(streamed live on
Saturdays 7pm-9pm ET

"Positive Business"
WPRV - 790AM
(streamed live on
Fridays 3pm-5pm ET

"Patricia Raskin Positive Living"
Mondays at 2pm ET

My sponsored guests are featured in the Newsletter below. For a complete listing of guests, please go to my website links for each station shows:

Sponsored Guests
Patricia Raskin Positive Living

patricia_headshot wpro_logo

Patricia Raskin Positive Living

Saturdays AM630/99.7FM
3-5pm ET

Dr. Tadeusz Sztykowski
Saturdays, March 1 & 29  4:00-5:00pm ET and March 8, 15 & 22 3:00-5:00pm ET
dr_tad Tune in for the Wellness Feature as Patricia interviews Dr. Tad Sztykowski, D.Ac., founder of Dr. Tad Centers for Integrative Medicine and Healing in Providence, which focuses on restoring patients health by correcting causes of diseases. A licensed MD in 27 European countries, he came to this country in 1987 to study the oldest medical system, Chinese medicine. He graduated from the New England School of Acupuncture in 1990, then opened his private practice and has treated over 15,000 patients with myriads of health conditions. He is author of Healthcare Dollars and Cents: How Classical Chinese Medicine Can Save Your Health and Your Company's Bottom Line.

Sponsored Guests
Positive Business WPRV
Positive Business Logo
 Positive Business Fridays 3-5pm ET
with Patricia Raskin and Lynda Adams-Robitaille 

patricia_headshot   Lynda Adams Robitaille
Tom Kane
Friday, March 28 3:30pm ET
Tune in when Lynda interviews Tom Kane, CEO and Co-Founder of The Keystone Group and President and CEO of AccessPoint, a non-profit human services organization established in 1965. The agency specializes in services for children and adults with cognitive, physical and medical needs, supporting each person to live to his or her fullest potential. The mission of AccessPoint is to empower persons with differing abilities to claim and enjoy their right to dignity, respect, equality, and choice throughout their lives. He has addressed and advised many organizations, political leaders, and government agencies on system-wide improvements and most recently presented testimony before the US Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy and its federal partners in Boston on disability employment issues.
Robert Falcone
Falcone Communications & Design
Robert Falcone, owner of Falcone Communications & Design, specializing in
Graphic Design, Corporate Identity. Brochures. Catalogs, Signage, Packaging. Trade Shows. Branding.

Advertising. Strategy. Creative Development. Art Direction. Print.

Web Development 
Design. Programming. Strategy.
Emilio D'Spirito, Matt Resnick, Zack Levesque and Mike Auger
Saturday, March 1  3:30pm ET

Tune in as Patricia interviews The DiSpirito Team, Maverick Funding, and Auger Enterprises while they roll out their Commission for a Cause Program.  Commission for a Cause is a one of a kind program designed to give back to local charities.  The DiSpirito Team is excited to donate 6% of their commissions on each transaction to a charity of your choice at the conclusion of the selling or buying process.  Maverick Funding has joined the cause and will be matching donations up to $200 when they help the buyer with their financing.  Join us to hear what is really going on in our local housing market from this team of professionals. Emilio, top-producing Rhode Island Focused Realtor and Founder of The DiSpirito Team is here for any Real Estate Questions or Concerns.  Matt Resnick and Zachary Levesque with Maverick Funding have a combined 20+ years or mortgage experience and taken part in billions of dollars of transactions.  If there are any questions about mortgage financing they will have the answers.  Mike Auger is a Certified Master Home Inspector who is thorough and detailed.  If this group can't guide you through the Real Estate process nobody can. 
Kevin LeBlanc
Saturday, March 29  3:00-4:00pm ET
Kevin Leblanc RWL 2013 Tune is as Patricia interviews Kevin LeBlanc, owner of RWL General Contractors, which has been a family owned business for over 40 years. They specialize in kitchens and bathrooms, windows and doors, vinyl siding and roofing, general remodeling and painting. He will discuss how you can beautifully and cost-effectively make changes in your home to enhance your comfort, style, and daily function.
JWU Wildcat Entrepreneur Segment
with John Robitaille
Friday, March 7, 14, 21 and 28 4:00pm ET

Sharkfest is Johnson & Wales University's annual entrepreneurship contest hosted by the Larry Freedman international Center for Entrepreneurship. The JWU "Wildcat Entrepreneur Segment" on Positive Business will begin on Friday February 14th and run for twelve weeks. Each segment will feature JWU student entrepreneurs who will talk about their business ventures including the challenges and opportunities of taking an idea and turning it into a viable business opportunity. John Robitaille, Executive in Residence at the International Center for Entrepreneurship at Johnson & Wales University, will be in studio for each segment and will provide background and commentary on each student's venture.

Dr. Christopher Ottiano
Friday, March 7 4:30pm ET

Positive Business welcomes the Brain & Spine Neurosurgical Institute as our "TIPS" Segment sponsor. BSNI, located in Smithfield, RI, is a private neurosurgical practice with a multi-disciplinary approach to spine care. Since joining Brain & Spine Neurosurgical Institute in 2004, Dr. Ottiano has performed over 20 thousand epidural steroid injection procedures. He is also an active member of the International Spine Intervention Society.  


Dr. Christopher Ottiano, MD is a native Rhode Islander. He attended St. George's School in Newport before receiving his degree in chemistry from Wesleyan University. Dr. Ottiano earned his degree in medicine from Tufts Medical School. He is a board certified general surgeon who has completed specialized training in spine intervention. Since joining Brain & Spine Neurosurgical Institute in 2004, Dr. Ottiano has performed over 20 thousand epidural steroid injection procedures. He is also an active member of the International Spine Intervention Society. 

Peter Berman, Esq.
Friday, March 14 3:30pm ET
peter_berman Tune in when Patr
icia and Lynda interview Peter Berman Esq., partner at Raskin and Berman, attorney in Providence for over 30 years specializing in bankruptcy law. He will discuss what bankruptcy in business is and how we can prevent and manage debt in small business and corporations.
otrando_associates Greg Porcaro
Friday, March 21 3:00pm ET
greg porcaro

Tune in when Patr
icia and Lynda interview Gregory Porcaro, CPA/ABV, MST, CFF, of Otrandro, Porcaro & Associates, LTD. Gregory A. Porcaro has been the principal in charge of all tax, business valuation, and business consulting services for Otrando, Porcaro & Associates, Ltd., a full-service accounting and consulting firm located in Warwick, RI since 1987. Greg is a Past President of the RI Society of CPAs, the past chair of the AICPA's S Corporation Technical Resource Panel, and a former member of its Tax Executive Committee. He is also an officer of the RI Estate Planning Council and the RI Society of Financial Service Professionals. He will discuss healthcare initiatives and how it relates to businesses as well as things to consider for business tax returns.
Positive Business NEW Co-Host on WPRV!

Positive Business Radio Show
with Patricia Raskin and Lynda Adams 
Happy Anniversary 'Positive Business'
Celebrating the Show's fourth year with a new co-host
Fridays 3-5pm ET on AM790 Providence 


Positive Business with Patricia Raskin began its fourth year on AM790 radio January 3rd with a new, full-time weekly co-host, Lynda Adams.

"This is an exciting time for me and the show", Patricia Raskin responded when asked why the change from the previous format of multiple guest co-hosts. "That was a great experience but as the show enters its fourth year, I felt it was time to make some changes to reflect how much it has grown and matured. Bringing Lynda Adams on as my permanent co-host is an opportunity to take the show to another level. As an entrepreneur and small business owner, as well as having an extensive sales background, her experiences bring a broad perspective on both challenges and opportunities within the business community"

The two-hour show airs every Friday from 3-5PM on AM790, WPRV Talk and Business, an affiliate of the local Cumulus 5-station group. While always focusing on the positive, the show highlights entrepreneurs, small business owners, authors, CEOs, business and leadership coaches among others that appear as guests of the show.

Adams said, "this is an amazing adventure. It allows the two of us the platform to talk about the ever-changing economic environment and the numerous obstacles and challenges businesses face on a daily basis. Businesses and individuals come on and share with the listening audience how they deal with these barriers and turn them into opportunities. We highlight companies who are creating 'best practices'. Also, businesses who have learned to be more lean, and more profitable can share their outcomes with others in the business community."

Raskin and Adams both agree they have the right chemistry and mutual respect for each other, as well as mixing in some humor, which makes this show a tremendous success.

Positive Dating Radio Show on WPRO!
Positive Dating Radio Show on WPRO Providence Saturdays 7-9pm ET

Patricia brings you a two-hour live call-in, on air and online program that combines call-ins, sharing, new perspectives and advice and knowledge from guests and opportunity to find matches online.

Listen live on AM630/99.7FM or streaming online at!
This show is for you. Call in with your stories and opinions.

Listen to the Podcasts on

3/1 with Co-Host Donnie Bennett - Guest Brian Rzepczynski, DHS, MSW, The Gay Love Coach.  As one of the leading love coaches for the gay community, licensed dating and relationship coach Dr. Brian Rzepczynski has over 18 years experience as a psychotherapist and life coach specializing in helping GLBT individuals and couples develop and maintain successful and fulfilling intimate relationships.

3/8 -
The Positive Dating Game - On our Valentine's weekend show, we will have our own version of the classic Dating Game Show involving our Co-Host, Phil Ayoub, and three single women. Phil will be presented with three prospective dates whom he cannot see, but can only ask questions from a phone line. Based on the answers the women give, Phil will choose one to accompany him to Gracie's Providence, who is graciously sponsoring a 5-course Chef's tasting paired with wine for the couple.  To participate in a future Positive Dating Game show, contact Patricia.  


3/15 with Co-Host Dennis Serpone

 Bela Gandhi

3/22 - Guest Bela Gandhi, Relationship Expert


3/29 - Guest to be determined


March 1: Donnie Bennett, Rhode Island Realtor by day, and a Professional DJ & Event Promoter by night.

March 8: Phil Ayoub, former host of "Single MENtality" online talk show  
March 15: 
Dennis Serpone, founder of
March 22:  Co-Host
To be announced


@PatriciaDating on twitter


Positive Dating features:
  • Best-selling authors and national experts sharing dating and relationship tips
  • Callers sharing their experiences and questions about dating and relationships
  • Patricia and co-host sharing their opinions
  • Opportunity for listeners to find matches online with a customized portal for the Positive Dating radio show

Positive Dating is the program that helps you explore positive living, positive dating experiences, positive dating relationships and positive energy to attract the right person for you. We listen and share our perspectives and encourage you to share with fellow WPRO listeners on the air and online.

Sponsored by: 
Radio Coaching/Offerings by Patricia

  Brand Yourself Through Radio

Patricia Raskin now offering customized workshops to show you how honing your message for radio will get you more exposure. Refine your elevator pitch and gain more clients. Increase your revenues as other have who have been guests on her radio shows and other shows. Radio can give you another platform to deliver your message and stand out. Patricia has interviewed over 2,000 guests and she knows what works.

Are you looking to host your own radio show?
That's one of Patricia's specialties. She will help you get on the air, stay on the air, find guests and sponsors. Write or call her for more information and check out her coaching brochure on the website!

Write or call Patricia for more information - or 401.440.6299
Prophet Share - Seasoned Professionals Sharing Trade Secrets
Prophet Share, Inc., formerly known as the RI Small Business Recovery Program, has emerged as an excellent example of what has become internationally known as "a sharing community".  In simple terms, "a sharing community" removes duplication that doesn't add value and concentrates on things that do add value. Through participation in Prophet Share, talented business owners and trainers (prophets) no longer have to individually own projection, video and recording equipment.  Nor do they have to rent expensive classroom or hotel space in order to share their talent and experience with their peers. As the result of this "penny-pinching" sharing approach, Profit Share, Inc. will be able to bring high-quality business training to the Rhode Island entrepreneurial community on a meager budget of less than $25,000 annually. In the past thirty two months, the Recovery Program provided peer-to-peer training to over 7,000 business owners and entrepreneurs.  With the collaborative efforts of experienced business leaders and teachers, Prophet Share, Inc. is expected to greatly add to that number.

To register for any of the free seminars below, please go to  Any questions, please call Dave Nash at 401-447-8000.   All events will be held at the Centerville Seminar Center, 875 Centerville Rd, Warwick, RI - Building 2, Suite 5.

Lisa Tener - Award-winning book writing coach

Get Lisa Tener's FREE AUTHOR TOOLKIT on how to write your book.


Lisa's 7-day book writing e-course includes:

    • Crucial advice on how to start
    • Powerful book writing exercises
    • A free subscription to Lisa's bi-weekly book writing & publishing news, tips, events and articles

You can get Lisa's complimentary author toolkit here. And feel free to contact Lisa to find out how she can support you in writing and publishing your book-a book you can be proud of and one that can make a difference in the world.

I've experienced Lisa's coaching first hand and she is so knowledgeable, creative, intuitive, and has a pulse on what works and what doesn't. She is also well-connected in the industry. I highly recommend Lisa.

Positively Speaking


Create What You Truly Want Through Pictures

Many experts say that if you want to create something for yourself, you need to see it in your minds first and visualize it. I propose another step.  It's even more powerful if you can find pictures of what you want. Here's the exercise. Make a list of what you want in your life. First start with the abstract. What are the qualities of what you want? For example they could include, peace-of-mind, balance, courage, good health, work success, being in nature, special relationship, quality of life, beauty, good communications, financial abundance, travel, etc. Then make a list under each of the those tangible things that bring you the qualities on your first list.

Next get a large sketch pad, glue stick or glue, specific magazines in your area of interest and a scissors. Start looking through the magazines and cut out any pictures that appeal to you that fit in the categories you listed. Begin arranging the pictures on the sheets in some type of sequence. If you want peace-of-mind and balance, write that at the top of the page and place and paste the pictures on the page that represent those qualities.

Pictures are powerful and cutting, pasting, and placing the pictures on the page is a lot of fun. Now if this sounds like an exercise for children, it does has a childlike quality. But the effects are powerful for adults. After you see the collage you have created and review the pictures, they tell a story - your story. The visuals and the feelings they evoke will help you to attract what you desire to you.

This exercise trains the brain and plants the pictures of what you want firmly in your mind and subconscious.

The more you look at the pictures and feel those positive emotions, the more you are reinforcing that this is what you want. The next step is to see yourself in those pictures so that you are creating that experience for yourself as you view them.



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