Greetings! April showers bring May flowers. To add to that, Hal Borland, writes April is a promise that May is bound to keep. In the North East we have had a lot of changeable weather and I found a quote from Mark Twain that expresses that so well, "In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six different kinds of weather inside of four and twenty hours." So here we are people come out with light jackets, go for a walk, have lunch on a restaurant patio, or do some window shopping in town. May is when we begin to clean up what the winter has left behind. Garden shops are stocked with vibrant and colorful flowers, fresh smelling mounds of mulch, and vegetable seedlings ready to be planted. May is a time to prepare for the summer months ahead. |
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Spotlight Guests for May Essie Calhoun May 10th 3:00pm ET "Positive Business" on WPRV AM790
Tune in as Patricia interviews Essie Calhoun, Former Chief Diversity Officer and Director of Community Affairs at Eastman Kodak Co. from 2003-2011. Ms. Calhoun oversaw Kodak's corporate philanthropy and community involvement worldwide in addition to serving as counsel to Kodak's senior leadership and its external diversity advisory panel. Ms. Calhoun used her energy and her propensity for establishing processes that would make a difference to promote Kodak's good corporate citizenship. She has received the Martin Luther King Commission's Individual Award "in recognition of her lifelong personal and professional dedication, commitment and strength to help create a better community for all people." She will be a keynote speaker at the AWE Conference on June 18th at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick, RI. For more information, log onto aweconference.net or leadingwomen.biz
Matt Fraser May 11th 3:00pm ET
"Patricia Raskin Positive Living" on WPRO AM630/99.7FM
 Tune in as Patricia interviews Matt Fraser, a highly respected psychic/medium featured on local NBC Morning News, CBS Radio, The Learning Annex and more. Through his sold out live events, to regular appearances on major media outlets across the nation, Matt Fraser is on a daily odyssey into the spiritual world and back, with a personal mission to re-connect families, friends and loved ones across the ultimate divide both through his standing-room-only shows and his new book The Secrets to Unlocking Your Psychic Ability.
Katharine Woodward Thomas May 13th 2:00pm ET
"Patricia Raskin Positive Living" on VoiceAmerica.com
Tune in as Patricia interviews Katharine Woodward Thomas, M.A., M.F.T, a Los Angeles based licensed psychotherapist and author, who has been facilitating seminars for more than a decade. author of the national bestseller, Calling in "The One", creator of the Calling in "The One" online course, creator of the Conscious Uncoupling 5 Week Process, and co-creator of the Feminine Power Online Courses for women, who has had the privilege of teaching over 200,000 people worldwide, both in person and in virtual learning communities. She will discuss her new book, Calling in The One: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life, which is based on her seven-week program using the law of attraction and how to find your soul mate for happy healthy love through the Calling in the One Course and seminars. She will be leading this seminar at Omega Institute from May 24th through May 27th.

What about the Bees?
Bee imagery has always been meaningful and symbolic to Patricia and she has come to use it more and more as her unofficial logo.
Like the bee that draws nectar from deep inside the flower to make honey, Patricia Raskin is a catalyst who draws out the positive, life-enriching wisdom of her guests, and serves it up as enriching honey for your soul.. Her radio shows transfer life experiences into food for thought-a honeycomb of strength, hope and positive action for these challenging times."
Tune in
"Patricia Raskin Positive Living" WPRO 630AM & 99.7FM (streamed live on 630wpro.com) Saturdays from 3pm-5pm ET
"Positive Business" WPRV - 790AM (streamed live on 790business.com) Fridays 3pm-5pm ET
"Patricia Raskin Positive Living" voiceamerica.com - Mondays at 2pm ET
Positive Business Co-Hosts
May 3 - Mari Anne Snow, CEO/Founder of SophiaThink, a digital strategy firm that helps clients develop consolidated business strategies that utilize the web for maximum business benefit.
 May 10 - Lisa Bergeron, President of Leading Women Southeastern New England, offering innovative services and leadership programs.
May 17 - Gil Lantini, Founder and President of Rhode Island Small Business Journal and President of Focus Business Solutions. May 24 - George Goens, author, speaker and national consultant on leadership and educational reform. May 31 - Tuni Renaud Schartner, President of TRS Strategies, marketing consultant, Public Relations, Social Media and Event Planning professional |
PLEASE NOTE: My sponsored guests are featured in the Newsletter below. For a complete listing of guests, please go to my website links for each station shows:
Sponsored Guests
Patricia Raskin Positive Living
Dr. Tadeusz Sztykowski Saturday, May 4, 11, 18, & 25 4:00-5:00pm ET
Tune in for the Wellness Feature as Patricia interviews Dr. Tad Sztykowski, D.Ac., founder of Dr. Tad Centers for Integrative Medicine and Healing in Providence, which focuses on restoring patients health by correcting causes of diseases. A licensed MD in 27 European countries, he came to this country in 1987 to study the oldest medical system, Chinese medicine. After graduating from the New England School of Acupuncture in 1990, he opened his private practice and has treated over 15,000 patients with myriads of health conditions ranging from allergies to cancer. His new book Healthcare Dollars and Cents: How Classical Chinese Medicine Can Save Your Health and Your Company's Bottom Line. www.thewellnessclinic.net
Dr. Mary Kay Uchmanowicz Saturday, May 18 3:00pm ET
Tune is as Patricia interviews Dr. Mary Kay Uchmanowicz, AuD., CCC-A, Board Certified Audiologist. She is the owner of Twin Rivers Hearing Health, Inc., a private audiological and hearing aid dispensing practice, established 18 years ago in Providence and now in Smithfield since 2001. "Dr. Mary Kay" will discuss signs of hearing loss, hearing loss due to job-related noise exposure, ringing in the ears, musician monitors and how she has been helping people with hearing problems often accompanied by depression, anxiety and isolation for more than 30 years. In 2006, she was nationally recognized as a "Focus on People winner" for her work as Hearing Ambassador for people of the Philippines. |
Sponsored Guests
| Positive Business WPRV
Brian Lamoureux Friday, May 3 4:30pm
 Tune in as Patricia interviews Brian Lamoureux, a Partner with Pannone, Lopes, Devereaux & West LLC, for the "Risky Business: The Law of Social Media" featured segment. His extensive practice areas include complex commercial litigation, employment law, social media law, receiverships and creditors' rights. He is a frequent presenter, published author and broadcast commentator on the topics of social media and e-communications in the workplace.
Michael Rudnick Friday, May 17 3:30pm
 Tune in as Patricia interviews Michael Rudnick, President of RCC. Founded in 1989 by Michael Rudnick, RCC specializes in reducing impact from IT failures through preventative maintenance, continuous remote monitoring, network security, and help desk support. Acting as, or in support of, an in-house IT department, RCC resolves network issues prior to failures or disruptions and provides recommendations for equipment purchasing, hands-on software and hardware installation, staff training, technology plan development. www.rcc-pcsupport.com
George Goens Friday, May 24 3:00pm ET
Tune in for the "Leadership" featured segment when Patricia interviews George Goens, author, speaker and national consultant on leadership and educational reform. He is author of "Soft Leadership for Hard Times" and "Resilient Leadership for Turbulent Times". http://georgegoens.com/
Kevin LeBlanc Saturday, May 11 & 25 3:00pm ET
Tune is as Patricia interviews Kevin LeBlanc, owner of RWL General Contractors, which has been a family owned business for over 40 years. They specialize in kitchens and bathrooms, windows and doors, vinyl siding and roofing, general remodeling and painting. He will discuss home improvements especially during these winter months. www.rwlcontractors.com/
Dr. Michele Pelosi Saturday, May 18 3:30pm ET
Tune in as Patricia interviews Dr. Michele Pelosi, owner of Dr. Michele Pelosi's Chiropractic Care in Cranston, RI. Her practice provides a variety of therapeutic services, including electronic muscle stimulation, manual therapeutic exercise, spinal mobilization and manipulation. Trigger point work is also provided either by hand or by activator. Her chiropractic services are tailored to the needs of each unique patient. http://drmicheleschiropracticcare.com
Russell Raskin Friday, May 17 3:00pm ET
Tune in when Patricia interviews Russell Raskin Esq., partner at Raskin and Berman, attorney in Providence for over 30 years specializing in bankruptcy law. He will discuss what bankruptcy in business is and how we can prevent and manage debt in small business and corporations.
Ed Drozda Friday, May 17 4:00pm
 Tune in as Patricia interviews Ed Drozda, The Small Business Doctor, who helps you keep your business healthy and thriving. Listen in and discover the value of the business physical, the importance of a clear diagnosis and the importance of employing the correct treatments.You will not want to miss this lively and informative conversation with one of the area's most unique small business coaches. http://4eandd.com/ |
Produced by Raskin Resources Productions, Inc.
The Dr. A Show
with Dr. Will Aguila on iHeartRadio.com
I am very pleased and proud to produce "The Dr. A. Show" for Dr. Will Aguila.
Will Aguila, MD, Dr. A as his patients call him, is a bariatric surgeon who broke the cycle of obesity in his own life. His purpose and passion is to show listeners who have been battling weight loss for a long time how to conquer their weight problems through an integrative approach using changes in nutrition, fitness, self-help, and wellness. Dr. A's new book Why I Don't Lose Weight: Conquering the Cycle of Obesity is accessible on his website www.thedrashow.com.
The guests on the weekly Dr. A show are best-selling authors and experts in nutrition, exercise, lifestyle changes and wellness. Among his guests are Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Daniel Amen, Max Bolka, Dr. Mike Dow, Richard Simmons, Lisa Nichols, Leeza Gibbons, Dr. Maya Angelou, Michael Landon, Jr., Sherry Stringfield, Kevin Sorbo, Deirdre Hall, Dr. Michael Roizen, and Marci Shimoff.
The "Dr. A" show is heard on Cincinnati's ESPN 1530 and in Eastern North Carolina on WTKF 107.1FM and WJNC 1240AM. Tune in to iheartradio.com.
Are you looking to host your own radio show? That's one of Patricia's specialties. She will help you get on the air, stay on the air, find guests and sponsors. Write or call her for more information and check out her coaching brochure on the website!
TRANSFORMING BIG OBSTACLES INTO BIG OPPORTUNITIES Most of us have had turning points where the failure of losing a job, a loved one or our health opened the door to a great opportunity.
Although it doesn't feel that way at the time it happens, failures teach us our greatest lessons and we can parlay them to achieving great success. In light of the recent events at the Boston Marathon, I wanted to share this story. In my book, Pathfinding, Seven Principles for Positive Living, my father tells this story that was handed down to him. It speaks to transforming obstacles into opportunities.
Here it is: One day the owner of the building tells his caretaker that he must go out of town for a day, but that he expects a most important letter. He informs the caretaker that he must make sure he gets the registered letter himself because it is a very important letter.
The owner leaves the next morning. That afternoon the letter is delivered, but requires a signature. The caretaker tells the postman that he doesn't know how to write. The postman explains that he must obtain an actual signature, no marks or X's. Since the caretaker can't write, the postman refuses to leave the letter.
When the owner returns and learns what happened, he becomes furious and fires the caretaker on the spot. The caretaker finds himself without a job and without an income.
To support his meager existence, he starts peddling whatever goods and services he can to survive. His business begins to grow and improves to the point that he is able to open a little store.
By the time his sons are old enough to help him, he has become well established. The sons inherit the business when the caretaker retires and decide to build a larger store. They ask their father to help them borrow the money to finance their ambitious undertaking.
The father asks the banker for the loan and the banker says, "No problem. You can have whatever you need. Just sign on the dotted line."The caretaker looks at the banker and replies, "I can't sign. I never learned how to write." In astonishment, the banker asks, "How is it possible that a man who can't write could amass the wealth that you have?" "Ah," says the caretaker, "If I could write, I'd still be a caretaker."
So many of the experts and authors I have interviewed have overcome circumstances in their own lives that have led them to their passion, cause, work and often writing a book.
On my Positive Business radio show, I interviewed Kevin O'Leary from ABC's Shark Tank and I remember him talking about how the television opportunity came to him shortly after great business upheavel and loss.
Candy Lightner founded MADD (Mother's Against Drunk Driving) in 1980 after her daughter Cari, was killed by a repeat drunk driving offender. MADD has evolved into one of the most widely supported and well-liked non-profit organizations in America.
We all have challenges, some bigger than others. We can all learn and grow and go on to do great things. It takes courage, belief, support, and grace. A perfect example is Adrianne Haslet-Davis, a professional ballroom dancing instructor who lost her foot during the Boston Marathon bombings. 'Dancing with the Stars' has extended an invitation to Adrianne. That's a real obstacle into a real opportunity.