City Hall, Mission Viejo Civic Center - Residents, People who Study in, Work in, or Visit MV are Invited!

Santa Ana Community Engagement Week (January 26-30) Will Gather Input for City's Master Arts & Culture Plan

The City of Santa Ana wants to know what you love about your community and what you want to see more of locally. Your insight will assist in the development of the Santa Ana Arts Master Plan, a comprehensive plan to strengthen arts and culture for all of those who live, work, or play in Santa Ana.  The City will be holding a community engagement week which will have a town hall meeting and discussion groups to gather your input (schedule here).  There is also an online survey you can complete and be entered into a drawing for a $100 Visa gift card.
Application Period Open Now for 4 CAC Grant Programs

The 2016 CAC grant application season has launched! Guidelines and applications for four of its grant programs are now available, and another three will launch within the next two weeks (so stay tuned!). With ongoing assessment of grant programs and the addition of new programs, all guidelines and applications have been revised this year. Please read eligibility and program requirements carefully.

NEW GRANT PROGRAM! Artists Activating Communities (AAC) supports sustained artistic residencies in community settings, demonstrating the arts to be a central component of civic life and artists to be vital in shaping society.  AAC Projects are artist-driven, engage community members as active participants, and activate participants to develop and express their own creativity. Deadline: March 2, 2016

The JUMP StArts program supports high quality arts education and artists-in-residence programs for at-risk youth within the juvenile justice system. Activities may take place in classroom, after-school, social services or incarceration settings throughout the many diverse communities in California. New this year is the addition of a JUMP StArts planning grant opportunity, to support a limited number of initial plans to incorporate community arts resources into the ongoing educational offerings of the juvenile justice organization. Deadline: March 8, 2016

Creative California Communities (CCC) supports collaborative projects that harness arts and culture as a creative placemaking strategy. New this year is the addition of a CCC planning grant opportunity, to support a limited number of initial plans for creative placemaking partnerships. Deadline: March 30, 2016
Statewide and Regional Networks (SRN) supports service organizations that provide practical services to working artists and constituent organizations either regionally or across the state. Guidelines have been revised to clarify the definition of a regional network. Deadline: February 10, 2016



 Arts Orange County is supported in part through funds from

ArtsOC will hold a gathering in its offices on Wednesday, February 10, from 5-7 pm, for Members AND Prospective Members.  Meet the staff of your arts council and network with your peers in the OC arts community!  RSVP by email to Karen Ahola or phone her at 714.556.5160 x11.  We look forward to seeing you then!

ArtsOC presents its 7th Annual Creative Edge Lecture featuring Dr. Charles Limb, a noted neuroscientist AND musician. His lecture is based on his popular TED talk "Your Brain on Improv." More details and ticket information here. For sponsorship information, please email Karen Ahola or phone her at 714.556.5160 x11. We look forward to seeing you then!

ArtsOC is bringing back by popular demand Matt Lehrman for a new and updated workshop on relationship building that will grow your audiences and donor base.  Suitable for Board members, Executive Directors, Marketing and Development staff at all levels.   More details to come soon!

OPPORTUNITY FOR ARTISTS WHO RESIDE IN CITY OF ORANGE! The Kenneth A. Picerne Foundation Artist Outreach Project seeks experienced artists age 55+. 
More details here.
Make a difference through your CA tax return by supporting the Keep Arts in the Schools Fund! More details here.
Arts Orange County is the leader in building appreciation of, participation in and support for the arts and arts education throughout Orange County. 
It is a powerhouse in advancing Orange County's arts ecology, a trailblazer in advocating workforce development through arts education, a leader in building future audiences and a trendsetter in the world of nonprofit arts councils.

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Arts Orange County, 3730 South Susan Street, Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA 92704