Arts Orange County is the leader in building appreciation of, participation in and support for the arts and arts education throughout Orange County. |
State Arts Council "Gets an Earful" at Listening Tour Stop in OC

Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction; California Arts Council (CAC) Director Craig Watson and CAC Chair Wylie Aitken visited Costa Mesa on July 25th as part of the state arts agency's "Listening Tour" as they prepared for their strategic planning session. Among those who gave testimony at the meeting were: David Emmes, Founding Artistic Director, South Coast Repertory; Dawn Reese, Managing Director; Zoot Velasco, Executive Director, The Muckenthaler Cultural Center; Oanh Nguyen, Artistic Director, Chance Theater; Julia Foster, Development Director, Irvine Barclay Theatre; Rick Stein, Executive Director and Pat Wayne, Deputy Director, of Arts Orange County. |
2013 Arts Awards Profile:
New Swan Theater at UCI's Claire Trevor School of the Arts
This is the first in a series of profiles on the honorees who will be recognized at the 14th Annual Orange County Arts Awards on Tuesday, September 24 at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa. More information and tickets to the event here. |
2013 Achievement Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Built Environment
In the summer of 2012, UCI's Claire Trevor School of the Arts unveiled an unconventional new performance venue, the New Swan Theater-an audacious contemporary reimagining of Shakespeare's original Swan Theatre in London. Initiated by UCI Drama Professor Eli Simon from a dream project originally conceived by longtime UCI drama professor Robert Cohen, the New Swan Theater is a replica of an intimate Elizabethan era theatre with customary "groundlings," mezzanine and balcony seating areas, accommodating an audience of 125. It was constructed of recycled materials in a design that reflects contemporary architectural aesthetics. Built to be "portable" it was assembled for its summer Shakespeare seasons at Gateway Commons, next to Aldrich Park on the UCI campus, and then removed for storage during the winter. According to the New Swan Theater's mission statement, "Shakespeare's theatre was born out of the impulse to create a direct, visceral and egalitarian relationship between actors and audience. We want our audience to feel the emotions, actions, and texts as deeply as the actors, directors and designers that create the art." This summer, the New Swan Theatre is home to New Swan Shakespeare Festival performances of "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "King Lear," and "The Fantasticks."
Major Arts Patrons to be Honored at National Philanthropy Day
The Association of Fund Raising Professionals Orange County Chapter has announced those whom it will honor at the 2013 National Philanthropy Day luncheon on November 21 at the Hyatt Regency Irvine. Included among the eight honorees are three major patrons of the arts in our community: Victoria Collins, PhD, CFP; Haskell & White LLP - Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors; and Edwards Lifesciences. Additionally, Chemers Gallery, a 35 year old contemporary art gallery in Tustin, will be honored in the small business category. National Philanthropy Day honors individuals and businesses for their philanthropic impact on our community. |
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Call for Arts Organizations!
Arts Orange County's FreeFall for the Arts program returns for its 4th year to help build audiences during National Arts & Humanities Month. Organizations interested in participating should fill out this short application by August 10.
Do You Know a Teen Innovator?
TEDxOrangeCoast is Southern California's "intellectual hub," bringing together a like-minded community of highly engaged leaders committed to inspiring change through positive action. Is there a teen you know who is a change-maker and trying to make a difference in the world? We challenge teens to present an existing "Idea Worth Doing," or come up with a new idea along with a plan to implement it. We are looking for innovative ideas for a positive impact in schools, our community, or beyond. To learn more, click here. |
Community Foundation President Lauds ArtsOC's Arts Education Efforts in OC Register Article
Arts Orange County's leadership in championing arts education in our community was the topic of Orange County Community Foundation President Shelley Hoss's column in the Orange County Register's Faith and Values section on July 29, and also appears on OCCF's ConnectOC Blog here.
Anaheim Ballet Awarded $100,000 Grant from James Irvine Foundation
In June, The James Irvine Foundation announced that it awarded a two-year grant totaling $100,000 to the Anaheim Ballet to present public dance performances in nontraditional settings with instructional and participatory elements.
OC Arts Organizations:
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Arts Orange County, 3730 South Susan Street, Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA 92704