From the Nighthawk Parent Organization
September 5, 2012
School Accountability

Last month the State of Arizona released the annual reports detailing the AIMS results for all schools, as well as school letter grades.

IRHS received a B. IRHS scored 138 total points, with 52 in growth and 86 in composite. The grading scale for traditional schools is A 140-200; B 120-139; C100-119; D 0-99. Be sure to read the guide explaining how letter grades are awarded.

Used Clothing Needed - Donate By Friday
Everything benefits Amphi families. Drop off at IRHS  office. Needed: All sizes kids clothes, boys jeans, new socks/underwear, adult clothes, household goods (linesns, distches, etc), monetary donations also accepted. 
"The Movement" --- -- Save the Date, 9/24 @ 7pm
From Principal Szolowicz - 3 New College Info Sources
College Tip of the Week - College Fairs
Familiar Face, New Administrative Role at IRHS
A Few Activities for Your Student
Reminders & Resources

VOLLEYBALL - Thursday 9/26


Flowing Wells

Freshman: 4:30
JV: 5:30
GO NIGHTHAWKS!!!!!      Varsity: 6:30

"The Movement" --- You're Up Next -- Save the Date, 9/24 @ 7pm


Hundreds of above-and-beyond hours have already been given by IRHS staff to create and build "The Movement." Do you know about it? Have you taken advantage of it? IRHS administration and staff are already energized and committed... will you be? The potential benefits for IRHS are great. More information to come... for now, please just save the date. 

From Principal Szolowicz - 3 New College Info Sources @ IRHS

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I had the privilege of attending the NPO's monthly board meeting last week.  As I had hoped, the meeting was a great opportunity for me to share what is on my heart for IRHS and hear what is on your hearts.   The end of the meeting was particularly insightful.  During the "call to the audience" section, a number of parents shared experiences and questions regarding the "college search process."  The need for more information and communication regarding colleges was clear.  I've spoken with the IRHS Counselors and am pleased to take some initial steps to keep parents and students better informed regarding the college search process. 
  • Mr. Dave Goldberg, a current IRHS Counselor and a former admissions officer at schools including the University of Southern California, Arizona State University and the University of Arizona, will be writing a weekly article for this newsletter. The article will provide an  "insider's" view and tips regarding college admissions.   He will also include a list of college recruiters who will be visiting IRHS during the upcoming week.
  • Additionally, when a recruiter from a "top-tier" university visits IRHS, the visit will be announced on the IRHS Marquee along with the IRHS Twitter account.
  • Also, Mr. Goldberg and another IRHS Counselor, Ms. Marva Jeffers, have started a new Facebook page - IRHS Scholarships & More.  A direct link to this new page will be on the IRHS home page soon.  In the meantime, feel free to "like" the page from your own Facebook account.   

College admissions officers always note that it is never too early to start planning for college.  I hope these steps help all IRHS parents and students prepare for their own next steps.   Your child's counselor can be of further assistance in answering individual questions.  If I can be of further assistance on this or any other issue, please feel free to contact me at or 520-696-4004.   


clip artCollegeTipCollege Tip of the Week

Editor's Note: IRHS Counselor Dave Goldberg provided the following tips, and is expected to regularly contribute other college tips to this newsletter.   


College Fairs: To make best use of your time in a hectic and sometimes loud environment, you need to stand out a little.

  • Know whom you wish to visit and locate them in the directory and then on the floor
  • Bring pre-prepared biographical cards with your name, address, email, weighted and unweighted GPA and majors as they appear in specific catalogs
  • To stand out from all the other students, prior to the 16th, secure several official transcripts in sealed envelopes and hand them to your preferred college reps
  • Expect only superficial information from reps as they are trying to answer many questions from those gathered around their tables. "Can you tell me something about your school?" will not be a great question
  • Best to introduce yourself and enthusiastically say, "I did some research on Princeton and Professor X is conducting research on brain chemistry. I would love to partner with X and have already applied to your undergrad admissions office." That's a conversation starter
More tips next week on "match and fit" in the college selection process.

Editor's addendum: Here are two upcoming college fairs (and if you are aware of other nearby college fair/events, please let us know)...  

  • October 16th (a Tuesday), TCC College Night, Tucson Convention Center, 6:30-9:00 pm (list of colleges attending; directions/more info)
  • October 25th (a Thursday), Christian College Fair, Pusch Ridge Christian Academy, 6:00-8:00 pm (more info/list of colleges attending)

Familiar Face, New Administrative Role at IRHS

Here another brief bio to help you become acquainted IRHS's staff ...

Terri Amonson, Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction  

This is my 24th year working in the education profession. I had decided early on in my freshman year of high school that I wanted to pursue a career in education. I was fortunate to receive a full scholarship as a track athlete to attend Eastern Washington University where I completed my undergraduate degree, a Bachelor of Arts in Education. I started my teaching career in Washington State and taught for 12 years as a special education, health and physical education teacher. I moved to Bend, Oregon in 1999 and accepted a teaching position with the Bend-La Pine School District. During my teaching time in Oregon, I applied and was accepted to the graduate program at the University of Oregon. I completed my Masters of Education in Leadership and Administration in 2007 and accepted an assistant principal position at La Pine High School. I moved from Oregon and accepted my current position with the Amphitheater School District as an assistant principal at Ironwood Ridge High School in 2010. I am thrilled and honored to be a Nighthawk and look forward everyday to working with our students, staff, parents and community members!  


A Few Activities for Your Student

Young American Workshop: A workshop (9/13-9/15) for Grades 3-12 by Young Americans (a group of 48 TALENTED young people that have performed around the world) being held at CDO. During 3 days of workshops your student will dance, sing, and act. They will be inspired to be all that they can be in life! Registration forms (found here) to IRHS's music teacher or drop it off at CDO High School. Contact Laonna Davis, 850-3762, with questions.  Host Families are still needed!!


Senior Assembly: Students needed for crew (all grades) and cast (seniors only) for the Senior Assembly show (9/24). Must commit to both rehearsals: Sundays September 16th and 23rd, in Black Box Theater or Auditorium, 5-9pm. Food provided. If interested, just show up by 5pm on 9/16. 


Clubs/Activities: Recent School announcements broadcast information about IRHS Academic Decathlon, Musical Club, Drama Club, Tech Club, Japanese Club, "Pop til You Drop" Club, and the new Marine Biology Club.  

OV Youth Advisory Group Forming
clip art The Town of Oro Valley is sponsoring its first ever Youth Advisory Group, consisting of members. These members will:
  • Provide students a voice in the local decisions that affect their lives.
  • Help Town leaders develop policies and invest Town resources that reflect our youth's needs.
  • Cultivate the next generation's civic leaders by helping youth build confidence, connect with peers and adults, and develop leadership and teamwork skills.

Membership Criteria: full-time student (grades 10-12) of a high school or home school program within the attendance boundaries of Oro Valley; and willing to attend up to two meetings a month between the dates of October 2012 and June 2013.  


Application Deadline: 5pm on September 10, 2012. Here is the application. Questions: Contact Chris Cornelison, 520.229.4711.    



Clothing Drive: "Fill the Bus" event for the Amphi Clothing Bank. Drop off donations at school by Friday or directly at the event from 8am - 1pm on September 8th at Amphi HS (in the parking lot just off of Stone). Fun activities, high school bands, and other entertainment are scheduled.  Here is the event flyer.

Senior Parents,
has your student purchased his/her Project Graduation Ticket? Buy it before Sept. 7 at the reduced price of $60 AND get entered to win the $100 cash raffle! Complete the first three forms linked here, then turn them into the office. Call Susan Davis (797-4695) if you have questions. 


Buy "Wicked" Tickets ($50 & $100 seats) to the 6pm performance on Sun 3/31/13  at Tucson Convention Center. All proceeds support IRHS Performing Arts students. Email Paul Stegall for info.


Get updates about Project Grad volunteer activities by joining their email list.


Parent Portal (current grades + more)

Daily Announcements

Nighthawk Parent Organization welcomes anyone to submit ideas for this newsletter, school speakers, and NPO-sponsored events/projects. Please email us anytime with your information or your concerns.
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