From the Nighthawk Parent Organization
August 29, 2012
Greetings from Principal Szolowicz

We have truly had a great start to the school year!  I'm particularly impressed with the students' school spirit.  Last Friday, our first "Football Friday" of the year, the hallways seemed a river of navy blue as so many students were wearing school colors.  In one classroom I visited, close to 100 percent of the students were wearing navy and silver!  There is an excitement in the air for the great things happening.  This NPO newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with what's happening on campus.  Also, I run the IRHS Twitter account.  Check out other IRHS happenings on Twitter by following IronwoodRidgeHS or click on the "Follow us on Twitter" box on the Ironwood Ridge homepage.  Here's to continuing a great year!


Michael Szolowicz, Principal

Ironwood Ridge High School



Used Clothing Needed - Donate Next Week
Did You Know? ... A Few School Announcements
Fine Arts Booster - Be a Friend to IRHS Arts
Have You Met This New IRHS Staff Member?
NPO Board Meeting Highlights
Closes Friday - Take 3 Minutes Now for Registration Survey
A Few Activities for Your Student
Reminders & Resources
Even $5 is a show of support
If you haven't already donated to NPO efforts, please do so as an act of group support for all  of our students and staff. Having every one of our 1500 IRHS families give, no matter what the amount, makes a strong statement! Even if you contribute in other ways, take a moment right now to collectively affirm "Yes, IRHS parents are involved!!" by donating to NPO. Click here for the donation links.
Used Clothing Needed - Donate Next Week

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The Christina Taylor Green Foundation (in partnership with the Amphi Foundation) is hosting a "Fill the Bus" event for the Amphi Clothing Bank. All clothing and goods collected will benefit Amphi families. Next week (September 4-7)  donations can be dropped off in the IRHS front office. What is needed?

  • Children's clothing in all sizes
  • Boys jeans
  • New socks and underwear
  • Adult clothing
  • Household goods such as linens, dishes, etc.
  • Monetary donations also accepted

Everyone is also welcome to drop off donations directly at the event from 8am - 1pm on September 8th at Amphi HS (in the parking lot just off of Stone). Fun activities, high school bands, and other entertainment are scheduled.  Here is the event flyer.  Thank you for supporting Amphi students in need! 

Did You Know? ... A Few School Announcements
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  • Pick up or drop off students in the front loop or on the dirt shoulder in front of the school. The student parking lot is not a pick up/drop off area.  
  • Students are not allowed to go to Wilson K-8 after early out days. Any students who go onto campus during school hours will be subject to discipline for trespassing.
  • Athletic Passes should be picked up at the front desk by the end of the week.
  • Re-take photos will be held all day October 2 in the library lab 3 for students who did not get their picture taken or want a retake, or for seniors that chose to take their photos with a photographer other than Rembrandt. Questions should be directed to Lisa Gongora (room A109). 

Fine Arts Booster - Be a Friend to IRHS Arts

clip art Is your student taking a fine arts class this semester?  Do you enjoy art?  Did you know that IRHS has a Fine Arts Parent Booster?  The Fine Arts Booster (FAB) helps support the IRHS Fine Arts Department and the Art Club.  There are many ways for parents to be involved. For example, volunteer in the classroom or at Art Club Thursdays 3:30-5pm (enthusiasm is the only requisite), donate needed materials to the classroom (black Sharpie markers and 1 or 2 gallon ziplock bags are always needed), help with the end of the year Fine Arts banquet where art and Art Club students are recognized, or help with field trips or public art projects. 

You don't have to have an art background to get involved.  Monetary gifts or tax credit donations for the purchase of needed equipment, additional supplies or to support field trip scholarships are also much appreciated. We could definitely use volunteers to help make our first annual Fine Arts banquet a success.  Please consider volunteering.  If you are interested and would like to be on our mailing list please contact Jennifer Vigil, FAB President, 297-8481.

Have You Met This New IRHS Staff Member?

Here another brief bio to help you become acquainted with IRHS's new staff ...


Jessica Aros, Cross-Categorical Special Education Teacher

Hello, this is my 6th year teaching Special Education and I am so excited to be at IRHS.  I have a Master's Degree in Special Education and additionally hold both an Elementary Education Teaching Certificate and a Secondary Education Teaching Certificate.  Prior to teaching, I worked for three years at the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind as a Teaching Parent instructing students in daily living skills.  I am looking forward to facilitating the needs of the IRHS students and watching them grow and achieve their goals this school year. 

NPO Board Meeting Highlights

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Earlier this week we held an NPO Board Meeting. Open to the public, the minutes of every meeting will be posted on our NPO webpage. To give you a preview, here are just a few (not-yet-approved) notes taken at the meeting:


  • Superintendent Patrick Nelson spoke, noting that his vision is for Amphi to become the premier school district in Arizona. He promoted his approach: "choosing greatness at every turn," both in "skill" and "will" (unrelenting desire), and "allowing each kid to dream."
  • Principal Mike Szolowicz introduced some of his ideas about how to make IRHS the premier high school in AZ, citing a few ways he hopes to grow IRHS's identity as a caring, comprehensive and world-class high school. He discussed ways to better engage IRHS with the larger business/civic community and increase our technical resources in the classroom. He encouraged everyone to act as ambassadors and increase communication with him/IRHS, relaying opportunities and sharing success stories. He recognized the positive energy generated by the school spirit shown on Friday for the IRHS/CDO football game.
  • Plans were discussed for the fantastic September presentation/activity sponsored by NPO. (Stay tuned for more details...)
  • It was noted that we now have more than 2000 students enrolled at IRHS; these students are from about 1500 different families.
  • Total donations are down from previous years; only 109 of the 1500 families have donated.


Closes Friday - Take 3 Minutes Now for Registration Survey
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We made a very short online survey. Our goal is to improve registration. Your feedback is needed in this process. Please take a couple minutes to share your experience walking through student registration this year.



A Few Activities for Your Student

Boys' basketball: Open gym has begun. Gyms will be open every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 p.m.


Girls Soccer: Students interested in trying out for soccer should attend the mandatory meeting in Coach Watkin's room on Tuesday morning, 9/4, during Conference period. They will be discussing pre-season conditioning.


Clubs: Check out today's school announcements to read what your students heard about The Veterans Heritage Project, People Club, Math Club, Key Club, and Adopt-a-Freshman Club.


Senior Parents, has your student purchased his/her Project Graduation Ticket? Buy it before Sept. 7 at the reduced price of $60 AND get entered to win the $100 cash raffle! Complete the first three forms linked here, then turn them into the office. Call Susan Davis (797-4695) if you have questions. 


Buy "Wicked" Tickets ($50 & $100 seats) to the 6pm performance on Sun 3/31/13  at Tucson Convention Center. All proceeds support IRHS Fine Arts students. Email Paul Stegall for info.   


Get updates about Project Grad volunteer activities by joining their email list.


Parent Portal (current grades + more)

Daily Announcements

Nighthawk Parent Organization welcomes anyone to submit ideas for this newsletter, school speakers, and NPO-sponsored events/projects. Please email us anytime with your information or your concerns.
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Oro Valley, AZ 85742

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