For nonprofits and the people who love them...
3 for Thursday, brought to you by K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC
April 28, 2016
Plus, stuff from us!:
Free Webinar: How to Position Your Nonprofit for Fundraising Success (even if you get nervous asking people for money)!
In this free, pre-recorded session, Kenny Weill walks you through the 5 Shifts you need to make to get you and your organization "in position" to raise a lot more money.
Online Training
Learn How to Position Your Nonprofit for Fundraising Success 
This self-paced training series provides you the exciting opportunity to learn directty from experts in the field like Jean Block and Linda Lysakowski! 
Join our Facebook Group!

We are building a great community of peers working to position their nonprofits for success. Ask questions. Share what works. Solve problems.
1.Online Resource: idealware  
Free software advice for nonprofits
idealware - a nonprofit itself - is a tremendous resource for anybody in the nonprofit community who is trying to figure out how to use technology to work smarter, be more productive or raise more money.

You can navigate by topic, such as Managing Constituents, Website, Email, Collaborations and Fundraising, to name a few. Once you drill down, you can easily access articles, reports, blogs, online courses, and live and recorded webinars on that topic.

2 If You Fail to Plan...
Third Space Studio study demonstrates high ROI in fundraising planning
After evaluating 87 small nonprofits, the Individual Donor Benchmark Report authors found that, for organizations that have a fund development plan:
  • every $1 increase in salary of their individual donor fundraiser led to on average $4.25 more in revenue generated from individuals; and
  • every full time equivalent dedicated to raising money from individuals yielded $280,000 for the nonprofit.

For organizations with no fundraising plan, there was no correlation between salary or staff time and fundraising results!

These findings reaffirm what we constantly urge our clients to do: make fundraising planning a priority - it pays off in the end!

Killer Blog: 

by JCSM (Julia Campbell Social Marketing)
Julia Campbell is an expert in online fundraising, digital marketing and social media for nonprofits. Her blog is featured among the Top 150 Nonprofit Blogs in the world! You will learn a ton from these quick, engaging and research-informed reads - guaranteed!

Brought to you by

K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC

We'd love to hear your suggestions and ideas! Email us!