For nonprofits and the people who love them...
3 for Thursday, brought to you by K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC
April 14, 2016
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We are building a great community of peers working to position their nonprofits for success. Ask questions. Share what works. Solve problems.
Learn How to Position Your Nonprofit for Fundraising Success: Online Training
This self-paced training series provides you the exciting opportunity to learn directty from experts in the field including Jean Block, Linda Lysakowski and Julia Campbell! 
Prefer Hardcopy? We Got You Covered!

Check out our Bookstore for important fundraising, leadership and governance titles by the experts!
1. Resource: Fundraising Tele-Summit 
FREE Virtual Summit 4/20-4/22!
Do you want to make fundraising easier and much more fun? Would it be helpful for you (and your team) to learn simple strategies and affordable tools to increase efficiency and maximize your productivity? Would it ease your stress if your staff and board members were all on the same page and committed to the funding success of your organization? 

If you answered "Yes!" to any of these questions, be sure to participate in this free event! 

During the Nonprofit Strategic Success Summit, nonprofit experts like Clair Axelrad, Tom Ahern and John Haydon will share simple success strategies that you can begin using right away! Check it out!
2. Online Resource
"36 Useful Apps and Online Tools for Nonprofits," by Nonprofit Tech for Good 
These are free or low cost tools in the areas of social media, graphic design, photo & video editing, web & email content, and productivity.

We'll leave the vetting to you but are betting several of these tools can help you in your quest to develop your nonprofit's case for support and story, operate more cost-effectively, and develop stronger communications and relationships with current and prospective supporters!
Take a look!  



Recent Report:
Volunteerism Alive & Well!
2015 Study by Corporation for National and Community Service 
Is your nonprofit making the most of Americans' proclivity to give back? Findings from this report include:
--25% U.S. adults formally volunteered in 2014. That figure shoots up to 30% for Gen Xers (ages 35-44).
--Not surprisingly - but importantly - older adults including Baby Boomers volunteer the most hours.

To check out the full report, click here!

By the sure to track the value volunteers provide to your nonprofit - and include that figure as In-Kind revenue in your budgets! Independent Sector calculates the value of one hour of volunteer time for each state each year. (While the national average is $23.07 per hour, DC leads the pack by far at a whopping $39.86!)      
K. Weill Consulting Group has no financial or other arrangement with any vendor/product/organization we showcase in this bulletin. We just like 'em. 
Brought to you by

K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC

We'd love to hear your suggestions and ideas! Email us!