LP Link
October 30, 2015 
In This Issue
Superintendent's Column
National Merit Accolades
2016-17 Course Selection
Explore Placement Exam
Voice of Democracy Contest
Best Pizza in Lancerland
AP Courses and Electives
American English Concert
Bullying Prevention Month
Honoring Veterans
Theatre Department
Important Dates

Dr. Lynne Panega
The engagement of our families and staff during last week's parent-teacher conferences was quite positive and marks another step towards the end of first semester. This provides a timely opportunity to discuss some anticipated changes.  

PARCC, ACT, SAT, Advanced Placement, final exams. Is there such a thing as too much testing? What role do final exams play in student learning? These are questions Lake Park administrators and teachers have been discussing, opening the door to an emerging philosophical shift among some departments about testing and final exams. 

Beginning in December 2015, Lake Park will be modifying the final exam model that has existed for years. Teachers are moving beyond the traditional multiple choice final exams by restructuring their tests, and in some instances, eliminating final exams. Rather than requiring finals the last three days of each semester - where two or three exams are scheduled each day during 80-minute periods - students will follow a modified schedule of their 8-period day. The flexed schedule provides opportunities for increased instructional time and opportunities for more authentic, performance-based assessments such as oral presentations and demonstrations.

The traditional weighting of final exams has ranged from 10 to 25% and varies by department and course. Our review of data (in math, science, social studies, and English) showed that final exams have very little impact on semester grades. Nearly 70% of grades did not change as a result of how students performed on final exams. In fact, almost 25% of student semester grades decreased based on their final exam performance compared to only 6% of students increasing grades.

While mathematics and science are electing to offer more traditional exams, other departments including English, world languages, career & technology education and fine arts are establishing end of semester projects to measure student learning. Social Studies has taken the lead with this initiative, along with some courses in other academic departments, by assessing student achievement throughout the semester rather than relying on grades earned on final exams. They have eliminated final exams and are enthusiastic about this new direction.

This change also provides opportunities for students enrolled in Advanced Placement classes to opt out of second semester final exams. AP students who earn an "A" or "B" for their semester grade and take the AP Exam, have the option of taking the final exam. AP programming represents one of Lake's Park's greatest success indicators with 852 students taking 1,438 AP exams with 82% scoring a "3" or higher.

Our change in final exams embraces a philosophy that supports assessment for student learning rather than assessment of student learning. We are committed to maintaining high expectations for student achievement and successfully preparing students for college and careers, while meeting the requirements of standardized testing. The end of first semester in December adopts a new philosophy and one that will be a valuable learning experience for students as well as staff.

Look for additional communication in November from the Principals and individual teachers in December regarding student activities and assessments. 
Join Our Mailing List
The Lake Park High School Community Relations Office publishes the LP Link bi-weekly during the school year to highlight the latest news at Lake Park.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact Sherri Anderson, director of communications, at sanderson@lphs.org.
Lancers Earn Prestigious National Merit Recognition
Congratulations to the five Lake Park students who have earned academic recognition through the 61st Annual National Merit Scholarship Program. About 1.5 million juniors in more than 22,000 high schools entered the 2016 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2014 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT�), which served as an initial screen of program entrants.

Semifinalists: Seniors Angela Dylewski and Adam Michals have been selected as Semifinalists in the 2016 National Merit Scholarship Competition. They were selected based on test scores of the 2014 PSAT/NMSQT and represent less than one percent of the U.S. High School seniors. The approximately 16,000 semifinalists nationwide have the opportunity to continue in the competition for 7,400 Merit Scholarship awards worth $32 million

Commended Students: Seniors Philip Macias, Laura Sienkiewicz and Jaspreet Singh have been selected among 34,000 Commended Students nationwide who are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. Although they will not continue in the 2016 competition for Merit Scholarship Awards, Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million juniors who entered the 2016 competition and may become candidates for Special Scholarships sponsored by corporations and businesses.
Course Selection Begins for the 2016-17 School Year  
Freshmen and sophomores will begin registering for the 2016-17 academic year during the first and third weeks in November. Junior students will register for next school year with their counselors during second semester and can expect to receive more information later.

Freshman and Sophomore students will be divided during their lunch SSP time and will choose their electives with the help of counselors and staff. Presentations for all students about elective choices will take place the week before course selection to help in the decision-making process.

Parents are strongly encouraged to review the information recently mailed home and carefully select elective choices together with their sons and daughters, as those choices will be permanent once course selection is complete. Students will be able to make elective changes to their schedules through January 30, 2016. If a student has an elective change request, please have them speak to their counselor before this date.

In preparation for registration, view the 2014-2016 Academic Planning Guide and the resources for each grade level:

Future Lancers to Take Explore Exam 
Beginning this weekend, incoming students in the Class of 2020 are scheduled to take the Explore assessment test to begin preparation for class placement. Each student planning to attend Lake Park next fall must take these tests, which will provide the counseling staff with information about students' skills in English, Reading, Math, and Science reasoning. The schedule for each middle school follows:

Session 1- November 7, 2015
Medinah Middle
Peacock Middle
Spring Wood
Trinity Lutheran

Session 2 - November 14, 2015
Roselle Middle
Westfield Middle
St. Luke
St. Philips
St. Walter
Queen Of The Rosary

Students should report to East Campus by 7:45 a.m. on their respective date and enter the building through the front main entrance by the flag pole. Parents can use the Bus Parking Lot in front of the main entrance to drop-off and pick-up your students. Please be aware that there will be many students entering and leaving at the same time.

Testing begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. and will end at approximately 11:00 a.m. Students must be checked into their test room and ready to begin prior to 8:00 a.m. Unfortunately, students cannot be admitted to the testing area after 8:00 a.m. Each student should bring two #2 pencils, an eraser and a calculator. Please encourage your student to get a good night's rest and to eat a healthy breakfast before the test.
Last Chance to Enter Voice of Democracy Contest
This Sunday, November 1 is the deadline to enter the The Voice of Democracy contest sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars' (VFW's). Prizes and scholarships are awarded at the Post, district, state and national level. Itasca VFW Post 5167 encourages Lake Park students to enter the Voice of Democracy contest for a chance to win prize money: $300 for first place, $125 for second place, and $75 for third place.  Read the contest requirements and complete an entry.

The VFW established the Voice of Democracy program to provide students in grades 9-12 the opportunity to express themselves in regards to democratic ideas and principles. Students compete by writing and recording a 3-5 minute audio essay on an annual patriotic theme. This year's theme is: "My Vision for America."  For questions, contact VFW Quartermaster Carl Lostracco at (630) 773-2423. Entries can be mailed to or dropped off at 331 South Walnut Street, Itasca, 60143.
Come and Taste the "Best Pizza in Lancerland"
The Lake Park Choral Parent Association will once again be hosting the "Best Pizza in Lancerland" on Thursday, November 5, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Lake Park East Campus cafeteria. Currently, the following Lancerland pizzerias will be participating:
* Capone's Pizzeria in Bloomingdale
* Giordano's in Bloomingdale
* Italian Pizza Kitchen in Roselle
* Pa Luigi's Pizza in Roselle
* Papa John's in Bloomingdale
* Pizzeria Antica in Bloomingdale
* Rosario's Pizza in Roselle

These pizzerias will compete in the following categories: Best Thin Crust Cheese, Best Thin Crust Topping, Best Specialty, and Best Pan/Stuffed/Deep Dish.

New this year!
A panel of judges from Lake Park's staff will determine the winners in each category based on the results of a blind taste test. In addition, all Lake Park students will be able to vote for their favorite pizzeria overall that will win the "Students' Choice Award." 

Get ready to taste the "Best Pizza in Lancerland!"  Admission of $5 will be charged at the door for tasters over 5 years old. Entertainment will be provided by members of the Lake Park Chorus. Drinks, ice cream, and a raffle will also be available for an additional charge. Families are encouraged to join their students for this fun-filled event. For more information, as it becomes available, visit the Lake Park Choral Parent Association website 

*Lancerland is defined as the towns in which Lake Park High School's sender schools are located, which include Roselle, Medinah, Bloomingdale and Itasca.
Explore Advanced Placement and Elective Options
On Tuesday , November 3 at 7:00 p.m. at West Campus, Lake Park will host an information evening for sophomore and junior students and their parents. This evening is devoted to exploring Advanced Placement course options and the many elective classes that are available for the 2016-17 school year.

As students transition to West Campus, there are often more opportunities in their schedules to explore courses related to their college and career interests. The Class of 2018 will be registering for next year's classes on November 6 and the Class of 2017 in January 2016, and this program will provide students and parents with some much needed information prior to the enrollment process.

Teachers and counselors will be available to answer questions and provide tours of the facilities. Please plan to begin the evening by meeting in the West Campus auditorium at 7:00 p.m.
American English Beatles Tribute Band to Perform
Lake Park is honored to be working with American Legion Post 1084 in Roselle to sponsor a "Veterans Helping Veterans with Friends" event at Lake Park West Campus Auditorium oFriday, November 6To help raise funds to support hospitalized Veterans, Post 1084 will be hosting a concert featuring the popular Beatles tribute band American English! 

The cost of the event is $10 (children under 12 are free) and all proceeds will directly benefit hospitalized Veterans in connection with Post 1084. Tickets can be purchased at the box office when the doors open at 6:00 p.m. The concert begins at 7:00 p.m.
School Resource Officers Offer Bullying Prevention Info
Hello from East Campus  School Resource Officer Sarra and West Campus  School Resource Officer SchwytzerAs National Bullying Prevention month concludes, we are providing some helpful reminders and important tips to prevent bullying at Lake Park.

If you are being bullied:
Reach Out
* Tell an adult. Sometimes you may have to tell more than one trusted adult.
* Ask your friends to help you. There is safety in numbers.
* Practice what to say the next time you're bullied with your parents, teachers or friends.
* Utilize the anonymous LP Bullying Reporting System

Be Cool in the Moment
* Stay calm and confident. Don't show the bully that you're sad or mad.
* Ignore the bully and walk away.
* Remember: Fighting back can make bullying worse.
Change the School Community
* Work with others to stop bully behavior; your whole school will benefit.
* Remember: A lot of kids have to cope with bullying. You are not alone. No one deserves to be    bullied.
If you witness bullying:
Interrupt It
* Stand next to, or speak up for, the person being bullied.
* Ask the bully to stop.
* Comfort the person being bullied and offer friendship.

Get Help
* Walk away and get help.
* Find an adult who can intervene.
* Utilize the anonymous LP Bullying Reporting System.
If you are the bully:
Make a Commitment to Change
* Talk to an adult, like a teacher or parent, about how to get along with others.
* Ask a friend to help you stop your bully behavior.
* Apologize to the kids you have bullied.
Focus on Empathy and Responsibility
* Think about what it feels like to be bullied - would you want to be treated that way?
* Before you speak, think about whether your words will help or hurt another student.

Change Your Behavior
Resist Peer Pressure to Bully
* If you start to bully, walk away and find something else to do.
* Remember: You don't have to like everyone, but you have to treat everyone with respect.
Lake Park Honors American's Veterans
Community members are invited to help Lake Park commemorate Veterans Day by attending a special event on Tuesday, November 10 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the East Campus Cafeteria. 

An open house with student-designed displays focusing on World War II will be available to tour from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m., and the formal program will begin at 7:00 p.m. with a series of three speakers. Students will present dramatic readings including diary entries, letters, and more between each speaker.

Social Studies teacher Ms. Hamacher and student volunteers have organized this second annual event that will include retired U.S. Army Colonel Jill Morgenthaler, author of The Courage to Take Command: Leadership Lessons from a Military Trailblazer.  

Colonel Morgenthaler arrived at boot camp in 1975 as part of the inaugural class of women in the Army, and was one of only 83 female cadets on a base of 50,000 men. Her book provides invaluable leadership lessons drawn from three decades of military service -from her first days in ROTC to combat in some of the world's most dangerous war zones.  
Theatre Department Stages Next Production
The 2015-16 theatre season continues with Picnic by William IngeThe curtain rises on this drama at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 12-14 at the East Campus Dice Auditorium. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for non-Lake Park students; and senior citizens and Lake Park students are free. Tickets are available at the door or by pre-ordering at lptheatreboxoffice@lphs.org.  
When Hal, a charming stranger, comes to a small Kansas town in 1953, he turns the lives of the community upside down. This play won the Pulitzer Prize and the NY Drama Critics' Circle Award for Best Play in 1953. Since then, it has become a classic of the American Theatre for its fascinating characters and explosive themes.  According to the director, Kathy Weber, "the action is very character-driven and all of the roles are challenging for high school students."
Important Dates
Nov 3           Advanced Placement and Course Electives Evening
Nov 5           Best Pizza in Lancerland
Nov 6           American English (Beatles Tribute) Concert
Nov 7           Class of 2020 Explore Placement Exam
Nov 10         Lake Park Honors American's Veterans featuring Colonel Jill Morgenthaler
Nov 12-14   Theatre Production of Picnic
Nov 14         Class of 2020 Explore Placement Exam
Nov 18         SMART Day
Nov 19         Theatre Boosters Meeting
View the 2015-2016 academic calendar.