LP Link
May 15, 2015 
In This Issue
Superintendent's Column
State Bound Lancers
Final Exams
McTeachers Night
JKB Tapas Fundraiser
World History Lesson
Lancer Preschool
Summer School Registration
Golden Lancer Awards
National Honor Society
Memorial Garden Dedication
Market Day
Important Dates

Superintendent's Column 

Dr. Lynne Panega

With less than two weeks left in the 2014-2015 school year, our students and the district continue to receive impressive academic accolades. Congratulations to all of the distinguished seniors who were honored during the annual Scholarship and Awards Night on May 6. This year's scholarship awards for the graduating Class of 2015 totaled over $1.6 million. View the complete scholarship and awards program.

We are also proud to share that Lake Park High School has been named to the U.S. News and World Report 2015 list of Best High Schools after receiving a Silver Medal designation based on student performance. The list ranks Lake Park #58 out of 677 high schools in Illinois, and nationally #1419 out of over 21,000 schools. This distinction places Lake Park in the elite top tier of high schools. Visit U.S. News and World Report for more information about Lake Park's academic indicators. 

Earlier this spring, I previewed how Lake Park will move to a registration process that is entirely online for next school year. Families can expect to receive a mailing in early June with more information about registration dates and deadlines, along with PIN information to access your account. The technology department has developed a program that will help parents navigate through the required documentation and provide real-time access to fees owed. The benefits of transitioning to this system include greater efficiency, improved accuracy and the convenience of 24/7 access. 

Evening walk-in dates have been scheduled for Wednesday, July 22 at West Campus and Monday, August 3 at East Campus to assist families, provide computer access and answer registration questions. Parents are encouraged to attend the most convenient date, as administrators from each campus will be present on both dates. 

Thank you for your involvement and feedback this school year. Our students, parents, staff, community members and local businesses provide helpful insights that help us to improve and achieve more every day. We are grateful that the individual and district-wide accomplishments at Lake Park reflect the support of our school community.

Join Our Mailing List
The Lake Park High School Community Relations Office publishes the LP Link bi-weekly to highlight the latest news at Lake Park.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact Sherri Anderson, director of communications, at sanderson@lphs.org.

Girls Badminton Team Qualifies for IHSA State Competition

Best of luck to the Girls' Badminton team as they compete in the IHSA State Tournament this weekend at Eastern Illinois University. Follow their progress by viewing live results!

The Girls Badminton team captured the IHSA Team Sectional title at the IHSA Sectional hosted by Lake Park East Campus. The Lancers qualified the maximum possible six players to State by qualifying both singles players and both doubles teams.  

The state qualifiers include singles players Emily Bian (10) and Skye Palumbo (11). The doubles teams state qualifiers include the Sectional Championship duo of Kiley Mette (12) and Rachell Pudell (12) and the team of Stephanie Khoury (12) and Nirali Patel (12).

The team enjoyed a state spirit march lead by members of the marching band drumline and a sendoff with teammates.  The Lancers are coached by head coach Ben Hussey, and assistant coaches Diane Stratton and Quinn Hussey.  GO LANCERS!

Preparing for Final Exams

Second semester final exams will be held on Friday, May 22; Tuesday, May 26 and Wednesday, May 27.  View the final exam daily schedule.

Any Lake Park student seeking a quiet place to study is welcome to attend the Bloomingdale Library's "Exam Cram" Monday, May 18 through Wednesday, May 20 from 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. The library will have group and individual study areas available, Wi-Fi, computer access, and reference help. They will even provide caffeine and snacks. Pizza will be served at 7:00 p.m. every day.

Eat Local to Support Lake Park Bands 

Support Lake Park High School Band Auxiliary on Tuesday, May 19 by eating at the Roselle McDonald's at 439 E. Irving Park Road.   Print this promotional flyer and present it to the associate taking your dine-in or drive-through order from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.  McDonald's will generously contribute 20 percent of all participants' receipts on May 19.


Members of the Lake Park drumline (5:00 p.m.), the Chicago Bears Drum Line (6:00 to 7:30 p.m.), and even Ronald McDonald (7:00 p.m.) will be making appearances throughout the evening.  In addition, Lake Park East Campus Principal Jim Roberts and Director of Bands Steve Pyter will be taking orders at the counter.  Enjoy this opportunity to bring your appetite and support our Lancers!     

Reserve Tickets for JKB Tapas & Tasting Fundraiser 

Join members of the Lake Park school community and the DuPage Valley Conference for an evening of tapas and tasting to benefit JKB on Thursday, May 21 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The J. Kyle Braid Leadership Foundation has provided thousands of high school student leaders with a variety of interactive leadership training experiences to prepare them for a lifetime of leadership.  Evolved from the original program and rooted in the tenants of strength, humility, compassion and service, the JKB Experiential Education Foundation was founded in 2014. The JKB Experiential Education Foundation is a 5-day experiential program during the summer preceding a student's junior year and is dedicated to developing, nurturing and strengthening students through a series of leadership training sessions and team activities that can be leveraged for the remainder of their high school years and beyond.

The JKB experience costs approximately $1000 for each student-athlete; however, that cost is covered through fundraising efforts and donations from organizations such as the Lake Park Educational Foundation and the Lake Park Athletic Boosters.  


This year, the DVC schools are working together to jointly fundraise for their respective students. The JKB Tapas and Craft Beer/Wine Tasting night will be hosted at Meson Sabika, 1025 Aurora Avenue, in Naperville.  The cost is $50 per person (must be 21) and will include a tapas appetizer with a craft beer and Spanish wine tasting.  Live and silent auction items will be featured as well. Order your tickets today!

World History Classes Experience a Personal Perspective

Sophomores in World History experienced "distance" learning this week as the class Skyped with Simone Arnold Liebster, an 84 year old Holocaust survivor living in France. Since students focused on the Holocaust in World Lit classes when they read Night, the World History class discussions have focused on the non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Simone belonged to one of those groups - Jehovah's Witnesses. As a pre-teen she was arrested and sent to a re-education "orphanage" for two years. Her parents were arrested and sent to concentration camps. She Skypes with students across the U.S. with her lesson focusing on choices people make for what they believe and care about. Some classes even experienced lessons led by Gaye Flowers, a docent from the Illinois Holocaust Museum. 

Lancer Preschool Celebrates a "Glamorous Graduation"

Graduation at Lake Park came early as the Little Lancers celebrated with a theme of "Hurray for Hollywood."  Lancer Preschool is a laboratory preschool within a high school setting. Lancer Preschool is designed for children ages 3 and 4 who are toilet trained and ready to experience a supportive and enriching preschool environment. The young students work very closely with their high school "teachers" and develop one-on-one relationships with them. The high school teachers are students who will have fulfilled the requirements to earn the Early Childhood Level 1 Professional Credential upon successful completion of the course. Teachers prepare daily lesson plans that not only provide opportunities for the Little Lancers to develop socially, but also to enhance their kindergarten readiness skills. The Lancer Preschool program offers a truly excellent experience for both our big and small students.

Enrollment is limited. Sessions are filled on a first-come, first-served basis while striving for an even boy-girl ratio.  The program has an open admissions policy and accepts students of all backgrounds; however, the Lake Park High School staff reserves the right to determine if the program is an appropriate placement for each preschool student. Class time will be approximately 2 hours, and tuition is $150 per semester. Lancer preschool meets three days a week in the West Campus preschool lab. Starting and ending times will be announced in the near future.  Start the registration process if you are interested in a spot in the Lancer Preschool. 

Summer School, Boot Camp Registration Deadlines Near

Information about the schedule, cost and enrollment for summer school is now available.  View more details and access the registration form.  First semester enrollment is due Friday, May 22.

Lake Park will be offering six Boot Camp classes this summer at East Campus. The classes are designed to provide enrichment and a sound foundation in different subject areas. All classes are offered on a non-credit basis. Classes will run depending on enrollment; therefore, a full refund will be processed if classes are cancelled due to low enrollment.  View more details and access the registration form.  

Golden Lancer Award Recipients to be Honored

Congratulations to the 2015 Golden Lancer Award Recipients who will be honored during the annual Volunteer Appreciation Reception hosted on Monday, May 18 at 6:00 p.m. in the East Campus Cafeteria.

Volunteer of the Year: An individual who has distinguished himself/herself through donation of time and experience to the LPHS community. 

* Kay Cahill (Lake Park Educational Foundation)
* Tom and Chriss Hollatz (Band Auxiliary)

* Katie Pall, Karen Probst, Kerrie Trebonsky and Larry Vittal (Lake Park Lancers Booster Club) 

Friend of Lake Park: An individual, group, or business that has supported Lake Park High School through contributions to the District. Contributions may be in the form of financial contributions, in-kind donations, and volunteer time. 

* Kohl's Cares

* Meijer
* Phil's Friends


Loyal Lancer of the Year: An individual who embodies the Spirit of the Lancer through long-term impact on LPHS programs. 

* Women of Promise Tea Volunteers: 
   Cathy Foster, Carolyn Blanchard, Diane Semro, Barb Smith

Staff Volunteer of the Year: An LPHS staff person who has consistently gone above and beyond their assigned duties by having a positive impact on the Lake Park learning community through their volunteerism. 

*  Kathy Lovelove-Birk (Lake Park Educational Foundation)

*  Erik Uppling (Improvedy)

National Honor Society Members Inducted


New members were recently inducted into the Lake Park High School chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS).  Membership in NHS is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a high school student.  The National Honor Society recognizes students who excel in scholarship, service, leadership and character. 

Congratulations to the 2015 student officers: President Nick Gricus and Vice Presidents/Secretaries Sarah Cillick, Matt Reilly, Josh Solarz and Karina Sowa.  View the complete list of juniors and seniors who have been accepted into the National Honor Society this year.

Memorial Garden Dedication Scheduled for May 30

If you have driven by West Campus lately, you may have noticed a lot of activity near the auditorium entrance. The Lake Park maintenance staff have been working hard to complete building the Memorial Garden by the end of May.

The Lake Park Educational Foundation board appreciates the generosity of the Lake Park community in supporting the Memorial Garden project. While the retail cost of the Memorial Garden was $35,000, the funds needed to complete the project were decreased to $25,000 since ARCON Architects donated the architectural design services and Lake Park maintenance staff members provided the labor. In addition, the following local businesses are providing in-kind donations of plants and materials: Earth Care, Inc.; Platt Hill Nursery; Schwarz Nursery & Garden Center; and Shemin Nurseries, Inc.

In addition to the Lake Park Educational Foundation dedicating funds to the project, Lake Park staff, families, board of education members, and local residents and businesses rallied to support the creation of the Memorial Garden, donating over $30,000! The additional funds will be used to enhance an existing memorial area at East Campus. Some of the money will also be set aside for future maintenance of the Memorial Garden.

The Lake Park Educational Foundation Board of Trustees invites you to celebrate the dedication of the Lake Park Memorial Garden at West Campus on Saturday, May 30 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. 

Support LPHS Music Programs with a Market Day Order 
Pizza and Cookie Bonus Days are here - the more pizza and cookie dough purchased, the more our school earns!   Help Lake Park earn up to 45 percent profit by choosing from 11 varieties of pizza and three varieties of cookie dough. A delicious way to support the school!

Get a FREE 4-Pack of Cheesecake Pops with a $90 online purchase. (Promo Code: MAYBONUS)

Redeem your FREE Set of Collapsible Storage Bowls.  If you've been participating in the Frequent Buyer program, May is the month to redeem your reward.  


Ordering from Market Day is easier than ever:

Return completed order form to either Lake Park campus.

Go online to www.marketday.com and enter account #11062. 

Shop mobile at www.marketday.com or call Market Day at (877) 632-7753. 

Orders can be placed on the internet up to 11:00 p.m. on Friday, May 15.

If you would like to be on the mailing list or volunteer to help on pick-up days, contact Maria Roberti at robertihouse@sbcglobal.net or call (630) 893-2139.

Order Pick-up Date: Wednesday, May 20
Pick-up Time: 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Location: LPHS West Campus Hallway outside the cafeteria by the football field (Door #18) 

Important Dates

May 18    Volunteer Appreciation Reception / Board of Education Meeting 

May 22    Deadline for Summer School Registration

May 22    Final Exams  

May 23    Prom and Post-Prom
May 25    Memorial Day Holiday (Offices Closed)

May 26    Final Exams
May 26    Class of 2015 Graduation

May 27    Final Exams / Last Day of School