Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility
Vermont Businesses...Vermont Values. 

October Greetings,

We have many fantastic projects and events planned for this fall and we invite you to participate and engage with other like-minded business people as much as you are able!  Jeffrey Hollander and his daughter Meika are lined up to keynote the Nov. 20 VBSR Fall Conference at Mt. Snow and we hope to see many of you there. Our Health Connect Navigators will also be on-site all day to assist you in getting enrolled in the Health Exchange. The VBSR Annual Member meeting will be held on Nov. 20 at 2:45.

On Nov. 6 we will be holding a VBSR Statewide Public Policy Forum on Vermont Interactive Technologies. Please join in at a location near you at 8:30 a.m. It is very important that we hear from you about policy issues of concern as we gear up for the 2014 Legislative Session. 

We also want to invite you to engage in a difficult but important workplace safety issue: Domestic Violence in the Workplace. There are many policies and steps you can put in place that can help you pro-actively prepare for and respond to domestic violence in the workplace. Please take a moment to take a look at the information available at the Safe at Work Network.

All the Best,
Andrea Cohen, Executive Director

P.S. Like our new layout? Dislike our new layout?
VBSR Welcomes and Thanks our Newest Members!
Fall Conference Keynoters Announced
Call for Exhibitors
Registration Opens 10/23!
November 20th
Grand Summit at Mt. Snow

VBSR is thrilled to announce conference keynoters Jeffrey and Meika Hollender speaking on "Social Entrepreneurship and the Next Generation."  Jeffrey, Co-Founder and former CEO of 7th Generation, along with daughter Meika, are Co-Founders of Sustain Condoms, a social enterprise launching in early 2014. Check out their full bios here.

This year's conference is packed full of educational, informative content designed to provide tools, frameworks and inspiration for mission-minded organizations and professionals.  In addition to our keynoters, the conference features a general session panel discussion on decommissioning of the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant, presentation of VBSR's Legislator of the Year award, VBSR's Annual Membership Meeting, 200+ attendees, 35+ exhibitors, and 6 workshops! Check out the conference webpage for complete details.

Call for Exhibitors: 
Exhibit packages are $225 and include one complimentary ticket to the conference, table set-up in a high traffic area, and wi-fi. Click here to download the application and get started today, or email us with questions. 

Registration for the conference opens Wednesday, October 23rd! Keep your eyes peeled for the official announcement, and visit the conference webpage for complete details.

Reserve a Room & Join Us at Harriman's Farm to Table for Pre-Conference Cheer!
If you're traveling from afar, or even down the road, consider joining us at Mt. Snow the evening before the conference for good cheer, food, and networking in a cozy, relaxed environment.  Overnight acccomodations are available at a discounted rate of $99 by calling the Grand Summit at (802) 817-0764 and mentioning you are affiliated with the conference. 
Questions about any of these topics or the fall conference in general? Contact Scott Buckingham for more information. See you next month!
This Issue of E-News Sponsored By:   

Accelerate your career with the new one-year Sustainable Entrepreneurship MBA at UVM.
Click here to learn more.

Interested in sponsoring E-news? Contact us today.


VBSR Hosts Interactive Statewide Public Policy Forum
November 6, 8:30-10:00 AM   

The start of the Vermont Legislature's 2014 session is just months away and VBSR needs to hear from you about what our top priorities should be under the Golden Dome. Join us for this 90-minute interactive video forum live from seven sites across Vermont so you can weigh in on VBSR's legislative agenda and discuss the top political issues of the day with VBSR staff and members of its Public Policy Committee.

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, Nov. 6th, 8:30-10AM and find the Vermont Interactive Technologies studio nearest you: Bennington, Brattleboro, Middlebury, Rutland, Williston, Montpelier and Newport. RSVPs are appreciated, but not required. Click here to find a location near you.


Buy Local Book Supports Local Businesses 
Save Money, Support Local Businesses 

If you haven't purchased your copy of the Buy Local Book yet, make sure to check it out! This year's edition includes a resource guide, personal profiles highlighting owners and staff of some of your favorite businesses, and of course, many valuable coupons!

The book is available through retail distributors in Addison, Chittenden, Lamoille and Washington counties for $15. (You can find a list of locations here.) And don't forget, the book is also available through select schools and organizations as a fundraiser for $20 - they keep $10 of each book sold. Participating schools are listed here.

If you want your business to be included in next year's edition of the Buy Local Book, please contact Calen. And don't forget: Buy Local First!
BEA Logo
Green Energy Times Highlights BEA Companies
"BEA Helps Companies Become More Efficient"

Last month, three BEA participants from Manchester were featured in the Green Energy Times. Hand Motors, Gringo Jack's, and The Vermont Country Store were highlighted on page 14 of the publication as participants benefiting from the program which strives to help businesses and organizations reduce their energy consumption by 5% annually for three years. Check out the story here.

Also, don't forget that BEA is now open for a second round of enrollment. Want to learn how we can help you reduce energy consumption, increase your bottom line, and get a little promotion for it in the process? Learn more here or, if you're ready to get started now, fill out the short application today.
Registration Open for October Networking Get-Together  
King Arthur Flour to Host 10/24

Join VBSR and King Arthur Flour on October 24, as we Get-Together for an autumn evening in Norwich. Network with like-minded business professionals, check out King Arthur Flour's newest expansion, and learn what SR practices are being implemented and carried out by this Certified B Corporation recently named one of the country's "Best for Worker Impact."

Learn about King Arthur's corporate workshops, shop for the holidays, tour VPR's in-house studio and visit the bakery! Food and drink provided by our generous host!

FREE and Open to the Public. Click here to learn more, or register today!

Special thanks to our sponsors: B Lab, Business Energy Action, Cx Associates, Efficiency Vermont,
Tip Top Pottery, truexcullins, and Vermont Public Radio.
"Making Dough & Making Change" Makes an Impression 
300+ Turn Out to Hear Six International Thought Leaders


A special thanks to all who came out for Making Dough and Making Change on September 26th... what a night it was! Powerful ideas presented by six thought leaders and challenged by an entertaining, engaging moderator added up to an event full of compelling content, inspirational stories, and even some good laughs! The message and thinking was taken in by over 300 attendees. Ten scoops of appreciation to Ben & Jerry's and Ashoka for bringing the conversation to Vermont!


If you missed the event, check out the photos on our facebook page. And if you made it to the event, let us know what resonated with you by commenting in the photo album and tagging yourself and friends. Still want more? Check out this blog post from a VBSR member who attended the event. 


VT Convo Highlights Social Issues    
Wednesdays, 1-2 PM

In the past month, VBSR's "The Vermont Conversation" tackled issues of social injustice. From health care to prison systems to workers rights, the show brought in guests from Vermont Workers Center, Vermont Department of Health Access, Vermont Fair Food Campaign and more. Additionally, the show welcomed B Lab Co-founder Jay Coen Gilbert and took some time to look at a new breed of entrepreneurs that are forming companies as a way to solve social and environmental issues in the world around us.

In the coming weeks, Jan Reynolds (Vermont author of High Altitude Women) will join the show, and former New York Times reporter Chris Hedges comes back to talk civil liberties, privacy, and media. Don't forget to tune in every Wednesday at 1:00 PM on WDEV. In the meantime, check out a podcast below.


September 25: Social Entrepreneurship 

October 2: The Prison Show 

October 9: Vermont Heatlh Connect 

October 16: Workers    


psst... Hey VBSR Members... this is YOUR show. Have a topic you'd like us to explore? Email us today.
Navigators Available for Exchange Assistance
Open Office Hours

The Vermont Health Exchange opened earlier this month and our Navigators have been working almost nonstop to help small businesses get a jump on the new system. As we get closer to the deadline, don't forget to connect with Tim or Anissa to get your questions answered. If you're looking for resources to help, visit our updated website to find the latest answers and tools. And don't forget, our Navigators are holding "Open Office Hours" around the state to help answer questions and get you signed up for the exchange. Find a location near you:

October 22: Swanton
October 23: Woodstock
October 30: Randolph

In addition to traveling around the state, attending events and answering phone calls and emails, Navigator Annissa Lewis recently played a key role answering questions on VBSR's "The Vermont Conversation." Check out the show here.


VBSR Bookshelf
Brought to you by: Northshire Bookstore

What is a "durable" economy? How is it created? What does it take to sustain them over time? "Sustainable Communities: Creating a Durable Local Economy" provides insight and answers to these questions and more.  


Bruce Seifer is familiar to many long time VBSR members and Vermonters. Bruce was one of many folks who helped launch VBSR more than 20 years ago and spent nearly three decades as Assistant Director for Economic Development in Burlington, VT.  


Citing Burlington, Vermont's remarkable rise to award-winning status, this book explores the balance between community planning, social enterprise development, energy management, environmental stewardship, food systems development and cultural well-being. Aimed at policymakers, economic development practitioners, students, and citizens, this book describes how multiple influences facilitate the creation of a local, durable, and truly sustainable economy. 


Click here to learn more and/or purchase the book through VBSR member Northshire Bookstore.  


VBSR Marketplace Offers  

Use your Marketplace credits to send your employees back to school! Several Yestermorrow Design/Build School classes are available for 100% Trade (Trade credit ranges from 350-875.)  

Beehive Design/Build (Nov 9-10)

Get more information on the classes here, or log on to the Marketplace to get started today


Member Events 
Upcoming Member Events

Log-on to VBSR's website to post an event. Forgot your password? Send us an email! 

Member News  
We want your news and press releases!! Submit or post a story on our Facebook page or send Russ an email...
News items will be posted in the "Member News" section of our website and will be considered for inclusion in VBSR's monthly E-News.



  SILC Launches Accessible Adventures to Identify Accessible Businesses
Wouldn't it be great to know about all the accessible places to go in Vermont? The SILC and other disability advocates agree and now they are launching an online service that will allow advocates and businesses to share information about the accessibility of dining, shopping and recreating in Vermont. Businesses benefit by being able to register their location and amenities, as well as respond to user comments. Check out this flyer for an example, or check out this ABC22 story to learn more. VBSR recommends you register your business today!!!


Vermont Frame Game 

In September of 2011 Patricia (Pat) LaClair and brother Rob LaClair purchased the Frame Game on Williston Rd in South Burlington from long-time owner Joel Bradley. With Joel's decision to retire in 2011, Pat and Rob purchased the longtime and well-respected local business adding the word Vermont to the name, thereby announcing a new chapter in the frame shop's long history. The Vermont Frame Game has always been Burlington's premier family-run Custom Frame Shop and the LaClairs carry forward that legacy. After Rob's unexpected passing in March of this year, Pat was left to carry the business of running the shop and its employees, without her brother and business partner. In early July, Pat's daughter Courtney Mercier made the move and headed back to Vermont from California to join the family business. As a Business Development Consultant and Professional Photographer, jumping in at the Vermont Frame Game was a natural fit.  Read why and welcome Courtney next time you see her!


Vermont Butter and Cheese Creamery Changes Name 

Vermont Butter & Cheese Creamery (VBCC) announced recently that they will be changing their name to Vermont Creamery. The updated name is a result of acquiring the Registered Trademark for Vermont Creamery and a desire to further simplify the company name. "We've been moving towards a more concise name for some time now," said company co-founder Allison Hooper. "Our products, which include both butter and cheese, are all made with pure, fresh and simple ingredients, and we feel that the name Vermont Creamery conveys what we do in a more memorable way." Check out the full story here.   


 NPI First Vermont Firm to Undergo UCS Audit 

Last month, NPI announced that it will undergo the MSPAlliance's (MSPA) Unified Certification Standard for Cloud and Managed Service Providers audit (UCS). UCS is the first program of its kind, specifically designed and created to provide business consumers of cloud and managed services with the assurance that the service provider they hire meets or exceeds the highest principles of quality in areas such as financial stability, facilities, managed services practices, and customer satisfaction. "The UCS audit is a rigorous audit and certification process that benchmarks and verifies the quality of the company providing managed services," said Charles Weaver, MSPAlliance president. "We are very proud to have NPI undertake this important milestone for cloud and MSPs." Congrats to NPI on being the first technology firm in Vermont to undergo this audit! Learn more here. 


VPT Wins Award for "Little Jerusalem" Documentary   

The Vermont Historical Society's Annual Meeting and Fall Conference was the scene of congratulatory praise for a documentary produced by Vermont Public Television (VPT). This year's prestigious Richard O. Hathaway award went to VPT for their masterful and engaging documentary Little Jerusalem, about the unique history and vitality of a Jewish community in Burlington, Vermont. The annual Hathaway Award goes to an individual, group or organization recognized as making an outstanding contribution to the field of Vermont history. Find out more about this documentary, and be sure to congratulate the VPT crew next time you see them! 


SunCommon Lands Cover of Vermont Business Magazine 

From Vermont Business Magazine: "Maybe it's because solar energy is his business, emails from Duane Peterson often close with "Have a sunny day" or "Hoping the sun is shining on you." These little homilies show that Peterson is not only a preternaturally cheerful person, but that the former environmental activist's first foray into business - the uncommon SunCommon- appears to be booming." Check out the photos and read the whole article here. 


KSE Logo KSE Partners Welcomes New Partners 

KSE Partners, LLP, Vermont's leading government affairs, communications and research firm, announced that Todd Bailey, Leif Johnson and Nick Sherman have all become partners. "This is an exciting time for our firm," Senior Partner Bob Sherman said. "Todd and Nick have been major players in the Vermont political scene and the State House for years. Leif has been the head of our Washington office and the architect of our multistate practice for the past decade. Together they bring youth, talent, vision and new direction to our partnership." Since its founding in 1987, KSE Partners, LLP (KSE) has steadily been growing - now with more than 35 full and part time employees and partners in Montpelier, Minneapolis and Washington D.C. Congrats! 


Member Jobs
Recently Posted Member Jobs 
Log-on to VBSR's website to post a job. Forgot your password? Send us an email!

Looking for an internship? Click here for our most recent listings. 
Thank you VBSR Champion Members for your ongoing support!


   Ben and Jerry'sGardener's Supply
as of 12/17/12Green Mountain Coffee
Main Street Landing LogoNew Chapter newRenewable NRG 8/2013

SVillanti and Sons Printers
Our mission
is to foster a business ethic in Vermont that recognizes the opportunity and responsibility of the business community to set a high standard for protecting the natural, human, and economic environments of our citizens. We are committed to a multiple bottom line approach to business that values people, planet and profit.


Find us on FacebookView our profile on LinkedIn Follow us on TwitterContact Us

Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility
255 South Champlain Street, Suite 11
Burlington, Vermont 05401
(802) 862-8347