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news from campus for 
Aspen Country Day families
May 18, 2015
The countdown has started: busiest days underway

You can count them on your fingers -- the days left in the school year. But this is no time for Aardvarks to slow down! The final days of class are chock-full of events and happenings. Please check the school calendar frequently for information about the many events, presentations, poetry readings, and adventures coming in the next 7 days in your child's class. 

Blue Green championships
Tuesday afternoon 5/26

Regatta Day, Thursday 5/28
games and picnic for parents & children

Ready to float your boat on the ponds?
regatta guidelines here

Come hear the Eighth Graders speak at graduation: their insights, their funny stories, and the value of the journey:
Friday, 5/29 at 9:30 am

Let's go shopping!

Our school store is full of great new items, from pajamas in blue-and-green plaid (naturally), "Go Team Green" and "Go Team Blue" t-shirts, and Vineyard Vines ties, totes, and key fobs. Isn't it time for a new water bottle for summer hikes? 

The store will be open on Thursday, the last full day of school. Can't wait? Click here for a price list and order form. Bring your form to the Lower School or Middle School desk, or email Kim Passero at or call her at 925-1909 x213 to place an order!

Your opinion matters: complete our parent survey!

Now that the school year is almost over, please take a moment to provide your comments and feedback. Here at Country Day we are all about constant improvement, and your input is essential. The parent survey is now open with questions about the school's program, atmosphere and more. 

The survey should take about 15 minutes.
All responses are confidential.
One or both parents in a household can respond. Please submit your survey before the last day of school. Thanks!

So far, 51 parents have taken the survey. ACDS = 151 households. 
Let's hear YOUR voice! click here

About next year on campus
An info session about campus changes coming next year had lots of details about plans for where classrooms will be located, parking, play areas, and more. Thanks to all who attended. Watch your email for a summary of all this and more details coming throughout the summer and next year.

Help wanted: Grade Ambassadors for next year. 
Grade Ambassadors play an important role at our school, building community in each class. Each year brings interesting projects and, most importantly, a chance to reach out to families (both new and returning) to create a happy, productive year for the children. It is a great way to get involved with ACDS on a personal level. Please consider it!

If you are interested in being a Grade Ambassador next year and working with the PIE Parent Association, please email
DVDs of the All-School Play
Last days to order coming soon

Time is running out to order the DVD of the All-SchoolPlay 2015,
Writer's Block. The sets come with discs for both nights along with plenty of still photographs. They are are available in regular format for $35 per set and $50 for the Blu-Ray version. 

ACDS parent Bruce Mielke has videographed the play for many years, generously donating his time, talent, and technology to produce this top-notch product.
All proceeds go to benefit the school.  Order your set today! Click here
Annual Fund approaches the final stretch
89 percent of families have given as of today!

The Annual Fund supports the Power of Three at Aspen Country Day School: excellence in 
Outdoor Education

Thanks to all who have contributed to make our school the best it can be.
Click here to... 

Aspen Country Day School Communications 

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