photo by Steve Licht 
The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance Newsletter 
 October 20, 2013

Stay Involved
Get More Information
File Your Objection
Do Not Sign RICL Easement Agreements 
Harvest is well underway and Rock Island Clean Lines is using new strategies to get your attention and move forward with their goal of getting 100% voluntary easements.
This Newsletter will focus on recent things that are happening and important priorities for The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance.  These priorities are also important for landowners, tenants, businesses, and community members.
We are aware that not everyone uses the computer or email so please pass this information along to neighbors, community members and friends who may not see this information.  
Important Point:
RICL is a non grid transmission project that will not plug into the existing electrical grid AND will not provide electricity to any customers in the region.
Beving, Swanson & Forrest ,P.C. Attorneys at Law website
From the Alliance Lawyers 
Click to read thoughts from the Alliance Lawyers.  

"From the Alliance Lawyers"

October 18, 2013

By Mark E. Truesdell and Justin LaVan

Beving, Swanson & Forrest, P.C.

From the Board President

Think about it: Imagine you're RICL and you have to file all this information about a parcel of land in a distant location: How much time would it take you to learn the names and addresses of all persons with an ownership interest in the land? How much work would it be for you to prepare a map showing the location of all electric lines and supports within the proposed easement; and the location of and distance to any building w/in 100ft. of the proposed line? A lot of work. Multiply that by hundreds; and you have an idea of how important it is to the success of RICL's project that it obtains.

The more parcels upon which RICL has to do all this work, the less likely this project is to succeed. Every parcel upon which it has to do all this work is one more shovel of dirt on the grave of this RICL line. Join the opponents of the line. DO NOT sign an easemnts with RICL.
 Carolyn Sheridan
Board President  

Recent Activities by RICL
During the past couple of weeks RICL has done the following:
  • RICL sent certified letters to 5 more counties.  if you received one of these letters or know someone who did; visit our website for more information, email us, or call us to get the facts and more information. Plan to attend the Informational Meeting in your county. Most importantly- DO NOT SIGN A Voluntary Easement! 
  • RICL filed a motion for bifurcation of the Franchise Process.  On October 16th RICL filed with the Iowa Utilities Board a "Motion to Bifurcate, requesting that the issue of the grant of franchise and the potential issue of the use of eminent domain be bifurcated, so that the franchise issue can be tried first; thereby allowing petitioner to attempt to minimize the need to request eminent domain." 
  • Basically this motion will give RICL more time to get voluntary easements and reduce the cost related to having to use eminent domain to acquire property.  The Preservation of Rural Iowa is opposed to this motion.  Anyone can object to or resist to the motion or ask for more time to respond to it. They have 14 days from October 16, 2013 to make a filing. This filing can be done with the Iowa Utilities Board.  
    Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance attorney will file a formal objection to this motion on behalf of the Alliance. The filing of this motion emphasizes  the importance of NOT SIGNING  VOLUNTARY EASEMENTS!


  • RICL sent letters/packets to landowners who have not met with them or who have not signed voluntary easement agreements.
    A number of landowners received a large packet from RICL this past week. Included in this packet: 
  • Letter to Landowner
  • Rock Island Clean Line Informational Brochure for Landowners
  • Easement calculation letter
  • Structure and damages calculations sheet
  • Transmission line easement agreement
  • Notice of cancelation of easement agreement
  • Preliminary Easement Sketch
  • Frequently Asked Questions -RICL document
  • Copy of an article from the Cherokee Chronicle Times dated September 26, 2013 entitled "Aerial pesticide application and high voltage powerlines, written by Loren Gaylord Flaugh, correspondent.
  • RICL Informational Meeting Fact Sheet dated August 2013  

This is a strategy that RiCL is using to attempt to get  landownersto sign voluntary easements.  This is not new information except that you now have an actual dollar figure/offer for your property and a contract to review.  You are advised to seek qualified legal advice before signing any legal agreements with RICL.  The Preservation of Rural Iowa is asking you not to sign a voluntary easement and join our organization in our mission to stop RICL. We are hard at work and with your support we are optimistic that we will be successful in stopping RICL

  • We have received information people in the 5 remaining counties that they are beginning to receive their certified letters.  
Important Things To Do:
1-  File your Objection Letter
Click here for the suggested objection form.
Click here for a sample objection form which includes information on what needs to be included on you objection and ideas on what to say. 
If you file electronically you should be able to view your objection on the IUB website under the  Iowa Utilities Board docket searchYou only need to put the docket number in the search field to see your objection and other objections that are filed.  You do not need to put information in any of the remaining fields.
Phone: 877.565.4450  (toll-free) / 515.725.7321 
2- Write Letters of Opposition  
Commodity Groups
Legislators and Governor Brandstad
3- Assist in organizing Community Meetings in your area.  
We are looking for meeting locations across the state.  Our goal is to to answer questions, provide information on how to file objections, assist in understanding the IUB franchise process as well as encouraging people to send letters to commodity groups, county supervisors, and legislators.
4- Attend Informational Meetings 
If your county is having its Informational meeting soon - plan on attending. This is your opportunity to hear about the project, ask questions, voice your opinion and meet with The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance members.


Newsletters are now available on our website
Archived and current Newsletters are now available on our website homepage
.  Read previous newsletters for more information on to find out more about the Alliance.
County Supervisor Meetings
The modified resolution from the Clay County Supervisors which states they have taken a neutral position versus their previous position of support of RICL has been posted on the IUB website docket.  Click to be redirected to the IUB website docket page
An email from the IUB that was sent to individuals who have filed objections lists this document as a "position of support."  On the website it is listed as a "modified resolution." The IUB has been contacted to clarify why this modified resolution would be considered a position of of support.   
If your county supervisors have adopted a resolution of support of RICL contact us for assistance in changing their resolution of support. 

Informational Meetings


Informational Meetings have been scheduled in the counties listed below.  Click for more information on our website. 

 At the time of this newsletter we do not have the location, date and times of the Informational meetings in the remaining counties. We will update the website as soon as we get this information.



November 19th Tuesday 9 am, Franklin County Fairgrounds, Convention Center, 1008 Central Avenue W, Hampton


November 19th Tuesday 3 pm, American Legion, 205 Cemetery Street, Parkersburg


November 20th Wednesday 9 am, Grundy Center Community Room, 705 F Avenue, Grundy Center

Black Hawk:

November 20th Wednesday 3 pm, Supervisor's Club & Event Center, 3265 Dewitt Road, Waterloo


November 21st Thursday 9 am, Brandon Area Community Center, 802 Main Street,    Brandon 


Click to see the format for informational meetings that were previously held  located on our website.

Click to view or print a list of possible questions that may help you prepare your questions for the meeting. 

board of directors 
Board of Director members and Alliance supporters will be at Informational Meetings across the state. 

Board members and Alliance supporters attended the first 6 Informational meetings and are committed to attending the remaining 10 informational meetings across the state. 

Show your support!  $10 per shirt
click to print t-shirt flyer
T- Shirts sizes:
Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large
Contact information: or 712-838-4801  or 712-835-2038  
Shipping costs are not included ($3 per shirt)
Checks payable to: The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance
All proceeds go to support "The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance"
Visit our website for updated information


Our goal is to provide you with the information you need all in one location.  Weekly updates will help keep you informed of what is happening across the state and in your county.  The website provides a way for the Alliance to update you on a real time basis. 
Click here to visit website

 Web pages include:

  • General Information
  • Maps
  • Legal information
  • How to file your objection 
  • Eminent Domain
  • News
  • Governance
  • Call to Action
  • Letters
  • Contact Information
  • Photos


Membership - Join Today   


Why You Should Join the Alliance: 
  1. Get the facts and stay updated
  2. Advocate on behalf of landowners, tenants, communities
  3. File objections
  4. Unified legal representation as a large group
  5. File a large group objection at the public hearing 
  6. Click here to visit our website and learn more
With your support The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance will help you:

Board of Directors
The Presevation of Rural Iowa Alliance
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