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The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance Newsletter 
 October 7, 2013

Harvest Time is here.
Just like harvest -TOGETHER we get the job done.
TOGETHER - We have the ability to stop RICL!

Harvest time is here and that may give some of you the ability to stop thinking about RICL, but for others it may mean long hours in the tractor, truck or combine and that means more time to think and perhaps even worry. It is important that The Preservation of Iowa continues their work during harvest and to have your support (even if that just means thinking and coming up with ideas) as we move forward with our opposition against RICL.
When you have a spare moment or on a rainy day - there are some things that we encourage you to do to assist our effort to stop RICL.  These items are listed in this newsletter and additional information is located on our website. 
We are aware that not everyone uses the computer or email so please pass this information along to neighbors, community members and friends who may not see this information.
Important Point:
RICL is a non grid transmission project that will not plug into the existing electrical grid AND will not provide electricity to any customers in the region.
Important Things To Do:
1-  File your Objection Letter
Click here for the suggested objection form.
Click here for a sample objection form which includes information on what needs to be included on you objection and ideas on what to say.
If you file electronically you should be able to view your objection on the IUB website under the  Iowa Utilities Board docket search.  You only need to put the docket number in the search field to see your objection and other objections that are filed.  You do not need to put information in any of the remaining fields.
If you have filed your objection and have not received confirmation from the Iowa Utilities Board with in 1 week or you cannot view your objection along with others that have been filed you should contact the IUB to be sure your objection was received.  Make a copy of your objection letter if you send it by mail
 Phone: 877.565.4450  (toll-free) / 515.725.7321 
IMPORTANT: The first sample objection forms that were printed had an error in the Clay County docket number. The number is correct on the current sample objection forms located on the website. The correct docket number is E- 22124.  
If you used the incorrect docket number your objection may not be added to the docket so please confirm that your objection has reached the IUB by looking on line or calling the IUB.
RICL stated at the previous informational meetings:
"We think we will get at least 90% of the proposed route property by voluntary easements".
It is up to us to make sure that does not happen. Contact the Alliance if you need help completing your objection electronically or by mail.
2- Write Letters of Opposition  
Commodity Groups
Members of the board of directors met with several commodity groups ( Corn Growers Association , Soybean Association, and Cattlemen Association) the week of September 15th. The overall response from these groups was that they need to hear from their membership regarding their concerns related to RICL.  We will continue to work with commodity groups in meeting format and ongoing communication.
Legislators and Governor Brandstad
On September 18th board members also met with Governors Brandstad staff. It was clear that he was not aware of concerns or opposition to the proposed RICL project.  He also stated that Governor Brandstad felt the majority of landowners would sign voluntary easements. It is important that Governor Brandstad and legislators hear from you regarding your concerns and opposition to this project.
3- Assist in organizing Community Meetings in your area.  
On September 18th and 19th members of the Alliance board met with community members in the Mallard and Goldfield area. People that we met with expressed their concerns which are similar across the state. We are looking for additional meeting locations across the state.  Our goal is to to answer questions, provide information on how to file objections, assist in understanding the IUB franchise process as well as encouraging people to send letters to commodity groups, county supervisors, and legislators.
4- Attend Informational Meetings 
If your county is having its Informational meeting soon - plan on attending. This is your opportunity to hear about the project, ask questions, voice your opinion and meet with The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance members.

Informational Meetings


Informational Meetings have been scheduled in 5 additional counties.  Click for more information on our website. Informational meetings in the remaining counties have not been scheduled



November 19th Tuesday 9 am, Franklin County Fairgrounds, Convention Center, 1008 Central Avenue W, Hampton


November 19th Tuesday 3 pm, American Legion, 205 Cemetery Street, Parkersburg


November 20th Wednesday 9 am, Grundy Center Community Room, 705 F Avenue, Grundy Center

Black Hawk:

November 20th Wednesday 3 pm, Supervisor's Club & Event Center, 3265 Dewitt Road, Waterloo


November 21st Thursday 9 am, Brandon Area Community Center, 802 Main Street,    Brandon 


The informational meetings that were previously held followed the same format. 


Jim Sundermeyer of the Iowa Utilities Board will preside at the meeting.  He presents a summary of the legal rights of the affected landowners. You will receive a handout with the same information including the  objection process and the eminent domain process. 


 Rock Island Clean Line will also give a presentation. In the previous informational meetings this included Hans Detweiler, project development director, construction manager; routing manager; and the electrical engineer. Contract land staff also reviewed an example of financial compensation for an 1/2 mile voluntary easement with 2 monopoles. (Approximately $82,000)


A designated amount of time is scheduled for questions directed to IUB and Rock Island Clean Line. Questions have included multiple topics such as health impact, livestock concerns, use of GPS, financial stability of RICL, eminent domain, alternative routes, attendance at public meetings, yearly payments, construction process and objection process. Be prepared with your list of questions and concerns.  Click to view or print a list of possible questions that may help you prepare your questions for the meeting. 

board of directors 
Board of Director members and Alliance supporters will be at Informational Meetings across the state. 

Board members and Alliance supporters attended the first 6 Informational meetings and are committed to attending the remaining 10 informational meetings across the state. 


County Supervisor Meetings:
On October 8th the Clay County Supervisors modified their resolution of support for RICL. They have taken a neutral position versus their previous position of support.
If your county supervisors have adopted a resolution of support of RICL contact us for assistance in changing their resolution of support.

IMPORTANT: RICL does not possess the power of eminent domain (condemnation). RICL cannot request that authority from the Iowa Utility Board until it has completed all informational meetings).  Informational meetings have scheduled in the next 5 counties for the week of November 17th.  The final informational meetings will most likely be held the first week of December.

 Consider the following:

  • The Iowa Utilities Board will review how many land owners have signed voluntary easements.  It will be positive for RICL if they have secured large numbers of voluntary easements.  
  • You do not have to sign easements at this time - take time to consider and research all options and consequences. 
  • Talk with your accountant prior to signing any agreements.  Tax consequences may be different for voluntary easements versus eminent domain (condemnation).
  • If you sign a voluntary easement for your property; the section of  Iowa Code 478.15  regarding Reversion On Non Use may not apply to you.

It is always recommended that you seek advice from qualified legal representation before considering signing a legal document with RICL.  


The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance strongly encourages you not to sign a voluntary easement at this time.  We are hard at work and with your support we are optimistic that we will be successful in stopping RICL.

Show your support!  $10 per shirt
click to print t-shirt flyer
T- Shirts sizes:
Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large
Contact information: or 712-838-4801  or 712-835-2038  
Shipping costs are not included ($3 per shirt)
Checks payable to: The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance
All proceeds go to support "The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance"
Visit our website for updated information


Our goal is to provide you with the information you need all in one location.  Weekly updates will help keep you informed of what is happening across the state and in your county.  The website provides a way for the Alliance to update you on a real time basis. 
Click here to visit website

 Web pages include:

  • General Information
  • Maps
  • Legal information
  • How to file your objection 
  • Eminent Domain
  • News
  • Governance
  • Call to Action
  • Letters
  • Contact Information
  • Photos


As of October 1st  the Alliance has over 100 different types of members, including lanowners, tenants, families, businesses,  and community members. 
Join Today   


Why You Should Join the Alliance:


  1. Get the facts and stay updated
  2. Advocate on behalf of landowners, tenants, communities
  3. File objections
  4. Unified legal representation as a large group
  5. File a large group objection at the public hearing 
  6. Click here to visit our website and learn more
With your support The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance will help you:

Board of Directors
The Presevation of Rural Iowa Alliance
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