The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance Newsletter 
Preparation for Informational Meetings
August 19, 2013

Informational Meetings


It is important that you attend Informational Meetings in your community.  This is your opportunity to understand the process that RICL must go through and to hear directly from the Iowa Utilities Board.  It is also your opportunity to ask questions.  Come prepared to do so. 


August 20, 2013 - O'Brien and Clay County

     Hartley, 9am - Hartley Community Center 

     Spencer, 3pm - Clay County Regional Events Center


 August 21, 2013 - Palo Alto and Kossuth County

      Emmetsburg, 9am - Iowa Lakes Community College

      Algona, 3pm - Knights of Columbus


 August 22, 2013 - Hancock and Wright County 

      Britt, 9am - City of Britt Municipal Building 

      Belmond, 3pm - VFW Hall


You are advised not to sign any agreements with Rock Island Clean Line without legal representation!  IMPORTANT:  If you sign a voluntary easement for your property; the section of  Iowa Code 478.15  regarding Reversion On Non Use may not apply to you.

Learn More - click here to visit the website for more information  

Prepare for the Informational Meeting

Come to the meetings prepared to ask questions.  Your questions can be regarding how this high voltage transmission line project will impact you.  Examples of other questions to ask are:


  •  Is any other entity developing a proposal for a high-voltage transmission line to serve the same perceived need? Who?
  • How is this transmission line going to benefit us?
  • How is it going to benefit my county?  
  • How is it going to benefit my state?
  • Were other routes investigated?  When? By whom? Is that document public? Can we get a copy of that?
  • What planning has been done which demonstrates a need for this transmission line?
    • Who did it? When? 
    • Is that Plan a public document? Can we get a copy of that?
  • What organizations or governmental bodies have asked for this project? What planning has been done which demonstrates a need for this transmission line? Who did it? When? 
  • What bodies or organizations typically conduct electric transmission line planning in this area? In Iowa? 
    • Has that body or organization completed a plan or analysis of this RICL project?  
    • Is it being done or will it be done?  
  •  How will this line integrate with the rest of the electric line network: (a) in the Midwest? (b) in Iowa?  (c) in my county?
  • I'm served by a Rural Electric Company (ILEC,Alliant  etc): Will RICL be offering to sell my Rural Electric Company its wind-generated electrons transmitted over this line? 
    • So will I personally be consuming electricity transmitted over this line?
    • How do you know? How does that work?  
  • Will there be electrons leaving this line anywhere between its western AC-DC converter and its eastern AC-DC converter in Illinois ?  
    • What is the status of that plan (those plans)?
    • Who might know the answer to that question?  
  • From what wind farms exactly where will these electrons be coming from?
    • Who owns those wind farms?
    • What discussions has RICL had with those wind farm owners?
    • Might those wind farm owners know of any Transmission Line Projects that might be competing projects
    • Do you know of any competing transmission line projects?
    • Will you give us the names and addresses of the contact people for those wind farms?
  • How much will the construction of this transmission line cost?  
  • How much is that expressed in construction cost/mile?
  • How does that compare with the construction cost/mile of the last three high-voltage transmission lines completed in Iowa?  
  • How will RICL pay for this line?  
  • What will the operating cost of this transmission line be?  
  • How does that compare, apples to apples, with the three most recently completed high-voltage transmission lines constructed in Iowa?
  • how much will these wind-generated electrons cost the purchaser at your eastern terminus?  

The Preservation of Rural Iowa representatives will be at meetings to ask questions of RICL and Iowa Utilities Board (IUB), we will also provide you with additional information and answer specific questions on how this may impact you.  

board of directors 
Board of Director members and Alliance supporters will be at Informational Meetings 

Board members and other community members will be at the meetings in all counties to ask questions of RICL and Iowa Utilities Board on behalf of landowners, tenants, community members, impacted businesses and concerned citizens. Please look for us at the entrance of the meeting locations.  We will be handing out additional information and answering questions.  WE look forward to meeting you and working with you in our combined efforts to stop RICL across the state of Iowa.

From the Alliance Lawyers

By Mark E. Trusedell and Justin LaVan

Beving, Swanson & Forrest, PC


On August 5th the Alliance lawyers provides us with information and direction for the upcoming Informational Meetings that will be held in your county.  Click here to read the entire document.  An important point that is made in this communication states: "The Alliance asks you to not sign anything at this time. Go to your informational meeting. Listen carefully to the presentation that RICL gives. Ask your questions. Then tell your Alliance Board of Directors the answers you are given".  


Please take time to read this document and call or email with your questions.  Board members from the Alliance will be present at all county informational meetings to answer your questions and provide additional information. 

Go to our website to get more information.
Visit the new website for up-to-date information.  


Our goal is to provide you with the information you need all in one location.  Weekly updates will help keep you informed of what is happening across the state and in your county.  The website provides   a way for the Alliance to update you on a real time basis. 
Click here to visit website

 Web pages include:

  • General Information
  • Maps
  • Legal information
  • Eminent Domain
  • News
  • Governance
  • Next Steps
  • Contact Information
  • Photos


Contact us for more information
The Preservation of Rural Iowa Email and Phone Number

Along with our new website The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance has a phone number and email address.  Don't hesitate to call or send an email and one of our board members or dedicated community members will get back to you.

Phone number:  712-262-5229  Email: [email protected] 

As of August 15th the Alliance has over 50 different types of members, including lanowners, tenants, families, and community members. 
Join Today  Next Steps 


Why You Should Join the Alliance:


With your support The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance will help you:

  1. Get the facts and stay updated
  2. Advocate on behalf of landowners, tenants, communities
  3. File objections
  4. Unified legal representation as a large group
  5. File a large group objection at the public hearing 

Click here to visit our website and learn more

Board of Directors
The Presevation of Rural Iowa Alliance
[email protected]

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