Rosarian Academy E- News
Issue: 2March 1-31, 2013

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807 North Flagler Drive

West Palm Beach, FL


March was packed with exciting learning experiences and celebrations in and out of the classroom, including a variety of visitors and service projects, field day, St. Patrick's Day celebration, and preparation for Easter. As witnesses to the Cardinals' election of our new Pope Francis, we watched his announcement and introduction to the world live from our school rooms.We now return from a restful Easter break ready tor a strong fourth quarter and finish to our 2012-2013 school year.  
If you have news or updates you wish to include in the next newsletter, please click here
Alumni Spotlight
New "Chicks" in the Toddler House
Montessori Lessons Head Down Under and Get a Little Fishy
Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham?
High Touch High Tech Science Made Fun
Students Recite Prayers in Spanish
Lower School Field Day
Local Author Shares Her Story
What I Like Best About Going to a Catholic School
The Evolution of Science: Working for a Cure
Think Before You Post
Social Studies Students Are "In the Money"
Zoology Project Takes 2nd Place in State Science Fair
St. Patrick's Day Tradition: When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Students Glean Around 14,000 Pounds of Bell Peppers
Hopping Down the Bunny Trail to Opportunity Inc.
RATV: Catch Us Live!
March Student of the Month
Announcing Madeline Vivian Cloar
Summer Camp Registration Now Open
Upcoming Community Events / Volunteer Opportunities
About Our Founders
Did You Know? Symbolism of Our Mascot, Rowdie Raider
Annual Fund: Be Inspired
Alumni Spotlight
Elizabeth Winokur, Rosarian Academy 2000


Liz Winokur Years Attended Rosarian:  

1989 - 2000 (preschool - 8th grade)  


High School: 

Cardinal Newman High School, Class of 2004


How do you feel Rosarian prepared you for high school? 

I feel that Rosarian prepared me well, especially with respect to English.



Georgetown University, Class of 2008  


Graduate School:

Harvard Law School, Class of 2011


Where are you living now and what are you doing?

I live in New York City. I am an intellectual property lawyer.


Do you feel like your experiences from Rosarian shaped who you are today? 

My experiences at Rosarian definitely shaped who I am today.  I spent eleven years there.  I grew up there -- as a part of the Rosarian community.  It was at Rosarian that I learned to read and to color in the lines; began to think about religion; first participated in the U.S. justice system (Mrs. Bettis constructed a mock court to resolve a dispute among classmates); realized the importance of kindness; was first captivated by literature and mythology; learned the songs from Ms. Moormann that I still sing today to recall, among other things, the presidents of the United States and the names of various countries and capitals; mastered the art of diagramming sentences; and met my best friends.  Rosarian will always be a part of me.

What is your fondest memory of Rosarian?

Field day!




Three Rosarian Grads and Current Oxbridge Academy Students Write Novels


Oxbridge Writing program Three Rosarian graduates from the class of 2012 and current Oxbridge Academy students--Brandon Kirby, Isabella Greene, and Christine Pangborn--recently completed 30,000 word novels in 30 days and were certified as NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) winners by the nonprofit organization the Office of Letters and Light. As winners, each student received 5 printed copies of their novel.


Rosarian Academy prides itself in preparing our students with a solid foundation in writing. Congratulations to these outstanding young writers! 

New "Chicks" in the Toddler House
Baby Chickens Are the Newest Members of the Classroom

Toddler House ChicksAs part of this month's study of birds and Easter, the Toddler House spent 21 days learning about and watching the incubation of chicken eggs. Tied in with Easter's symbolism of life, the children witnessed the miracle of life springing from an egg. The little scientists wore lab coats and goggles and looked through a special telescope that penetrates through the egg shell to see the live and forming embryo. Each day, they studied model eggs to see the progression of the chicken. So far, three of seven eggs have hatched baby chicks.  

Montessori Lessons Head Down Under and Get a Little Fishy
The Children's House Learns about Australia and Sea Life
Mrs. Jarvi Presents on Australia      

The Children's House explored the land down under in March. Guest speaker and Rosarian mother, Hayley Jarvi, presented her home country Australia. The children enjoyed an Australian breakfast treat, cinnamon swirl bread with an Australian favorite, Vegemite - a jam made from yeast extract. Mrs. Jarvi also brought in a cute stuffed koala bear to remind the children to visit the Palm Beach Zoo to see the new koala exhibit. 


Tied with Australia and its Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral 

Sea life presentation Montessori

reef system, the Montessori children also learned about fish and sea life this month. Joseph Molina, Rosarian father and owner of Independent Seafoods, brought in a variety of  fresh caught sea life. The students touched live lobster shipped from Canada, Golden Crab and Blue Crabs from off our Florida coast, scallops and clams from Tampa, and muscles from Washington state.  They also had the opportunity to touch and smell slimy seaweed and scaly fish.

Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham?
Kindergarten Celebrates Dr. Suess' Birthday
Watch Mrs. Linsin Read
In celebration of Dr. Suess' birthday and national Read Across America Day, Rosarian kindergarten students enjoyed listening to and eating "Green Eggs and Ham" on Friday, March 1st. Click on the image to the right to watch Director of the Lower School, Linda Linsin, animatedly read to the children with a guest appearance of The Cat in The Hat!


High Touch High Tech Science Made Fun
First Grade In-School Science Field Trip
Hi Tech Hi Touch 1st Grade Science Field Trip
First graders participated in an in-school science field trip sponsored by High Touch High Tech Science Made Fun on March 5th. A scientist facilitated the program, called "Edison's Workshop." This discovery style learning and inquiry based dialogue enhanced our first grade Core Knowledge science curriculum as the children engaged in hands-on science experiments exploring electricity. 
Students Recite Prayers in Spanish
Second and Third Graders Learn the Our Father and Hail Mary

Our Father
Hail Mary
The introduction to Spanish begins at the Montessori level in The Toddler House. Students progressively gain more exposure with classes twice per week in Lower School and four to five times per week in Middle School.  Click on the videos to the left and right to watch Mrs. Pariseleti's second grade class recite the Our Father and her third grade class recite the Hail Mary in Spanish.
Lower School Field Day
Grades K-4 Show Spirit and Fun

Friday, March 8th marked the annual Lower School Field day for kindergarten to 4th grade. Attired in their team colors of yellow, green, red, and blue, students competed in a variety of games and activities and cheered for their teammates.   
Field Day 2013 Yellow Field Day 2013 Green Field Day 2013 Red Field Day 2013 Blue  
Local Author Shares Her Story 
Pamela Larkin Caruso Presents The Awesome Adventures of Annie V. to 3rd and 4th Grades

The Awesome Adventures of Annie V

On Monday, March 11, Pamela Larkin Caruso, co-author of The Awesome Adventures of Annie V., presented to our 3rd and 4th grade classes. Based on the life of artist and local historical figure Ann Weaver Norton, the book is used as an educational tool to teach children fun facts about Ann Norton's inspiration and influences and the environmental habitats and species in the Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens.  The storybook includes visual art, language arts and environmental science activities that explore the life of Ann Vaughn Weaver as a young girl.  As a first time author, Ms. Caruso discussed the writing, illustrating and publishing process of a book from start to finish. She was an inspiration to our young Rosarian writers.  

What I Like Best About Going to a Catholic School
5th Graders Share Their Enthusiasm about Attending Rosarian


School Prayer Around Flag Pole Our Catholic identity shapes the spiritual foundation of our school. Rosarian students  are proud of their Christ-centered community of faith and recently shared what they like about going to a Catholic school. Here's what some of the fifth grade students had to say:


"What I like most about being in a Catholic school is that everyone is like a big family...Teachers treat you like one of their own...It is important to me to be surrounded by others who feel like my family members and I do." --Daisy Cook


"The best thing about being a part of a Catholic school is that I get to learn so much stuff about God. What I learn helps me even when I am out of school." --Luc Bourbeau


"One of my favorite things about going to a Catholic school is being able to pray in class every day. It makes getting through a hard day much easier. You are not only limited to the Bible. In the library, they have holy texts from most major religions. It gives you a lot more room to think and make conclusions by yourself." --Tommy Keogh


"I'm in a loving environment, and God always is leading me to make the right decisions. Being in a Catholic school really makes a difference in my life because it is a constant reminder that I am in a God-centered environment." --Lolly Colton


Religion teacher Serge Dube is preparing to be ordained a Catholic Deacon in September and shares a passion with his students about being at Rosarian Academy. Mr. Dube is most appreciative of "the opportunity and freedom we have to be in communion with God and one another through the many opportunities we have available to pray individually and communally."

The Evolution of Science: Working for a Cure 
6th Grade Studies Marie Curie's Discovery of Radiation


DeWoody Yavinsky Presentation to 6th grade After studying Marie Curie and her discovery of radiation as part of our Core Knowledge Science Curriculum, Ms. Watson's 6th graders listened with empathy to mothers and breast cancer survivors, Liz Yavinsky and Elizabeth DeWoody. Mrs. Yavinsky, a four-year survivor, and Mrs. DeWoody, an eight-year survivor, discussed radiation and chemotherapy treatments and the evolution of science for curing cancer. The students showed understanding of how Marie Curie's great scientific discovery has been implemented to save so many lives. Learning came alive in a powerful way!

Think Before You Post 
Attorney Christopher Hopkins Presents Internet Safety Tips to The 6th Grade


Christopher Hopkins Internet Safety Presentation

The internet today offers positive and useful ways to research information, promote products and businesses, connect with friends, etc.; however, using the internet in the most beneficial ways requires knowledge of safety. Attorney and parent Christopher Hopkins spoke to the 6th grade class on Friday, March 15 about internet safety. He discussed the legal implications of emailing, taking pictures and posting inappropriate content and the ability to track past actions even if you think they have been deleted. Students were made aware of what is appropriate vs. inappropriate to post on social media sites and how high schools, colleges and employers are using the internet as part of their admissions and hiring process to research applicants and candidates. A few of Mr. Hopkins' tips include: set your privacy settings; do not mention your location and contact information in posts or online bios; make how you appear on the internet reflect you and your values as accurately as possible in a positive light; think before you post.

Social Studies Students Are "In the Money" 
7th Graders Participate in a Simulated Stock Market


7th Grade Stock Market Simulation

While studying the Great Depression in 7th grade, Ms. Moormann stimulated interest in the 1920s and what caused the panic and crash of 1929, by having students operate a stock market. In this stock market game, students invested in simulated stock in which they had the opportunity to make decisions which caused them to succeed or fail. They expressed great excitement with their investments during the "up" years and the agony of loss as the market dropped. Looking for investment advice or trading tips? Ask our future RA financial advisers!  


Click here to view more photos of the stock market simulation.

Zoology Project Takes 2nd Place in State Science Fair
Julia Raymond Wins 2nd Place and Special Recognition from the Department of Agriculture


Julia Raymond Science Fair Award

Competing against thirty other zoology students at the 58th Annual State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida, 8th grader Julia Raymond brought home 2nd place in the zoology category! Her project, The Effects of Cell Size on Pest Invasion in a Bee Colony also received a special recognition award from the Department of Agriculture.


The purpose of the project was to determine if there is a beneficial relationship between the smaller bee colony cell size of Italian Honey Bees and the number of pests inside the hive which cause Colony Collapse Disorder. She was able to prove, that by reducing the bee hive cell size, the number of mites and beetles are reduced, keeping the colony from collapsing and preventing the need for pesticides. 


While judges reviewed projects and tallied scores, Julia, along with the other middle and high school state finalists of Palm Beach County, traveled to Busch Gardens and to the Museum of Science and Industry to view the exhibits and attend a Science Fair hosted "Nerd Party" (dancing to music in the museum at night). While Julia had a great experience meeting students from all over Florida, science teacher Susan Lawless had the opportunity to attend a shoptalk session on teaching science using STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and a seminar on "science fair best practices." The competition took place in Lakeland, Florida over spring break.

St. Patrick's Day Tradition: When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Principal Virginia Devine Sings Her Rendition


Listen to Ms. Devine Sing!

As part of Rosarian Academy's St. Patrick's Day tradition, Principal Virginia Devine sings an off-key rendition of When Irish Eyes Are Smiling to the entire student body over the loud speaker. For the first time in history, we captured her live! Click on the image to the right to enjoy her 2013 performance sung on a cold day (perhaps the cold weather contributed to Ms. Devine's difficulty reaching the high notes).



Students Glean Around 14,000 Pounds of Bell Peppers
The Rosarian Community Helped Feed The Hungry in Our Community


Gleaning Peppers

Led by Rosarian's NJHS, students (from Montessori to 8th grade) and parents gathered to glean bell pepper fields in Delray Beach on Saturday, March 16. This hardworking group helped glean between 13,000-14,000 pounds of bell peppers that feed the hungry in our community. Local farmers allow people to glean, or pick, the crops that are left after the harvest which are perfectly good but do not meet supermarket standards. 52 million pounds of produce on farms are wasted every year; this makes gleaning so important! CROS Ministries, the event organizer, delivered the vegetables to the Palm Beach County Food Bank to distribute to local agencies. Click here to view the gleaning photos. 


Hopping Down the Bunny Trail to Opportunity, Inc. 
The 8th Grade Leads an Easter Egg Hunt for Underprivileged Children


Easter Bunny Opportunity Inc

Sister Donna, Ms. Moormann, and Ms. Kelly took the entire 8th grade class to Opportunity, Inc. to hold an Easter egg hunt for underprivileged children on March 20th. Twice a year, Rosarian students visit the preschool/ childcare facility. In the fall, they bring lunch to the school and eat and read with the children. The 8th graders return in the spring and host the egg hunt led by the Easter Bunny. Thanks to Finn Kennedy for dressing up this year! Click here to view some of the photos. 


Opportunity, Inc. of Palm Beach County offers low-cost, high-quality preschool childcare, educational programming and parent support to hard working families who face serious financial challenges.



RATV: Catch Us Live!
Rosarian Academy Television Airs Live Every School Morning

Rosarian Academy Television (RATV) airs live every school morning at 7:50 (Middle School) and 8:05 (Lower School). Middle School Student Council members and Lower School 4th grade students rotate anchors and camera crew monthly.  The select anchors lead the student body in prayer and pledge, followed by announcements pertaining to all other daily happenings at the school.


RATV provides our students with the opportunity to learn video production and live streaming while gaining confidence in presenting in front of others and developing clear communication skills.


Click here to watch RATV live from the comfort of your home or office.

  RATV Live

Caroline MagtibayMarch Student of the Month
Congratulations, Caroline Magtibay 

The 8th grade teachers choose a student to be honored each month at a luncheon at The Chesterfield Hotel sponsored by The Kiwanis Club of Palm Beach.  The students are chosen based on academics, character, and service. Congratulations to Caroline Magtibay for being selected for the month of March!


Madeline Vivian CloarAnnouncing Madeline Vivian Cloar
We Welcome the Newest Member of the Rosarian Family

Montessori Director, Megan Cloar, gave birth to a baby girl on Monday, March 4th at 4:00 pm. Madeline Vivian weighed in at 9 lbs 7 oz and entered our world on the day she was due. So far, the Cloar family is off to a great start! 


Summer Camp Registration Now Open
Weekly Sessions June 10-August 9

Our campus will be buzzing with happy campers throughout Summer 2013! Join us for a variety of summer enrichment and athletic programs running June 10th - August 9th (with the exception of the week of July 1st-5th). Camps are offered for children ages 3 - 14, and after-camp care is available. Programs include: Sensational Summer Fun; Archeology; Art; Technology Creations; Drafting/Architecture; Jump Start 5th Grade; Pre-Algebra and Algebra Boot Camps; Soccer Camp; Multisport Camp; All-Time Favorite Games.  Space is limited. For more information and to register, click here.

  Register for Summer Camp

Upcoming Community Events / Volunteer Opportunities

The Lord's Place SleepOutApril 15: Melanoma Monday Art Contest 
Richard David Kann Melanoma Foundation is proud to present an opportunity to help students and their families learn about sun safety through a fun and creative project. The Melanoma Monday Art Contest entries are due April 15. There will be a ceremony for all contest winners and the public at Roger Dean Stadium (TBA). Click on the appropriate links for instructions and grade level contest information: Letter of Instruction, K-2 Guidelines, 3-5 Guidelines, 6-8 Guidelines.

April 19: The Lord's Place SleepOut at The Meyer Ampitheatre     
SleepOut is an overnight event to end homelessness in Palm Beach County. Click here for more information or click here to register and join Rosarian Academy's team.   

April 27: Crusader Classic Golf Tournament

Crusader Classic Golf Tournament to benefit Cardinal Newman High School Scholarship Program "so students can experience the Crusader Country experience." Saturday, April 27; Atlantis Golf Club; 8:30 am shot gun. For info and tickets, contact Mary Martens: [email protected] or 561.644.5489.
About Our Founders
The Adrian Dominican Sisters Founded Rosarian in 1925

Adrian DominicansRosarian Academy is one of six sponsored institutions of the Adrian Dominican Sisters, an international congregation of about 785 vowed religious women whose roots go back to St. Dominic in the 13th century. The Adrian Dominicans are committed to preaching the Word of God, the formation of community centered on faith, and ministry to further the values of the Gospel in our world. 

Although the main campus of the Sisters is in Adrian, Michigan, we are fortunate to have Sister Donna Baker as a religion teacher at Rosarian who helps our school continue the Dominican tradition of prayer, study, community, and ministry. 

Click here for information on what's happening with the Adrian Dominican Sisters.
Rowdie Raider
Did You Know?
Symbolism of Our Mascot, Rowdie Raider

Rowdie Raider is the mascot of Rosarian Academy. Rowdie proudly wears the Rosarian Shield on his hat, carries the shield on one arm, and holds the Rosarian "Torch of Truth" with the other.

Our Adrian Dominican Sisters are of The Order of Preachers started by St. Dominic. It is said that Dominic's mother had a vision of a flaming torch, symbolizing that her unborn child would set the world on fire in his quest for truth. Dominic had the same vision when he started the Dominicans, as t
he major tenet of the Dominican order is to find truth no matter where it may be. Like St. Dominic, who has been called an "athlete of Christ," Rosarian Academy Raiders also strive to always seek the truth and follow Christ--as students and as athletes.
Annual Fund
Be Confident. Be Happy. BE INSPIRED.
Watch this video.
Watch this video.

Since 1925, Rosarian Academy has been centered by the incredible Dominican charism of the Adrian Dominican Sisters and continues to be driven by excellent academics that provide a foundation for life for our future leaders. Be confident that RA continues to provide the best possible education. Be happy that you have amazing opportunities to meet wonderful families and make lifelong friends through Rosarian Academy. BE INSPIRED by your experience at RA and give to the 2013 Annual Fund. Every gift, in any amount, is important and appreciated. Click here for more details.

Rosarian Academy, founded in 1925, is a private, coeducational, Catholic school sponsored by the Adrian Dominican Sisters. Its mission is to educate the whole person for life in a global community in the light of Gospel values.