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January 16, 2014

After a nice break at Christmas the team regrouped in Canmore for a set of major races: trails for the U23 and Junior World Championships.  Top performance at these races would decide where the balance of the winter would be spent, at home or abroad.

While the CVTC Team had some exceptionally strong performances, none punched a ticket to Europe.  This means that the team will stay intact and racing on Canadian soil for the balance of the season, focusing on top performance at the National Championships, set for March in Cornerbrook, NF.

Watch for the team at the Coast Cup in Whistler (January 18/19), the BC Cup in Kamloops (January 24,25) and the Eastern Canadian Championships in Quebec (January 31 - February 2).

Happy Trails!

Camps and Travels
Canmore U23 and Junior World Championship Selections (January 8-12, 2014)
Selection races are the most important races of the first half of the nordic season, and for CVTC it was no different.  With a number of athletes in contention to represent Canada internationally, these races were undoubtedly important.

Wednesday's Olympic Selection Sprint: http://cvtc.ca/race-report-sprint-warm-ups-canmore
Thursday's 10 km Classic: http://cvtc.ca/race-report-10-and-15-km-classic-world-junior-u23-selection-races
Saturday's U23/Junior Selection Sprint: http://cvtc.ca/race-report-sprinting-canmore
Sunday's Skiathlon: http://cvtc.ca/race-report-selections-wrap-skiathlon

The selection synopsis and announcement for World Junior/U23 championships is on CCC's website (click here).

Martin Schrama recaps the NorAm races: http://cvtc.ca/norams-cvtc-martin-schrama
Colin Foley talks about the difference in training with a high performance club versus being at the CVTC:  http://cvtc.ca/step

Rossland NorAm (December 14, 15, 2013)
The final set of races before Christmas were hosted in beautiful Rossland, BC.  Rossland is a favourite training camp location for the CVTC team, so not an unknown town.  The new distance course, however, was new to everybody as it had its maiden races this weekend.  Tough it was (and so was the waxing) but CVTC persevered and had some decent results. 

Saturday's Skate Sprints: http://cvtc.ca/race-report-rossland-sprints
Sunday's Classical Distance: http://cvtc.ca/race-report-rossland-15-km

Capturing the Race Atmosphere
2014 Haywood NorAm Distance Classic, IS Presented by BUFF�
2014 Haywood NorAm Distance Classic, IS Presented by BUFF�

Thoughts on Team Cohesion, By: Paul Dupuis

What makes a successful team? Most people leap to the natural and obvious assumptions such as money, coaching staff, talent, and training regimen. All of these ideas are entirely correct, however, without one crucial ingredient, all of these concepts are meaningless: team cohesion and spirit. This is the glue that sticks all these pieces together. Although it may sound like a Hollywood sports film clich�, the simple act of teammates and Coaches working together in a productive, respectful, and supportive environment is indispensable.

A team can have copious amount of talent and money, but if every training day is a constant uphill battle between team members, the outcomes become exhausting.


CVTC has recognized the importance of team cohesion and has made it a top priority for the 2013-14 seasons. From spending 2 days team building on the luscious Hornby Island, to a scorching twenty hour drive to Park City squished shoulder to shoulder in the odorous team van, you can say that we've bonded.


By conducting activities such as this, the team has created a tight bond that has increased the overall success of the group. Each athlete takes on a particular role within the team to ensure a positive and constructive atmosphere at all times. Some athletes will keep the mood light during times of pressure or tough training sessions. Others will turn the group back on track when a serious attitude is needed. With this type of dynamic, and the heterogeneous array of personalities on the team, CVTC has become a great group of focused and happy athletes.

Upcoming Races and Travels

January 18, 19, 2014 - Coast Cup (Whistler, BC)
January 24, 25, 2014 - BC Cup (Kamloops, BC)
January 31-February 2, 2014 - Eastern Canadian Championships (Cantley, QC)
February 13-15, 2014 - Western Canadian Championships (Prince George, BC)

Results can be found at www.zone4.ca and event reports at www.cvtc.ca.

The National Development Centre - Callaghan Valley Training Centre (CVTC) is a high-performance training center working within the framework of Cross Country Canada.   


CVTC's mission is to produce successful skiers at the World Cup level, by providing a concentration of world-class training facilities, coaching and sport science resources for cross country ski athletes.  Whistler Sport Legacies provides facility and training support for CVTC, which directly contributes to the team's ability to perform internationally.

For more information on NDC-CVTC, please visit www.cvtc.ca or email [email protected]

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Cross Country BC | | [email protected] | http://www.cvtc.ca


Callaghan Valley Training Centre | www.cvtc.ca

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