October 13, 2016        Issue #86

When's the last time 
you checked out the 
Presbytery website?  www.wvpresbytery.org 
Presbytery Staff

Ed Thompson
General Presbyter
Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk, Associate for Congregational Support

Rocky Poole
Financial Administration/Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate Presbyter for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Ministry

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Mark Miller
Bluestone Camp Director

Office Administrator/Communications

Prayer List For Churches

Week 42 - October 16
Davis Memorial Presbyterian, Gassaway; Fleming Memorial Presbyterian Church, Fairmont

Church in Kenya: Mathakwaini
Pronun: Mah-THAH-kwab-ENN'nay

Week 43 - October 23
First Presbyterian Church, Mannington
Philippi Presbyterian Church

Church in Kenya: Mathakwaini Church Dispensary
Pronun: Man-THAH-kwab-ENNnay

Week 44 - October 30
Rock Lake Presbyterian Church, South Charleston
Salem Presbyterian Church, Ronceverte
Sugar Grove Presbyterian Church, Morgantwon

Church in Kenya: Ndugamano
Pronun: Doh-gah-mah-NO
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blogA Word from our General Presbyter
--Ed Thompson
Seth Godin is one of my favorite bloggers. He posts several times a week and most of them are fairly short, two or three paragraphs in length. He focuses on business issues, primarily marketing. Last week he concluded one of his blogs with ... Click to read more.
prayerPrayer Concern
Mike Lykens passed away on October 5, 2016. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Whitesville, served on the Bluestone Committee of the presbytery, and preached at many Presbyterian churches in the southern part of the state. A funeral service was held on Sunday, October 9 at the First Presbyterian Church of Whitesville. 
boundaryBoundary Training on October 27
All pastors, educators, Commissioned Ruling Elders, and interested presbyters are invited to participate in the Boundary Training event on Thursday, October 27, at the Presbytery Office.  Members of the presbytery staff, Ministry Committee, and Kanawha Pastoral Counseling Center Executive Director Sky Kershner will provide leadership as the group explores healthy boundaries in ministry including financial, social media and relationship boundaries as well as sexual misconduct prevention.  There is no cost for the workshop but attendees will be asked to cover the cost of snacks and lunch.  Reservations can be made by calling the Presbytery Office, 304-744-7634. Thank you.
The Greater Morgantown Interfaith Association is having a event of learning and sharing on October 23, beginning with registration at 3:30, followed by a panel discussion and pot luck dinner.
Click for flyer.
healingAnnual Pastor's Workshop: October 28
"Healing A Wounded Spirit: Dealing with Common Psychological Disorders" will be in Morgantown. Please click here for the brochure and registration form. Thank you.
expandingExpanding Your Ministry Toolbox 
"Expanding Your Ministry Toolbox" is a series of 2017 courses for all congregational leadership.  The courses (Communication, Self-Care, Stewardship, Creative Worship in Advent, and Family Systems) will be led by those with knowledge and passion in their respective fields. Each event will be on Friday evening and all day Saturday in the Charleston area.  Click here for complete information and a registration form.
pcusaPC(USA) Guidelines on Election Activities
The legal counsel of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has issued a set of guidelines for pastors, congregations and mid-councils during the election season. As tax exempt organizations, the guidelines prohibit PC(USA) entities from campaigning for or against a candidate but allows promotion of or lobbying for or against issues.
Updated for the 2016 Presidential election cycle, guidelines and reference links are available by clicking here.
Items for Churches Available
Montgomery Presbyterian Church will be closing at the end of this year. They are going to have some things to give away that another church might be able to use such as: choir robes, silver communion set, hymnals and bibles. Please contact Sandy Singleton at sandy5546@yahoo.com if you are interested. Thank you.
synodSynod Bulletin Inserts Available
The Synod of the Trinity website (http://www.syntrinity.org/) has many feature stories and numerous resources available. One way to let your congregation know about this information is through a new Synod bulletin insert (clickhere). Please feel free to use this in the coming weeks and look for a new insert in future newsletter emails. Don't hesitate to drop the Synod an email to let them know if you used the insert and how they can make it better: office@syntrinity.org.
Free Health Screenings
WV Healthright is offering free health screenings for flood victims and others as part of their community service operation. Volunteer health professionals are appreciated. Click here for details. For flyer click here.
WVCC is hosting special listening events. Click for the schedule/poster. Please share this with your congregations and encourage them to come, listen, and share. Also, registration for the 135th Annual Assembly is still open. See the website.
Marshall Student Ministry
UKirk Faith in Action reaches out to homeless. Read the article
and click to meet the leadership team.

Church Position Available
First Presbyterian Church in Charleston is currently taking applications for a Pastor Administrative Assistant. This is a full-time position with a benefit package. The candidate should have the ability to multi-task and maintain a pleasant demeanor when communicating with all people, while maintaining strict confidentiality. The successful candidate will be capable of working independently, manage projects and contribute to committee and team efforts. Skill in the use of Microsoft Office and database software is required. If you know of a person who meets these requirements and would be an asset to our church staff, please have them contact the church office at 304-343-8961 to receive an application.
layacademy"The Spiritual Brain: Science & Religious Experience"
Weekly lectures through November: Sundays, 5:30-7:00pm at First Presbyterian Church in Charleston. For additional information and a complete schedule CLICK HERE.
cliftonClifton Hosts 262 Flood Relief Volunteers 
From July on Weaverland Disaster Service volunteers have stayed at Clifton Presbyterian Church.  They are Mennonites helping with the rebuilding and repair of houses damaged by the flood. Click for photos and more!
October E-News from the Stewardship of Creation Ministry Team
Read about PC(USA) Environmental Ministries, WV flooding, fracking, voting, Halloween tips and more! Click here.
drugpolicyPresbytery Meeting News:
Drug Policy Reform
Jim Rowe addressed the Presbytery at the August 20, 2016 meeting concerning the work of the Drug Policy Task Force of the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy. For further reading, he has sent us two website links. The first is a report adopted by General Assembly. The second is a link to PC(USA) resources you may find helpful.
"Healing Before Punishment: Why Presbyterians Seek to End the War on Drugs" https://www.pc-biz.org/#/search/3000123
nishiokaChallenging the Church - the Rise of the "Nones" with Rodger Nishioka on November 12
--Bream Memorial Church, 317 Washington Street West, Charleston
As of 2015, the Pew Forum on Religion and the Public Life reports that the fastest growing religious group in the US is the "Nones," those who when asked their affiliation reply, "none." 
Please join us on Saturday, November 12, as Rodger Nishioka (read his biography on the registration form for this event-see link below) will lead a conversation on:
   1) whose these "nones" are and why they see little need for the Church
   2) best practices that a number of congregations are doing to reach out to these persons and what they congregations are learning
   3) strategies for congregational leaders to apply to their ministry
The cost per person is $25 before Thursday, October 27, and $30 after that or at the door. For those registering prior to October 27, box lunches will be available for an additional $12 which must be paid at the time of registration. For more information, call Susan Sharp Campbell, 304-645-4568. 
olderyouthretreatOlder Youth Retreat, November 18-20 
Youth in grades 9-12, and their adult advisors, are encouraged to join together at Bluestone Conference Center. Read more Click here and follow the links Retreat info.   Retreat forms.
educatorsEducation Gatherings
Christian Educators gather for a time of sharing ideas, resources, concerns and support at the presbytery office in South Charleston. Anyone involved in leadership in the educational ministry of their church is invited. We begin at 10am, include a "pot-luck salad" lunch and conclude around 1:30pm. Come on October 31, and December 5. If you have any questions please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at 304-645-4568 or susan_sharp_campbell@hotmail.com.
jan2017The Association of Presbyterian Church Educators ANNUAL EVENT: January 2017
All who are involved in any facet of the church's educational ministry are encouraged to participate in this event. Partial (up to 1/3 of the total cost) scholarships are available from the Nurture Committee of Presbytery. Click here for more information.
Editor's Note:
In order to keep the PWV Newsletter fresh, articles sent for publication will generally run for two consecutive issues.  If you wish for a piece to continue to run, please resubmit. We encourage you to reword, add a photo (or different photo), or change the piece in some way so that the news stays fresh and interesting. 
Presbytery of West Virginia, 520 Second Avenue, South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634, Fax (304) 744-7649, 

Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM