September 22, 2016        Issue #85


When's the last time 
you checked out the 
Presbytery website? 
Presbytery Staff

Ed Thompson
General Presbyter
Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk, Associate for Congregational Support

Rocky Poole
Financial Administration/Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate Presbyter for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Ministry

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Mark Miller
Bluestone Camp Director

Office Administrator/Communications

Prayer List For Churches

Week 39 - September 25 
Parsons Presbyterian Church 
Smithers Presbyterian Church 
St. Marys Presbyterian Church

Church in Kenya: Hubuini
Pronun: Hobo-ENN'nay 
Parish: Thegenge

Week 40 - October 2
Spring Valley Presbyterian Church, Huntington; Upperglade Presbyterian Church; Whittico Memorial Presbyterian Church, Keystone

Church in Kenya: Ithithe
Pronun: Ee-HITH'they

Week 41 - October 9
Belington Presbyterian Church; First Presbyterian Church, Charleston; Bramwell Presbyterian Church

Church in Kenya: Kiamutiga
Pronun: Kay-ah-MOOTée-gah

Week 42 - October 16
Davis Memorial Presbyterian, Gassaway; Fleming Memorial Presbyterian Church, Fairmont

Church in Kenya: Mathakwaini
Pronun: Mah-THAH-kwab-ENN'nay
Quick Links 


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I think the two words that most public radio listeners dread are "pledge drive." . . . When asked, most people can tell you why they listen to public radio. . . . But when it comes to Jesus, we don't know what to say. Read it all by clicking here.
Important Board of Pensions Newspensionsalary
A deadline of September 30 has been set by the Board of Pensions for each church in input employee information. From our consultant, Doug Putz, this excerpt: 
Before September 30, all churches will need to have the authorized person from their church (i.e. normally the treasurer, business manager, or chair of personnel who inputs salary information into Benefits Connect for billing purposes from the Board of Pensions), access Benefits Connect. This person must input salary information for each employee and choose the benefits/classifications for all employees. EVEN IF there is only one employee, e.g. the pastor, the authorized person from each church will need to fill in the information on Benefits Connect by September 30. Once benefits are chosen, an employer agreement will be created that would determine accurate billing.
Please read the entire letter from Doug Putz, Links to the Board of Pensions are included. Click here.
What if all the grocery stores in your entire county closed? hunger 
And then there was a flood and you lost your home, your car and your garden?  How would you provide food for your family?

Join us for a CelebrationMcCrary
of Kathryn McCrary's 7 decades of service to the church (so far)! She will be moving to North Caroline in October and you are invited to be with Kathryn at Village Chapel on Sunday, September 25. Please click here to read all of the information.
Veronica Muchiri from Kenyaveronica
The Harless Center, in Morgantown, invites you to hear Veronica Muchiri from Kenya on Thursday, September 29.  She is visiting the Presbytery of West Virginia through the PC(USA)'s international peacemaker's program.  Read more by clicking here.
Join us for study, learning, fellowship:
"The Spiritual Brain: Science & Religious Experience"layacademy
Sundays, 5:30-7:00pm at First Presbyterian Church in Charleston. The first lecture will be September 25: "The Believing Brain." For additional information and a complete schedule CLICK HERE.
Upper Glade is Celebrating 50 Yearsupperglade
Saturday, September 24 and Sunday, September 25: And you are invited! Click here for the detailed invitation.
Presbytery Meeting News:
Drug Policy Reformdrugpolicy
Jim Rowe addressed the Presbytery at the August 20, 2016 meeting concerning the work of the Drug Policy Task Force of the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy. For further reading, he has sent us two website links. The first is a report adopted by General Assembly. The second is a link to PC(USA) resources you may find helpful.
"Healing Before Punishment: Why Presbyterians Seek to End the War on Drugs"
Challenging the Church - the Rise of the "Nones" with Rodger Nishioka on
Saturday, November 12.nishioka
As of 2015, the Pew Forum on Religion and the Public Life reports that the fastest growing religious group in the US is the "Nones," those who when asked their affiliation reply, "none." 
On Saturday, November 12, Rodger Nishioka, whose biography can be found on the registration form for this event, will lead a conversation on:
1) whose these "nones" are and why they see little need for the Church; . . . and more, just click here.

Vocation AND Hopeolderyouthretreat
Older Youth Retreat, November 18-20 
Youth in grades 9-12, and their adult advisors, are encouraged to join together at Bluestone Conference Center. Read more Click here and follow the links Retreat info.   Retreat forms.
Youth Mission Co in Asheville, Raleigh and Memphisyouthmission
Are you looking for a place to take your youth in mission? Learn about Youth Mission Co here. 
Help needed! The Presbyterian Campus Ministry at Marshallcampusmin is an Ukirk ministry charged with reaching, teaching, and loving college students so they may be lifelong followers of Jesus Christ. 
We meet weekly during the school year at 7 pm on Tuesdays at the Campus Christian Center. This is a rebuilding year as the PNC searches for the next Campus Minister to serve the Marshall UKirk program; and we need YOUR help identifying students who might be interested in being a part of this ministry. Here are ways you can help: Please click here.
Church Music Positionsmusicpositions
The Kanawha United Presbyterian Church is seeking a Church Organist and a Church Music Director. 
For job descriptions, click here.
Christian Educators in the presbytery gather for a time of sharing ideas, resources, concerns and support at the presbytery office.  Anyone involved in leadership in the educational ministry of their church is invited to take part in these. Read more here.
In January 2017: The APCE (Association of Presbyterian Church Educators) ANNUAL EVENT: 
All who are involved in any facet of the church's educational ministry are encouraged to participate in this event. Partial (up to 1/3 of the total cost) scholarships are available from the Nurture Committee of Presbytery. Click here for more information.
Candidates must have good interpersonal, organizational, communication and writing skills and the ability to handle multiple tasks with attention to detail.  Candidates must be proficient in Microsoft Office, social media and other internet based applications, possess knowledge of basic web design and have the ability to learn new technology and software.  Submit cover letter and resume to by October 7, 2016.
New Resources!newresources  
Check out a new book from the 
Resource Center!
Have you registered for the 2016
Healthy Bodies Healthy Spirits

Read their newsletter and conference details. 
Editor's Note:
In order to keep the PWV Newsletter fresh, articles sent for publication will generally run for two consecutive issues.  If you wish for a piece to continue to run, please resubmit. We encourage you to reword, add a photo (or different photo), or change the piece in some way so that the news stays fresh and interesting. 
Presbytery of West Virginia, 520 Second Avenue, South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634, Fax (304) 744-7649, 

Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM